摘 要:瑞士數学家雅各布伯努利(JakobBernoulli,1654-1705)研究了等幂和问题,一个历史悠久的的问题,n个连续自然数的p次方幂,S=1^p+2^p+3^p+┉+n^p;雅各布贝努利在数学上的贡献涉及微积分、微分方程、无穷级数求和、解析几何、概率论以及变分法等领域。波文猜想也是关于等幂和问题。
Abstract:Swiss mathematician Jacob Bu Bernoulli (Jakob Bernoulli, 1654-1705) studied the idempotent and problem, a long history of problems, n successive natural numbers of P power, S=1^p+2^p+3^p+┉+n^p. Jacob Bernoulli's contribution to mathematics involves calculus, differential equations, summation of infinite series, analytic geometry, probability theory, and variational methods. Bowen conjecture is also about idempotent and problem.
Key words:Bowen conjecture;Bernoulli idempotent;