
2019-11-28 00:44本刊试题研究中心
疯狂英语·新读写 2019年1期


Task 1

Eating the wrong foods at the wrong time can not only make you fatter, hungrier, and more easily annoyed,but it can also damage your memory, creativity,energy, and more.How should we fuel up for our toughest everyday life challenges?

During a long day of shopping

What to eat:Steel-cut oatmeal(钢切燕麦),egg whites, fruit, and nuts.

Why:Starting off any long day with a good breakfast is key.Christopher Hollingsworth,a surgeon at NYC Surgical Associates,adds that having multiple(数量多的)small meals(compared to three lage meals)is also key. “A large meal can really slow you down and make you feel tired during a long day out.Take snacks(点心)frequently for quick hits of energy.”

For a brainstorming class

What to eat:Wild blueberries

Why:“Wild blueberries are perfect to have before a brainstorming class as they have been shown to improve memory, concentration, and performance,all of which are important when it comes to having a sharp mind and allowing the creative juices to follow,” said The Nutrition Twins.New research also suggests that wild bluenerries help fight Alzeimer(阿尔茨海默症),a disease that can significantly cloud creativity.

Before a big meeting

What to eat:Tea with a little bit of milk

Why:“Green and black tea contain the amino acid theanine(氨基酸茶氨酚),which passes the blood-brain barrier to bring on a mental calmness and reduce anxiety,making it the perfect choice before an important meeting,”said The Nutrition Twins. “Additionally,the right amount of caffeine(咖啡因)in the tea will provide a mental strength without causing anxiety.Add a little bit of milk to the tea and the calcium in the milk will help to relax the muscles as well.”

1.How to keep energetic according to Christopher Hollingsworth?

A.By having a good breakfast.

B.By having three meals on time.

C.By having small,frequent meals.

D.By having a large meal occasionally.

2.What do we know about wild blueberries?

A.They can help you keep calm.

B.They can develop your creativity.

C.They can prevent brain disease.

D.They can help you stay relaxed.

3.What should you have if you'll attend an important conference?

A.A cup of tea with some milk.

B.A large bag of nust.

C.Wild blueberries.

D.Eggs and fruits.

4.What's the purpose of the text?

A.To recommend some delicious food.

B.To introduce the function of different foods.


D.To instruct readers on how to pick the right food.

Task 2

It's nice to feel like a hero or to be the centre of attention every once in a while.Walking barefoot down the worn road,cheered on by the villagers of Bradstone,one would have thought that I should feel full of pride and joy.Those feelings might have been nice,except for this one tiny fact:I had no idea where I was heading,even when I heard my name being shouted out upon entering the village.

Earlier,after painfully recovering consciousness beside the road,the only important things I could rememeberweremyname, Jonathan Grey,and a horribly uncomfortable feeling that I had forgotten something which could result in life or death.So I had followed the road.Shortly I noticed that I had somehow also lost track of my shoes.

I had ended up in Bradstone.Many villagers hurried over and screamed my name.One older woman particularly threw her arms around my waist.“You made it!I knew you were special,”she cried,“My baby is finally home! ” At a loss for words, with no idea what to do, the best I could offer the crying woman was to put my arms around her, too.When she settled down, she pulled back to look at me properly.“How are you?Really?Oh,you will have to report to Mr Fredrick first...”

I was not sure how to answer the woman's—my mother's?—questions, so I decided to be honest.“I'm sorry, but I'm not sure who Mr Freddrick is, or what I must report to him.”

My mother took a deep breath,then took my hand to lead me into the house.“Your father will be home soon,so get settled in.I'll be outside if you need me.”Taking one last look around,my mother let out a sigh.For the time being,home this would have to be.Breathing deeply,I gathered my courage and mentally prepared myself for what was now my new life.

1.What can we know about Jonathan?

A.The villagers knew who he was.

B.He enjoyed the welcome he received.

C.The villagers were very sorry for him.

D.He had never been the centre of attention.

2.What happened to him when Jonathan recovered consciousness?

A.He felt relieved.

B.He was in pain.

C.He didn't know his name.

D.He realized he had an accident.

3.Why did Jonathan hug the woman?

A.He would not let her go.

B.He recognized his mother.

C.He didn't know what to say.

D.He was glad to have found her.

4.How did Jonathan feel at the end of the text?

A.He tried to make his mother pleased.

B.He was worried about meeting his father.

C.He was uncertain if he had the courage for a new life.

D.He decided to temporarily accept the present situation.

Task 3

Aajibaichi Shaala isn't an ordinary school in India.The students at “grandmothers'school” in the village of Fangane are elderly women who are getting the chance to learn to read.

“I love going to school,” Kamal Keshavtupange, 60, said as she washed clothes outside her home in the village,120 km east of the big city,Mumbai.India's literacy rate (识字率)grew to 74 percent in the ten years to 2011,according to the latest study,but women's literacy continued to fall far behind the rate for men.About 65 percent of women were found to be able to read and write compared to 82 percent of men,according to the 2011 report.

At Aajibaichi,afternoon classes in the oneroom school are held six days a week for two hours.The lessons are timed so the women can finish their housework,or their work in the fields,before having class.One of the few requirements is that all students are at least 60 years old. “My knees hurt, so I can't sit on the floor for long.That's the only problem.But I still go every day,”said Kamal.

Wearing pink saris(莎丽,南亚妇女在身上裹 的 长 巾 ), their school clothes, the women walk every afternoon along village paths to their lessons. “First I finish all my housework, and then I go to school.It's good we have this in our village,” said 70-year-old Drupada Pandurangkedar.

