
2020-04-16 08:07盛永祥施琴芬
管理工程学报 2020年2期

盛永祥,胡 俊,吴 洁,周 潇,施琴芬


盛永祥1,3,胡 俊1,吴 洁1,周 潇1,施琴芬2

(1.江苏科技大学经济管理学院,江苏 镇江 212003;2.苏州科技大学 校长办公室,江苏 苏州 215009;3.江苏科技大学 服务制造模式与信息化研究中心,江苏 镇江 212003)



0 引言





1 模型构建与求解

1.1 假设条件与支付矩阵


表1 产学研博弈支付矩阵

Table 1 Payment matrix of industry-university-research cooperation


1.2 演化博弈模型求解

1.2.1 收益期望函数构建





1.2.2 复制动态方程的求解





1.3 演化博弈模型分析


表2 企业或者学研方支付的违约罚金大于其各自所投入成本时的均衡结果

Table 2 Equilibrium result of enterprises or research institutions paying fines for breach of contract more than their respective input costs


图1 企业或者学研方支付的违约罚金大于其各自所投入成本时的演化相位图

Figure 1 Evolutionary phase diagram when enterprises or research institutions pays fines for breach of contract more than their respective input costs

表3 企业或者学研方支付的违约罚金小于其各自所投入成本时的均衡结果

图2 企业或者学研方支付的违约罚金小于其各自所投入成本时的演化相位图

Figure 2 Evolutionary phase diagram when enterprises or research institutions pays fines for breach of contract less than their respective input costs

如图2所示,当初始状态位于ADBC 区域时,系统收敛于C点(1,1),企业与学研方的合作意愿将向“合作”策略演进;当处于OADB 区域时,系统收敛于O点(0,0),企业与学研方的合作意愿将向“不合作”策略演进。

2 技术对产学研合作创新意愿影响的数值与案例分析




表4 仿真参数赋值

2.1 技术成熟度变化对产学研合作创新意愿的影响

图3 技术成熟度变化时产学研合作意愿的演化情况

Figure 3 Evolution of the innovation willingness of production and research cooperation when the technology maturity changes

2.2 技术创新度变化对产学研合作创新意愿的影响

图4 技术创新度变化时产学研合作意愿的演化情况

Figure 4 Evolution ofthe innovation willingness of production and research cooperation when the degree of technological innovation changes

2.3 技术成熟度和创新度同时变化对产学研合作创新意愿的影响

图5 技术成熟度与技术创新度同向变化时产学研合作意愿的演化情况

Figure 5 Evolution ofindustrial-university-research cooperation willingness when technology maturity and technological innovation in the same direction

图6 技术成熟度下降与技术创新度上升时产学研合作意愿的演化情况

Figure 6 Evolution of industrial-university-research cooperation willingness when technology maturity decreases and technological innovation rises

图7 技术成熟度上升与技术创新度下降时产学研合作意愿的演化情况

Figure 7 Evolution of industrial-university-research cooperation willingness when technology maturity rises and technological innovation decreases

3 结论






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Study on the evolutionary game of the effect of technology on the innovation willingness of production and research cooperation

SHENG Yongxiang1,3, HU Jun1, WU Jie1, ZHOU Xiao1, SHI Qinfen2

(1. School of Economic and Management, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China; 2. Office of the President, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, China; 3. Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Research Center of Service Manufacturing Model and Information Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China)

Scientific and technological innovation is the internal driving force of economic transformation under the new norm. Innovation-driven development has become a major strategic move in China. However, it is difficult for a single enterprise to make major breakthroughs in technological innovation by relying on its own strength. Enterprises seek to cooperate with universities or scientific research institutions to carry out technological innovation. The factors influencing innovation via industry-university-research cooperation are more complicated. It is of practical significance to clarify the main influential factors and their influencing mechanisms. Previous scholars primarily studied the impact of research and development costs, benefits, as well as government incentives and punishments on innovation via industry-university-research cooperation. However, few existing studies deeply considered the influence of technical factors on the willingness of enterprises, universities, and research institutions to cooperate. However, these factors are the key to the cooperation between these three bodies.

Therefore, on the basis of relevant research, this paper introduces technical factors as influential factors in co-operation among enterprises, universities, and research institutions, subdivided into technological maturity and technological innovation. Technological maturity is a measure of the degree of maturity of a technology's current research and development; the higher the technological maturity, the more difficult it is for enterprises and universities to innovate on this technology. Technological innovation measures the degree of innovation after the research and development of a technology; the higher the technological innovation, the more room there is for companies and universities to innovate on this technology. At the same time, the technical basis of cooperation among enterprises, universities, and research institutions and the technological innovation ability of the innovation subject are considered. The evolutionary game payment matrix of enterprises and academics is constructed. The effects of technological maturity and technological innovation on innovation revenue and cost are considered. The evolutionary equilibrium solution of cooperative games between the two parties is obtained, and the impact of various changes in technological maturity and technological innovation on the willingness to cooperate in production, education, and research is studied by simulation and case analysis. The research shows that: (1) When the degree of technological innovation is certain, the lower the technological maturity, the greater the willingness of enterprises, universities, and research institutions to cooperate and innovate. Therefore, the selection of projects with relatively low technological maturity for collaborative R&D is more conducive to the mutual profitability of enterprises and institutes of education and research. (2) When technological maturity is certain, the willingness of enterprises, universities, and research institutions to cooperate in innovation will rise and fall with the improvement of technological innovation. Therefore, enterprises and institutes of education and research should invest in innovative elements in an intensive manner, as it is not as worthwhile to attempt to increase the return of innovation by blindly expanding investment. (3) When the degree of technological maturity and technological innovation change proportionally, the willingness of enterprises, universities, and research institutions to cooperate in innovation will rise and fall with the improvement of of technological maturity and technological innovation. Therefore, for technology R&D projects with high technological maturity and technological innovation, government intervention is often required; as an example, the Chinese government supports the innovation of production, education, and research through the implementation of plan “863” and the “Jiangsu Provincial Key R&D Plan”, to promote the willingness to cooperate and innovate between enterprises and institutions of education and research. (4) When the degree of technological maturity and technological innovation change in inverse proportions, the willingness of enterprises, universities, and research institutions to cooperate will exhibits different features of change with the inverse changes in the two technical factors. Therefore, enterprises and institutes of education and research in the technical field with low technological maturity are inclined to choose partners with higher technological innovation capabilities, as it is easier to achieve cooperative innovation. In addition, the government should adopt different support methods and advantages according to the relationship between the two technical factors. When technological maturity is high and technological innovation is low, providing a large amount of financial support is more conducive to stimulating production, education, research; when technological maturity is low and technological innovation is high, the focus should be on creating a good collaborative innovation environment to minimize and avoid direct financial support.

Production and research cooperation innovation; Technological maturity; Technological innovation degree; Evolutionary game



Funded Project: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71471091, 71771161), the Major Projects of the Key Research Base of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Jiangsu Universities (2015JDXM025) and Supported by the Natural Social Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (17JYB004) and the Soft Science Research Program of Zhangjiagang (ZKR1601)









中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan

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