
2020-04-01 09:27徐智勇李雪松汪井源李建华赵继勇韦毅梅吴传信
光电工程 2020年3期

王 珂,徐智勇*,李雪松,汪井源,李建华,赵继勇,韦毅梅,吴传信


王 珂1,徐智勇1*,李雪松2,汪井源1,李建华1,赵继勇1,韦毅梅1,吴传信1

1陆军工程大学通信工程学院,江苏 南京 210007;2战略支援部队信息通信工程设计所,辽宁 沈阳 100005



1 引 言


图1 逆向调制无线光通信系统


为了克服大气湍流对逆向调制无线光通信系统的影响,近年国内外进行了一系列相关研究。2011年,美国学者提出了一种基于弱湍流的自由空间光通信评估方法,可以模拟自由空间光通信中各种参数对大气湍流闪烁指数的影响[5]。2012年,美国海军实验室在加利福尼亚的中国湖进行了一系列实验,连续四天测试和分析了1.1 km逆向调制无线光通信系统,研究了各种因素对逆向调制无线光通信系统的影响[6]。2014年,华盛顿特区的美国海军实验室使用了分集和孔径平均等技术进行距离为1.7 km的实验,使得大气湍流造成的光强闪烁明显减少[7]。2012年电子科技大学对猫眼结构的逆向调制器进行了实验和性能分析[8]。2015年重庆大学提出了一种基于声光调制的逆向调制光通信系统[9]。2019年陆军工程大学对利用孔径平均效应减少大气湍流对系统影响进行了仿真和实验验证[10],同年杭州电子科技大学利用大气湍流模拟箱搭建了实验系统进行了功能验证和性能分析[11]。目前,国内外对于逆向调制光通信的研究较多,但是对于系统大气湍流抑制的研究较少,缺乏深入的理论分析和实验研究。本文通过建立高斯光束在弱湍流下的传播模型,研究了大气湍流的影响下逆向端的几种分集方式并对其进行了比较,通过比较得出了逆向端逆向调制器孔径大小和距离的相关结论,为逆向调制无线光通信系统的设计提供了参考。

2 系统模型

2.1 模拟的组成

图2给出了逆向调制(modulating retro-reflector,MRR)无线光通信系统的理论结构,主要包括三个部分:询问端、大气信道、逆向端。考虑到光的传播速度,默认了激光往返两次的大气信道不会改变,所以整个系统仿真主要由上述三个部分组成。

图2 逆向调制无线光通信系统仿真流程图

2.2 相位屏法的原理



2.3 设定参数

3 湍流效应的分析


3.1 空间多样性方法的模型比较


在1000 m的传播距离内,闪烁指数随着距离的增加而不断增加。大口径逆向调制器闪烁指数最小,其次是环形逆向调制器,其余几个方案随着小口径逆向调制器数目的增加,闪烁指数减小。当小口径逆向调制器数目为4时,闪烁指数与环形逆向调制器接近。

图3 相位屏建模原理图

图4 逆向端分集示意图

图5 逆向端分集闪烁指数对比图

3.2 空间分集法的距离比较

在逆向端,逆向调制器之间的距离也将影响最终的闪烁指数。在本模拟研究中,大气折射率常数为5×10-15,逆向调制器数目恒定为4,逆向调制器孔径恒定为0.05 m,通过调节逆向调制器之间的距离,分析闪烁指数的变化。在模拟仿真中,逆向调制器之间的距离分别调节为0.15 m、0.2 m和0.25 m,进行500次模拟后得到数值分析结果如图6所示。

图6为逆向调制器孔径0.05 m的情况下,闪烁指数随着传输距离的增加而增大。继续比较不同逆向调制器距离的数据,可以发现闪烁指数随着逆向调制器之间距离的增加而不断减小。通过仿真可以看出,在逆向调制器数目恒定为4,逆向调制器孔径恒定0.05 m的情况下,增加逆向调制器之间的距离可以降低闪烁指数。

3.3 空间分集的孔径比较

在逆向端,逆向调制器的孔径也将影响闪烁指数的大小。在本模拟研究中,大气折射率常数为5×10-15,逆向调制器数目恒定为4,逆向调制器间的距离恒定为0.2 m,通过调整逆向调制器的孔径大小,分析闪烁指数的变化。在模拟仿真中,逆向调制器的天线口径分别调整为0.03 m、0.04 m和0.05 m,进行500次模拟后得到数值分析结果如图7所示。

图7在逆向调制器间距离固定的情况下,可以发现系统的闪烁指数随着孔径的增大而减小。通过仿真可以得出在逆向调制器数目恒定为4,逆向调制器间距离恒定为0.2 m的情况下,增加逆向调制器的孔径也可以降低系统的闪烁指数。

图6 不同距离逆向端分集闪烁指数对比图

图7 不同孔径逆向端分集闪烁指数对比图

4 结 论


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Analysis of space diversity method in modulating retro-reflector optical communication

Wang Ke1, Xu Zhiyong1*, Li Xuesong2, Wang Jingyuan1, Li Jianhua1, Zhao Jiyong1, Wei Yimei1, Wu Chuanxin1

1Institute of Communications Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA, Jiangsu, Nanjing 210014, China;2Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Strategic Support Force, Shenyang, Liaoning 100005, China

Schematic diagram of space diversity method

Overview:Free space optical communications (FSO) has become a hot research topic in the field of optical communications. Compared with the traditional optical fiber communication, the main characteristic of wireless optical communication is to get rid of the optical fiber signal, which can be used in some special occasions. Generally speaking, the advantages of FSO are as follows: the frequency of the optical signal is high enough to avoid interference by the surrounding electromagnetic waves; Enough capacity to transmit at speeds up to a gigabit per second; It has a separate communication band and does not occupy the existing band. The traditional FSO needs to load the laser transmitting/receiving system at both ends, and the complex tracking system needs to be built, which increases the weight, volume, power consumption and technical complexity of the system. Thus they become an important factor restricting the application of FSO. The modulating retro-reflector (MRR) system can eliminate the laser transmitter and the tracking system of a terminal in the communication link. As a consequence; it greatly reduces the weight, volume and power consumption of one end of the link and effectively solves the application limitation of FSO. However, the MRR system is more vulnerable to the atmospheric turbulence than the FSO system. Although so far, there are many literatures on efficiently reducing the atmospheric turbulence, most of them are based on the traditional FSO communication system. In this paper, we build the MRR laser atmospheric propagation model under weak turbulence by using the power spectrum inversion method. Scintillation index is a physical quantity describing the degree of turbulence in the atmosphere. The numerical analyses show that under the same condition and for the diversity of the reverse modulation echo reflection link at a propagation distance of 1000 m, the scintillation index increases continuously as the distance increases, and decreases as the number of sub-sets increases. When the number of modulators is four, the scintillation index is similar to that of the ring-shaped reverse modulator. The more diverse is, the greater the cost is. Therefore, within a kilometer range, it is an ideal solution to select four inverse modulators. With simulation of the four parts diversity model, it is found that with the increase of the distance between antennas, the amplitude of the scintillation index decreases. It is also suggested that increasing the aperture of the reverse-end-modulated end-diversity antenna can also reduce the system scintillation index.

Citation: Wang K, Xu Z Y, Li X S,Analysis of space diversity method in modulating retro-reflector optical communication[J]., 2020, 47(3): 190701

Analysis of space diversity method in modulating retro-reflector optical communication

Wang Ke1, Xu Zhiyong1*, Li Xuesong2, Wang Jingyuan1, Li Jianhua1, Zhao Jiyong1, Wei Yimei1, Wu Chuanxin1

1Institute of Communications Engineering, Army Engineering University of PLA, Jiangsu, Nanjing 210007, China;2Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, Strategic Support Force, Shenyang, Liaoning 100005, China

In the modulating retro-reflector (MRR) communication system, the influence of the atmospheric turbulence on the system is more serious than that of the traditional FSO communication system. In this paper, in order to reduce the impact of the atmospheric turbulence, an improved scheme based on the diversity of the retro-reflector is proposed. Using the power spectrum inversion method, the atmospheric propagation model of MRR under weak turbulence is established. The influence of the atmospheric turbulence on the retro-reflector diversity system and the traditional MRR communication system is compared and analyzed. The results of the numerical analysis show that under the same condition, the retro-reflector diversity of modulating retro-reflector (MRR) communication system can reduce the scintillation index caused by the atmospheric turbulence.

optical communication; modulating retro-reflector; atmospheric turbulence; retro-reflector diversity;scintillation index




: Wang K, Xu Z Y, Li X S,. Analysis of space diversity method in modulating retro-reflector optical communication[J]., 2020,47(3): 190701






王珂,徐智勇,李雪松,等. 逆向调制无线光通信空间分集分析[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(3): 190701

Supported by Research Center of Optical Communications Engineering & Technology, Jiangsu Province (ZXF201901)

* E-mail: 13914753638@163.com
