刘百雨 王忠
[摘要] 本文从颅骨成形术的必要性、术后并发症、修补材料、修补时机等方面对颅骨成形术的研究进展进行了回顾和分析。颅骨成形术对于存在有颅骨缺损的患者来说是必要的而且可以提高其生存质量。颅骨成形术的常见并发症包括硬膜外血肿、皮下积液积血、头皮切口感染、颅内感染、修补材料外露及颅骨成形术后癫痫发作。早期颅骨修补相比于传统修补存在诸多益处,其时机需根据疾病种类的不同和患者情况进行选择;修补材料负载药物技术和羟基石灰石骨替代技术的发展使临床工作人员在材料的选择上有了更多更好的选择;计算机辅助设计和制造(CAD/CAM)等技术使自体颅骨得以在应用中展示其独特的优点。本文对颅骨修补术在临床上的应用提供了参考。
[关键词] 颅骨成形术;并发症;术后癫痫;修补材料
[中图分类号] R651 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)03(a)-0035-04
[Abstract] This article has reviewed and analyzeed the research progress of cranioplasty from the aspects of necessity, postoperative complications, repair materials, and repair timing. Cranioplasty surgery is necessary for patients with skull defects and can improve their quality of life. Common complications of cranioplasty include epidural hematoma, subcutaneous effusion, scalp incision infection, intracranial infection, exposure of repair materials, and post-cranioplasty seizures. Compared with traditional repair, early skull repair has many benefits, and its timing needs to be selected according to the type of disease and the patient′s condition; the development of repair material-loaded drug technology and the development of hydroxylimestone bone replacement technology has given clinical staff the choice of materials more and better choices; technologies such as computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) allow autologous skulls to demonstrate their unique advantages in their applications. This article provides a reference for the clinical application of cranioplasty.
[Key words] Cranioplasty; Complication; Post-cranioplasty seizures; Repair materials
顱骨成形术是一种重建性手术,因其可恢复颅骨减压术后颅骨结构的完整性、改善因颅骨缺损导致的颅骨缺损综合征而被广泛应用[1]。当外伤性颅脑损伤或大面积脑出血引起的脑组织水肿最终发展成不能通过常规保守治疗措施来有效干预的恶性颅内压升高时,施行去骨瓣减压术(decompressive craniectomy,DC)是挽救患者生命的有效手段。脑部急性肿胀消退后,需进行颅骨成形术以恢复颅骨的完整性和改善局部脑组织血供及脑脊液动力学。这也是恢复患者心理社会功能并促进其术后康复的重要因素。
1 颅骨修补的必要性
6 結论
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(收稿日期:2019-11-29 本文編辑:封 华)