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2020-05-09 07:10
密码学报 2020年2期


Invited Reviewer:FENG Deng-Guo, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of

Cryptologic Research, Director of State Key Laboratory of Cryptology


区块链是当前的研究热点,作为区块链核心技术之一的共识机制,更是受到研究人员和业界人士的广泛关注。《密码学报》2019年刊登的文章《区块链共识机制研究综述》较为深入、系统、全面地总结了现有的区块链共识机制。文章从系统模型、共识本质、激励模式和安全风险等多个角度,将共识机制分为经典分布式共识和区块链共识两大类,并对后者中的非授权共识又做了进一步细分和梳理。文章通过丰富的数据和图例信息,详细介绍每一类共识机制的基本流程,深入探究典型方案,综合分析优缺点、实现性能和安全性。文章结构清晰、论述详实、文献引用全面,是关于共识机制的一篇优秀综述文章,对从事区块链技术研究的学者和技术人员, 具有很好的借鉴和参考价值。

Review on “Overview on Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms”

Blockchain is the current research hotspot. As one of the core Blockchain technologies, consensus mechanism is even widely concerned by researchers and industry professionals. The article“Overview on Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms”, published in Journal of Cryptologic Research in August 2019, summarizes the existing Blockchain consensus mechanisms in an in-depth, systematic,and comprehensive manner. From the perspective of system model, consensus essence, incentive mode, and security risk, the article systematically identifies the consensus mechanism into two categories: classic distributed consensus and Blockchain consensus, and for the unauthorized consensus of the latter, a detailed summary and specific research are carried out especially. Through rich data and legend information, the article introduces the basic process of each type of consensus mechanism in detail, delves into typical solutions, comprehensively analyzes the advantages and disadvantages, achieved performance and security. The structure of the article is clear, the discussion is concise, and the literature citation is comprehensive. It is an excellent review about consensus mechanisms, which has a high reference value for scholars and technical personnel engaged in the research of Blockchain technology.

所评文章引用格式: 刘懿中, 刘建伟, 张宗洋, 徐同阁, 喻辉. 区块链共识机制研究综述[J]. 密码学报, 2019, 6(4):395–432. [DOI: 10.13868/j.cnki.jcr.000311]

所评文章英文引用格式: LIU Y Z, LIU J W, ZHANG Z Y, XU T G, YU H. Overview on Blockchain consensus mechanisms[J]. Journal of Cryptologic Research, 2019, 6(4): 395–432. [DOI: 10.13868/j.cnki.jcr.000311]

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