The women begin class with their prayers and then go into their lessons,writing on stones to practice.The school uses teaching tools such as the alphabet painted on walls which can be read by students with poor eyesight.Many tools are made by the students.

SheetalPrakash More, their30-year-old teacher,said she would like to see women in other villages receive the same education.“Every other teacher teaches children.Only I have the opportunity to teach elderly women,” Sheetal said,“It's a great opportunity and I'm very happy to teach them.”

1.What's the purpose of Aajibaichi Shaala?

A.To free grandmothers of housework.

B.To help elderly women get good jobs.

C.To increase elderly women's literacy rate.

D.To prevent elderly women from living alone.

2.What can we know about those women who attend Aajibaichi Shaala?

A.They have a day off each week.

B.They have to make teaching tools.

C.They are mostly over 60 years old.

D.They work in the fields after school.

3.What can we learn from Kamal's and Drupada's words?

A.Most women are in poor health.

B.“Grandmothers'school” is popular.

C.The school is strict with its students.

D.Most women have trouble with their studies.

4.What did Sheetal think of her work?

A.Easy. B.Tiring.

C.Unbearable D.Enjoyable.

5.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.The oldest school in India

B.Women's education in India

C.A school popular with aged women

D.Grandmothers'schools in India

Task 4

A new app aims to help parents interpret what their baby wants based on the sound of their cry.The free app ChatterBaby,which was released last month, analyzes the acoustic (声音的)features of a baby's cry,to help parents understand whether their child might be hungry,fussy(紧张不安的) or in pain.While critics(批评家)say caregivers should not rely too much on their smartphones,others say it's a helpful tool for new or tired parents.

Ariana Anderson, a mother of four, developed the app.She originally designed the technology to help deaf parents better understand why their baby was upset,but soon realized it could be a helpful tool for all new parents.

To build a database,Anderson and her team uploaded 2,000 audio samples (音频采样) of infant cries.She used cries recorded during ear piercings and vaccinations to distinguish pain cries.And to create a baseline for the other two categories,a group of moms had to unanimously(一致地)agree on whether the cry was hungry or fussy.

Anderson's team continues to collect data and hopes to make the app more accurate by asking parents to get specific about what certain sounds mean.

Pediatrician Eric Ball pointed out that evaluating cries can never be an exact science.“I think that all of the apps and technology that new parents are using now can be helpful but need to be taken seriously,”Ball said, “I do worry that some parents will get stuck in big data and turn their parenting into basically a spreadsheet which I think will take away the love and caring that parents are supposed to be providing for their children.”

But Anderson said the aim of the app is to have parents interpret the results,not to provide a yes or no answer.The Bells say it's a win-win.They believe they are not only helping their baby now but potentially others in the future.

1.How does the app judge what babies want?

A.By collecting data.

B.By recording all the sound.

C.By analysing the sound of their crying.

D.By asking parents about specific messages.

2.Who was the app designed for in the beginning?

A.Deaf parents.

B.All new parents.

C.Ariana Anderson.

D.Babies often crying.

3.What can we know according to Ball?

A.The app can provide an accurate result.

B.The app makes babies lose love and caring.

C.Parents and babies are additcted to the app.

D.Parents should use the app wisely.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Parents should not rely too much on their smartphones

B.An app helps parents figure out why their babies are crying

C.Parents can deal with babies'hunger with the help of an app

D.A new app called ChatterBaby can prevent babies from crying

Task 5

While the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang,South Korea were over,attention is already turning to the 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo.Japanese reports indicate that facial(面部的) recognition will be used as a security measure at those games.

The Japan Times reported that sources confirmed the technology would be used to streamline( 简 化 ) the entry of athletes, officials and journalists to the games venues(体育比赛场所).

While spectators(观众)won't be subject to the recognition treatment,the number of people from the groups that will be screened with facial recognition could total anywhere between 300,000 and 400,000, according to the Times report.The extra layer of security will come on top of ID cards that will also be handed out to those participants.

NEC, the company handling the technology,also tested out their gear(装置)at two Brazil airports during the 2016 Olympics and is behind numerous (许多的)other similar projects,including software used by the Chicago Police.

Facial recognition is becoming more and more prevalent and the Olympics are just the latest arena(舞台)to use it for security purposes.Other examples of planned or implemented(实施)facial recognition tech in use include robot police in China,bridges and tunnels in New York City,and more widespread uses by the FBI.

Tiantan Park,home to the iconic(符号的)Temple of Heaven,is now home to six high-tech dispensers(自动取货装置)that mete(给予)out toilet paper only after conducting a facial scan,The Beijing News reported.The pilot(试验性的)program kicked off after authorities faced an increasing number of local residents raiding(劫掠)the park's restrooms for toilet paper.

1.Where will the next Olympic Games be held?

A.South Korea.




2.Why will facial recognition be used in Olympic Games?

A.To test on a new technology.

B.To protect athletes'privacy.

C.To simplify the way of entering.

D.To ensure the safety of spectators.

3.What does the underlined word “prevalent” in Paragraph 5 mean?





4.What does the last two paragraphs mainly talk about?

A.The features of facial recognition.

B.The appliance of facial recognition.

C.The future use of facial recognition.

D.The disadvantages of facial recognition.

What Are the Effects of Caffeine on Teenagers?咖啡因对青少年有什么影响?