
2020-04-01 09:37边晶莹
光电工程 2020年3期

鲁 倩,任 斌,边晶莹


鲁 倩,任 斌*,边晶莹

西安空间无线电技术研究所,陕西 西安 710000

针对空间激光通信系统小型化设计的需求,提出了使用四象限探测器实现捕获与跟踪的方案。通过分析四象限探测器上光斑的位置分布,推导了三种光斑分布的4QD捕获牵引模型,通过对4QD光斑位置的解算以及与跟踪机构的精准标定,实现了4QD的高精度跟踪。在实验室基于一台激光终端与系统测试平台,对四象限探测器的捕获与跟踪方案及性能进行了实验验证,测试结果表明,在实验室动态条件下,用4QD作为捕获及跟踪探测器,捕获概率高达100%,跟踪精度优于3 μrad,验证了该方案的可行性,为激光终端小型化设计奠定了基础。


1 引 言


空间激光通信系统在建立通信链路前,需要完成对目标的捕获、瞄准和跟踪(acquisition pointing tracking,APT)任务[2]。在激光通信中,通常选用电荷耦合器件(CCD)或四象限探测器件(four-quadrant detector,4QD)作为捕获、跟踪探测器来确定光斑质心,将脱靶量送给伺服系统完成捕获、跟踪任务[3]。目前,激光通信系统大都选择800 nm和1550 nm波段。与800 nm波段激光相比较,1550 nm激光具有对人体安全和大气环境影响小等优点[4];但是对于1550 nm波段激光,CCD探测器响应灵敏度低,难以满足使用要求,4QD则是理想的选择[5-6]。近几年,出现了很多4QD在激光通信领域方面的研究,例如长春工业大学的佟首峰老师研究了基于四象限探测器的跟踪与通信技术[7];中国科学院光电技术研究所马晓燠老师分析了在有噪声和死区的条件下的四象限探测器的光斑能量探测率、质心探测误差和光斑位移灵敏度[8]。目前对于4QD的应用多数仅限于桌面系统,没有进行动态试验验证,将4QD同时应用于捕获及跟踪的研究未有报道,使用4QD作为捕获、跟踪探测器的系统不需要额外增加大功率信标激光器、信标发射支路以及信标光接收探测器,可最大限度地降低系统的复杂度、功耗及体积,有助于激光载荷实现轻量化与小型化[9]。

本文针对空间激光通信系统小型化设计的需求,以及1550 nm信号光捕获、跟踪的要求,提出应用4QD探测器实现信号光捕获与跟踪技术,这不仅能提高光能利用率,还能有效降低传统激光通信终端的系统复杂度、体积及功耗。

2 四象限探测器的捕获、跟踪复用原理


3 四象限探测器捕获、跟踪策略设计

3.1 四象限探测器捕获策略

相比于跟踪,捕获过程更注重快速完成视场牵引,对于探测角分辨率没有那么严苛的要求。另外,由于光学设计上捕获要有足够大的视场,一般设计在2 mrad~5 mrad,此时焦距很短,光斑小到接近4QD沟道死区的量级,沟道损失高达7 dB~8 dB,甚至更高,导致光斑容易落入沟道。4QD作为捕获探测器时,一般光学系统会通过离焦的方式使得光斑变大,用以减小沟道损失(<1 dB);当然,光斑大小也不能太大,这样会使得4QD的探测角度分辨率降低,变得“反应迟钝”。






图2 光斑在4QD上的位置分布

图3 光斑在4QD上的收敛方式



3.2 四象限探测器跟踪控制设计



4 模拟实验

基于一套激光载荷与系统测试平台,进行了基于4QD捕获、跟踪的模拟实验。该系统测试平台可发射1550 nm、1 M强度调制信号光,经过若干光学反射镜搭建的光学系统,将平行光发射至激光载荷。实验用激光载荷为一台捕跟探测器为4QD的激光终端,可接收1550 nm、1 M强度调制信号光。探测器视场为2 mrad,粗指向机构为潜望式结构,指向精度优于30mrad,精跟踪机构为压电陶瓷二维偏转机构,偏转范围为4 mrad,定位精度优于3mrad。

