
2020-04-16 08:07多彦彦夏维力
管理工程学报 2020年2期




(西北工业大学管理学院,陕西 西安 710129)



0 引言







1 问题描述与模型假设

图1 供应商双渠道分销模式

Figure 1 Dual channel distribution model of the supplier

表1 模型参数及意义

2 产能有限的模型分析

2.1 双渠道销售策略分析



表2 双渠道分配策略

图2 供应商最优产能策略

Figure 2 Supplier’s optimal capacity strategy

2.2 供应商渠道选择分析




图3 供应商最优渠道决策

Figure 3 Supplier’s optimal channel decision

3 扩展模型分析




表3 双渠道分配策略

4 算例分析


表4 算例分析


5 结论





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Research on dual-channel distribution strategy with limited production capacity

DUO Yanyan, XIA Weili

(School of Management,Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710129, China)

In the first part of this paper, some background is provided regarding the problem, and the results of existing research are reviewed. In a market economy, suppliers make widespread contributions to multiple sales companies. However, supply may be limited if the supplier has limited capacity. When suppliers cannot meet the volume of orders they receive, they will allocate capacity strategically to maximize profits. This strategic behavior can increase the profitability of suppliers of such products as computers and automobiles, but may cause problems with product configuration in industries such as aviation. The research reviewed covers three aspects: supply channel distribution, supply chain competition, and limited supply capacity.

In the second part of this paper, the research problem is explained in detail. Suppliers can sell products directly to the market, indirectly through sales companies, or implement both approaches simultaneously. Three sales channel structures are possible, depending on the distribution method, namely: retail channels, direct sales channels, and dual-channel structure. The order completion process begins with the supplier determining the wholesale price and the number of products to be assigned to the sales enterprise. Next, the sales enterprise determines the order quantity by predicting market demand. Finally, both parties sell products to the market at the same time. In the case of limited supplier capacity, suppliers’ optimal pricing, optimal production capacity, and optimal distribution strategy are given emphasis, and theoretical references are provided for improving supply chain profit.

In the third part of this paper, a model was developed and the supplier's optimal strategy analyzed. To study the supply chain structure of a supplier with limited capacity who sells products to the market through a sales enterprise, the most relevant research method is game theory. The model establishment and analysis process is as follows: First, under the assumption that the market liquidation price is a linear function of sales volume, a literature search was conducted and logical reasoning was applied to establish the supplier dual channel distribution model, according to the principle of expected profit maximization. Second, the Nash equilibrium is used to find the best wholesale price, based on the optimal production capacity and supply quantity assigned by the supplier. Then, using comparative analysis and the multi-angle compound analysis method, the profit of each supply channel is compared to determine the optimal production capacity and distribution strategy of the supplier. Finally, the research model was extended to cover additional problem scenarios. One supplier often distributes to multiple sales companies, and further studies of this situation may help to draw a more comprehensive conclusion. The results show that: (1) in the case of a large supply capacity, it is more effective for suppliers to use retail channels. However, if the supplier only supplies one sales enterprise and the difference in net profit between the supplier and the enterprise is minimal, the dual channel method would rein superior; (2) In the case of moderate supply capacity, if the profitability of the supplier and that of the sales enterprise are relatively close, adopt a dual-channel strategy; otherwise, if the profitability of the sales enterprise is far greater than that of the given retailer, adopt a retail channel strategy. If the dual-channel method is applied, a greater volume of the supply should be allocated to the sales enterprise; (3) In the case of a small supply capacity, if the difference in profits between the supplier and sales enterprise is minimal, a direct sales channel should be used. As the supply capacity increases, a transition can be made to the dual-channel structure. However, if the supplier would be less profitable than the sales enterprise, a retail channel would be more appropriate; (4) The smaller the profit difference between suppliers and sales enterprises, the more suitable it is to adopt a dual-channel sales approach.

In summary, channel selection is an important problem that plagues suppliers. This paper studies this issue in the context of limited production capacity in the supply chain, focusing on the optimal pricing, optimal production capacity, and optimal allocation strategy of suppliers. When the profitability of suppliers and sales companies is comparable, it is more effective for suppliers to apply a dual-channel strategy, unless the supply capacity is rather scarce, in which case a direct sales channel is a better choice. Alternatively, when the sales enterprise’s net profit greatly exceeds that of the supplier, the best option is to use a retail channel. Furthermore, when adopting a dual-channel strategy, suppliers should allocate a greater volume of the supply to sales companies.

Limited capacity; Allocation strategy; Dual channel; Nash equilibrium



Funded Project: Supported by the Humanities and Social Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education (16YJA630068, 18YJA630043), the Aeronautical Science Foundation of China (2016ZG53071), the Natural Social Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (2018S28) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (G2017KY0101)









中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan
