
2020-03-25 04:10李高俊王世锋柳淑芳周永灿申志新薛献坵
渔业科学进展 2020年2期

李 安 李高俊 王世锋 柳淑芳 周永灿 申志新 薛献坵 蔡 岩

李 安1李高俊2王世锋1柳淑芳3周永灿1申志新2薛献坵1蔡 岩1①

(1. 海南大学海洋学院 海南省热带水生生物技术重点实验室 海口 570228;2. 海南省海洋与渔业科学院 海口 570100;3. 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 青岛 266071)

1 材料与方法

1.1 实验材料

1.2 实验方法

1.2.1 染色体标本的制备 染色体标本的制备参考布氏石斑鱼()的染色体标本制备方法(蔡岩等, 2012),每尾鱼按10 μl/g鱼体重静脉抽血,再按10 μg/g鱼体重剂量腹腔注射植物血凝素(PHA);3.5 h后,按照1 μg/g鱼体重腹腔注射秋水仙素,15 min后,剪鳃放血,取头肾制备细胞悬液,经500 r/min离心收集细胞,加入0.075 mol/L KCl溶液,37℃水浴低渗30 min,离心后加入新配制的卡诺氏固定液,室温固定20 min,之后重复固定2次。再次离心后取沉淀,加入适量新配制的卡诺氏固定液重悬细胞,用吸管吸取细胞悬液滴在玻片上,过酒精灯火焰3次,自然凉干,备用。

1.2.3 Ag-NORs显带 参考Howell等(1980)的方法,将滤纸铺于培养皿底部,用蒸馏水润湿,上面放2根牙签,置于60℃水浴锅中保温;将制备好的新鲜玻片标本样品面朝上平放在培养皿中,玻片上加20 μl明胶显影液,再加40 μl 50%硝酸银溶液,盖上盖玻片,在水浴锅中温浴至标本呈金褐色为止;用蒸馏水快速冲洗,去除盖玻片,干燥后显微镜观察和拍照。

2 结果

Tab.1 The results of the metaphase chromosome number of H. labeo

Tab.2 The relative length and arm ratio of chromosome of H. labeo (Mean±SD)

图1 唇中期分裂相及染色体核型

图2 唇中期分裂相Ag-NORs


Solid arrows and hollow arrows indicated the Ag-NORs on chromosome No.5 and No.11, respectively

3 讨论

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The Karyotype and Ag-NORs offrom Nandujiang River of Hainan

LI An1, LI Gaojun2, WANG Shifeng1, LIU Shufang3, ZHOU Yongcan1, SHEN Zhixin2, XUE Xianqiu1, CAI Yan1①

(1. Ocean College, Hainan University, Key Laboratory of Tropical Aquatic Biotechnology of Hainan Province, Haikou 570228; 2. Hainan Academy of Ocean and Fisheries Sciences, Haikou 570100; 3. Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071)

In this study, the karyotype and Ag-NORs of wildfrom Nandujiang River of Hainan were analyzed using the methods of intraperitoneal injection of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and colchicine, and direct preparation of head kidney cells. Results showed thathad a diploid chromosome number of 50, the karyotype formula was 2n = 18m + 12sm + 12st + 8t, the number of chromosome arms (NF) was 80, no heterotypic chromosome was observed, and Ag-NORs were located on the ends of the short arms of pair No.5 and pair No.11. Comprehensive analyses of the chromosomal evolution in subfamily Gobioninae indicated thathad the primitive karyotype of Gobioninae fish. Our study will not only supplement the cytogenetic data ofand provide information on the taxonomy and evolution of the subfamily Gobioninae, genus, but will also lay the theoretical foundation for germplasm protection and germplasm improvement of.

; Chromosome; Karyotype; Ag-NORs; Gobioninae




蔡 岩,高级实验师,E-mail: azsure_caiyan@163.com



* 农业基础性长期性科技工作(ZX08S1623)、中央级科研院所基本科研业务费专项(20603022018009)和海南省省属科研院所技术开发研究专项(R100030.304; R100263.3)共同资助 [This work was supported by Scientific and Technological Work Information of Agricultural (ZX08S1623), Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund (20603022018009), and Hainan Province Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund (R100030.304; R100263.3)]. 李 安,E-mail: 2541431771@qq.com



Li A, Li GJ, Wang SF, Liu SF, Zhou YC, Shen ZX, Xue XQ, Cai Y. The karyotype and Ag-NORs offrom Nandujiang River of Hainan. Progress in Fishery Sciences, 2020, 41(2): 95–102

CAI Yan, E-mail: azsure_caiyan@163.com

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