实验过程中激光终端放置在二维转台上,分别按照不确定区域为1 mrad上、下、左、右拉偏至平台平行光管,开启平台振动模拟器,振动幅度设置为10mrad@100 Hz,进行10次实验,每次实验以系统测试平台监测相机看到激光终端发出的信号光到达实验前标定的同轴点位置作为实验成功标志。成功跟踪后,开启二维转台,模拟轨道运动,轨道速度设置为0.3 °/s,此次实验捕获成功概率100%。通过系统测试平台跟踪监测子系统统计得到的跟踪精度如图4所示,图5为跟踪过程中示波器监测到4QD各象限电压信号。

图4 跟踪精度

图5 4QD跟踪过程中各象限电压信号


5 结 论


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Research on acquisition and tracking technology for the four-quadrant detector

Lu Qian, Ren Bin*, Bian Jingying

Xi¢an Institute of Space Radio Technology, Xi¢an, Shaanxi 710000, China

Convergence mode of light spots on the four-quadrant detector

Overview:Before establishing the communication link, acquisition, pointing and tracking (APT) is needed to complete in the space laser communication system. Charge coupled device (CCD) or four-quadrant detector (4QD) are usually selected as capture and tracking detectors to determine the spot center, and miss distance is sent to the servo system to complete the capture and tracking tasks. At present, most laser communication systems choose 800 nm and 1550 nm. Compared with the 800 nm, 1550 nm laser has the advantages of having little impact on human safety and atmospheric environment. However, CCD detector has low response sensitivity and cannot meet the requirements for the 1550 nm, so 4QD is the ideal choice. In recent years, there have been many researches on 4QD in the field of laser communication. For 4QD applications mostly limited to the desktop system, not to dynamic test, 4QD is applied to capture and tracking studies did not report. Using 4QD as capture and tracking detector, laser communication system does not need to be high power beacon laser, the beacon transmitting branch and beacon capture detector. It can reduce the complexity of the system, power and volume.

Aiming at the space laser communication system requirement of miniaturization, this paper proposes a scheme of using the four-quadrant detector to complete the acquisition and tracking. By analyzing the position distribution of the spots on the 4QD, the acquisition models are derived for the three kinds of spots distribution. Through the calculation of the position of the spots and the accurate calibration of the tracking mechanism, the high precision tracking is realized. Then besed on the laserteco and system test platform the capture and tracking scheme and detection performance of the 4QD are experimentally verified. The laser terminal used in the experiment is a laser terminal with a tracking detector of 4QD, which can receive 1550 nm and 1 M intensity modulation signal light. The detector's field of view is 2 mrad, the coarse pointing mechanism is a latent looking structure, and the pointing accuracy is better than 30mrad. The fine tracking mechanism is a two-dimensional deflection mechanism of piezoelectric ceramics. Its deflection range is 4mrad and positioning accuracy is better than 3mrad. The test results show that under the laboratory dynamic conditions, using 4QD as the capture and tracking detector, the capture probability is up to 100%, and tracking accuracy is better than 3mrad, which verifies the feasibility of the scheme and lays a foundation for the miniaturization design of the laser terminal.

Citation: Lu Q, Ren B, Bian J YResearch on acquisition and tracking technology for the four-quadrant detector[J]., 2020, 47(3): 190559

Research on acquisition and tracking technology for the four-quadrant detector

Lu Qian, Ren Bin*, Bian Jingying

Xi¢an Institute of Space Radio Technology, Xi¢an, Shaanxi 710000, China

Aiming at the space laser communication system requirement of miniaturization, this paper proposes a scheme of using the four-quadrant detector to complete the acquisition and tracking. By analyzing the position distribution of the spots on the four-quadrant detector (4QD), the acquisition models are derived for the three kinds of spots distribution. Through the calculation of the position of the spots and the accurate calibration of the tracking mechanism, the high precision tracking is realized. Then besed on the laserteco and system test platform the capture and tracking scheme and detection performance of the 4QD are experimentally verified. The test results show that under the laboratory dynamic conditions, using 4QD as the capture and tracking detector, the capture probability is up to 100%, and tracking accuracy is better than 3 μrad, which verifies the feasibility of the scheme and lays a foundation for the miniaturization design of the laser terminal.

optical communication; four-quadrant detector; acquisition and tracking multiplexing




: Lu Q, Ren B, Bian J Y. Research on acquisition and tracking technology for the four-quadrant detector[J]., 2020,47(3): 190559




鲁倩,任斌,边晶莹. 四象限探测器的信号光捕获与跟踪技术研究[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(3): 190559

* E-mail: renbin.0934@163.com

勘 误
第二章 探测器有反应
第二章 探测器有反应