【摘要】初中英语写作教学应注重对学生写作的过程性指导,写作过程通常分为pre-wrting activity, while-writing activity和post-writing activity 三个阶段。Pre-wrting activity:1.creating a motivation to write 完成一份问卷调查,激发学生的写作兴趣;2.Brainstorming和mapping收集整合写作素材;3.Learning from the sample writing构建写作支架。while-writing activity:1.Freewriting写出所有跟阅读主题相关的内容;2.Outlining列出结构框架;3.Drafting 写出初稿。post-writing activity:1.Editing 学生自评和小组互评结合;2.Revising 学生独立修正、润饰;3. Proofreading重读并改错。
【关键词】英语写作;Unit4 Task;教学设计
Writing:My reading habits
To complete a survey on reading habits
To write their own articles on reading habits
To develop a good habit of reading
To understand the organization and the outlint of Millies report
To make an outline and organize the ideas before writing
To develop sentences and pargraphs with transition while writing
Step 1 Pre-writing activity
Ⅰ. Creating a motivation to write
1.Ss read and complete the survey with their own information
2.Ss work in groups of 4-6 and talk about their answers
Ss talk about their reading habits
Ⅲ. Mapping
T helps Ss complete their mind maps
Ⅳ. Learning from the sample writing
1. Ss read through Millies report
2. T helps Ss make out the outline
3. T reminds Ss of the transitions in the report
Step 2 While-writing activity
Ⅰ. Freewiting
Ss are given 15 to 20 minutes to write anything quickly and freely about the topic following mapping
(Freewriting 有助于学生更流畅地写作,时间的保证让学生写出更多的句子)
Ⅱ. Outlining
1.T helps Ss find out the topic sentence and their supporting details
2.Ss write a more detailed outling, including the main organising structure and the most important points
(這时的outline 还没有固定,如果学生有更好的想法,鼓励他们随时更改)
Ⅲ. Drafting
Make sure most Ss can finish their firet draft.
Step 3 Post-writing activity
Ⅰ. Editing
1.Ss read through their writings and check the clarity of ideas or the logical dfevelopment of their arguments.
2. Ss check carefully the grammar, spelling and punctuation of their writings by peer editing and self-editing.
Ⅱ. Revising
1. T guides Ss to make necessary improvements in both organisation and contents.
2. Ss are encouraged to revise their writings independently.
Ⅲ. Proofreading
T guides Ss to read their writings again carefully for any mistakes in grammar,spelling, punctuation and capitalization.