
2020-02-25 08:29郑曦
风景园林 2020年4期

过了惊蛰,万物萌发,又到了山花烂漫,春意盎然的时节,一直到清明,都是踏青的好日子。《诗经》中“昔我往矣,杨柳依依”讲的本是古人离别时的场景,但风格意境寄托于树枝摇动带来的亲近之意,由此“杨柳”代表的惜别之情持续了近3 000年。钱穆先生说这带着性灵的比兴,就是诗的境界。有了这样源自植物的诗意,种植既是生存,也成了生活中花园、树林与园林营造的传统。





InHomer’s Epic, which is roughly at the same time asThe Book of Songs, Odysseus admired the gorgeous planting landscape in the king’s manor of Athens depicted by tall fruit trees (pears, pomegranates, apples, grapes, figs) watered by clear springs, as well as the luxuriant olive trees and vibrant flowers. At that time, the urban greening of Athens had conducted plants design in public places such as agora stadium and academy with rows of buttonwood, olive trees, willows and poplars that provided comfortable shade for citizens to conduct activities in the open air. The philosopher Plato has praised the buttonwood in the square for its shade. Besides, the poet Pindar described the olive trees planted at the ancient site of Olympic Games as “the grove of Zeus”. It is presumed that the olive is supposed to be the “crown olive”, which is traditionally used for the winning crowns of Olympic champions as a symbol of sportsmanship that continues till today.

2.1.2 供试品溶液 将富马酸喹硫平片置于相应溶出介质中后,照溶出度测定方法操作,分别于0、5、10、15、20、30 min时取10 mL溶出液(同时补充相应同温新鲜介质10 mL),滤过,作为供试品溶液。



Planting and Habitat

Along with planting, the garden creation expresses the praise for the vitality of nature. The Xijia Pavilion in the Summer Palace, located in-between the Yulan court and the Yiyun court, is a place to enjoy the lake-scape in the evening. An attached couplet presents that “in the setting sun, songbirds use the huge lotus leaf as their nest, and little ducks gnaws at the flowers, gathering in shallow water ponds”, which depicts a lively scene of nature in the sun set, and actually represent the habitat of water planting attracting waterfowl, vividly and interestingly complement with each other.




The solar term of Insects Awaken has just passed, here comes a vigorous spring with all creatures sprouting and flowers blooming everywhere, indeed it is a good season for outings until the Qingming Festival.The Book of Songshas the saying: “When I left here, willows were blowing in the wind”, which describes the scene of farewell in ancient times, but attach with the artistic conception of intimate emotion brought by the swinging of the willow branches. It lasted nearly 3,000 years using “willow” to represent the hardness of farewell. QIAN Mu says that analogy with inherent spirit is the realm of poetry. With such poetic flavor rooted in plants, planting has also become the tradition for gardens, grove and landscape creation except for the survival production.


One third pages of the booklandscape Art and Designwritten by SUN Xiao-xiang in the 1960s is devoted to planting design, among which there is a discussion on the planting design in the moonlight: “in the moonlight, the red flowers turn brown, the yellow flowers turn gray, the white flowers turn steel-gray, and the light cyan and pale blue flowers are more clear. Thus, the night garden holding moonlight evening party should be decorated with flowers with stronger color, such as, light cyan, pale blue, white, and faint yellow. In the moonlight, the color of flowers is hardly to present rich so that it is best to use more plants with strong aroma in order to compensate for the lack of color.” The key to the habitat is that “in flowering plants, many insect flowers are night flowers and are mostly in colors of white, pale blue or faint yellow with strong aroma to attract insects, because moths are nocturnal, which is the result of long-term natural selection.” This paragraph expounds the creation of habitat and artistic conception of the night garden in the moonlight with planting design considering color, aroma, ecological habits.

The designer should comprehensively understand the landform, soil, climate, shape and ecological characteristics of plants as the material of landscape design. It is also necessary for designers to understand the potential of plants, such as its growth rate, maximum height and width, and characteristics at maturity, as well as its individual planting form, and be more familiar with the way they were put together in clusters. In fact, plants exist before being planted and they are consistently growing and changing, which also means that the planting projects never come to the ends, and it will require us to continuously maintain and monitor the growth of plants, to evaluate their contribution to the improvement of biodiversity, and to the enhancement of human interaction with nature and human emotions. Today’s planting design and habitat are closely linked together. Supported by the knowledge of biology and ecology, planting expresses the beauty of nature and art. Such plant system is the only living infrastructure of the whole city.

Planting actually stands for expectations, the expectation of continuous growth, the expectation of constant transitions among seasons and years, and the expectation of habitat creation and biodiversity improvement. Simultaneously, we are always being moved by the beauty of plants. Planting shapes the landscape, instead of being part of it.
