1.SEFC Book 6 教学内容:必修 阶段性词汇学习方法探究 (见文末)
这是一堂笔者根据新的课程标准 ,结合本人对词汇教学方法的实践积累和思考进行设计的一堂探究课。该课创造性地选择了授课内容,对使用性较强的词汇方法进行了整理与补充,改变注重传授知识的倾向,采用“任务型”教学模式,进行了一次实验和探究。
Step I lead—in
Skill one: the diversion of words part of speech Greet with a typical tongue-twister(略)
Step II While—teaching
Skill two: meaning--guessing
1. Turn to the hot—topic: “Sanlu-- milk event” and create a chance to guess the meaning of the phrase “step--mother”.
2. Provide some examples to give more skill instruction in the skill of meaning—guessing and then practice it.
Skill 3: Trunks
1. List some trunks for the students to discuss, complete and find out the meaning.
2. Put the trunks in use in a short passage related to the central event talked ahead. (How do doctors help the suffering kids?)
Teacher: Milk is one of the necessities of babies.
3. Work together with the students to list more trunks (uncompleted ones) related to this event.
4. Pair work: find the meaning of the trunks.
Skill 4: affix
1. Give an example to show the way word—forming.
2. Help to make the students familiar with the skill by making a short speech “Mothers worry”.
Skill 5: idioms
1. Express the concern for the affected kids in the “Sanlu” event containing an idiom about “foot”.
2. Tell a story in which idioms about “foot” were used.
3. Help the students match the Chinese version with the appearing English ones.
T: I hope the affected kids will soon “be back on their feet.”
Teacher: Practice makes perfect and also idiom will also help.
Skill 6: Essay appreciation 1. Present an essay to the students audiovisual for appreciation. 2. Emphases new words and phrases contained. Teacher: During the event, my worry about the milk safety never stopped. My best friend comes and comforts me showing her great concern for me. She is always so kind and caring to me. Holding this kind of friendship is really a good fortune and blessing in my life.
Step III. Summary
1. Students recall all the skills displayed in the process and make a summary.
2. Write down the skills on the blackboard.
Step V. Assignment Teacher has some exercise delivered to the students to discuss and finish after class.
即以话题为中心,“关注食品安全,创造和谐社会”为主线,围绕“三鹿毒奶出现——婴幼儿身心受害——医生救死扶伤——母亲诚惶诚恐——乳品生产者郑重许诺---孩子恢复健康”的连贯思路的 精心创设,为整堂课的教学互动提供了一个载体。一首动人的歌 曲,要有一条优美的主旋律。一堂有了教学主线的课,学生的注 意力和思维活动就会集中和紧密。
2. 新的高中英语课程标准程倡导任务型的教学模式
学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标。虽然学生的基础较弱,但是这堂课气氛很活 跃,学生表现出很高的热情和积极性;学生们的发言和表演展示 了学生们的闪光点。笔者认为,合理把握课堂活动的难度,难易 结合,让不同层次的学生都得到机会是授课前应该认真思考的问 题。有参与和展示自己的机会,没有任何一个学生甘愿把自己置 身事外。有梯度的变化的活动,将课堂“还”给了学生,也体现 了“以学生为主体”的教学理念。
教师应该更多地思考:怎样培养高中阶段的自学能力 即获取和处理信息、分析和解决问题的能力。对于英语,重在提 高语言表达和运用能力;为未来发展和终身学习奠定良好基础。 笔者认为仅凭一堂课不可能解决问题,但可以启发并鼓励学生积 极尝试与发现。“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔”,自我思考和探究 的学习习惯才让学生终生受益。这一学习模式也最大地体现课改 对英语教学的目的:使学生具有终身学习所必备的英语语言基础 知识,基本技能和一定的自主学习的愿望和能力。这共同的语言 能力基础应成为普通高中教育为每个学生未来发展所创设的平台 和机会,更好的为教育事业做出贡献。