Caffeine is a drug that naturally occurs in the leaves and seeds of many plants. Its also produced artificially2 and may be added to certain drinks and foods.
Its common for teens to reach for energy drinks before a soccer game or to turn to coffee to help them pull an all-night study session. But, drinking too much caffeine could be bad for a teens health.
Up to 400 mg of caffeine per day appears to be safe for most healthy adults. Its suggested that teens caffeine consumption3 be limited to no more than 100 mg of caffeine per day and children under 12 not be given any caffeine.
Research on caffeine confirms that small doses of caffeine can enhance alertness4, increase information processing speed, awareness, attention, and reaction time. But most of the research has been conducted on adults, not children.
Caffeine can cause a number of unwanted side effects in both teens and adults. Some people are more sensitive5 to caffeine than others and just a small amount may produce unwanted effects.
Caffeine may stunt6 childrens development. A study found that young rats who consumed7 the rat-sized equivalent8 of the caffeine in three or four cups of coffee experienced reduced deep sleep and delayed brain development.
Caffeine has great effect on a teens sleep. Every 10 milligrams of caffeine a 13-year-old boy consumes decreases his chances of getting 8.5 hours of sleep by 12 percent. It can affect teens education, mental health, and physical health.
Caffeine may also cause the body to lose calcium9. Consuming too much caffeine could lead to bone loss over time. Drinking soda or energy drinks instead of milk may also place a teen at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis10.
Many people report feeling “addicted11” to caffeine because they have trouble quitting or cut-ting back on their caffeine intake. Some people continue consuming it even though they experience unwanted psychological12 or physical side effects.endprint
You cant control all the things your teen chooses to eat and drink when youre not around. But, you can take steps to encourage him to develop healthy habits and limit his caffeine consumption. Here are some steps you can take to educate your teen about caffeine and keep his consumption to a minimum13:
Drink water and milk. Dont buy teas, energy drinks, and other drinks with a lot of caffeine. Instead, make it a habit for everyone in the family to drink water and low-fat milk.
Talk about good health. Many caffeinated drinks contain a lot of sugar, which can contribute to obesity14 and tooth decay15. So limiting caffeine could be better for you teens overall health. Make sure your teen knows that energy drinks and sugar-sweetened teas arent good for him or her.
Be a good role model. If you turn to coffee to help you function, your teen may grow to believe it is a normal part of adult life. And that could lead him to develop bad habits.
Talk to your teen about the dangers of caffeine, in the same way you discuss drugs or alcohol. Warn your teen that consuming too much could cause serious problems for him.
Limit afternoon and evening caffeine. Drinking a Frappuccino after school or a soda after basketball practice could keep your teen up half the night. If hes going to drink something with caffeine in it, make sure its early in the day.
Be on the lookout for signs that your teen is consuming a lot of caffeine. If your teen is having trouble sleeping, investigate what hes been eating and drinking.
Help your teen cut back. If your teen regularly consumes more caffeine than she should, help her cut back. Be aware she may experience some unpleasant withdrawal16 symptoms17 if she suddenly gives caffeine up altogether.