Brugada syndrome(BrS)is recognized by the characteristic coved-type ST elevations(denoted as type 1)in right precordial leads in the absence of structural heart disease.Fig.1 depicts typical ECG features induced by pilsicainide tolerance test.According to the J-Wave Syndromes Expert Consensus Report published in 2016,BrS is diagnosed by the following criteria:
1.In patients with spontaneous type 1 ST-segment elevation of 2 mm or more in at least one lead among leads V1-V3,positioned in the 2nd,3rd or 4th intercostal space;or,
2.In patientswith drug-induced type 1 ST-segment elevation of 2 mm or more in at least one lead among leads V1-V3,positioned in the 2nd,3rd or 4th intercostal space and at least one of the following:(i) unexplained sudden cardiac death (SCD) or documented ventricular fibrillation(VF)/polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT), (ii) nocturnal agonal respirations,(iii)syncope of probable arrhythmic cause,(iv)first or second degree relative with definite BrS.
In 1992,BrS was presented as a genetic disorder showing familial aggregation that was associated with a characteristic ECG pattern and sudden cardiac death secondary to polymorphic VT or VF.Mechanisms behind creation of macroscopic arrhythmias by cellular currentchangesremain controversial.Mainly two hypotheses,based on repolarization or depolarization changes,have been proposed and might be acting alone orin conjunction.The firsthypothesis proposes amplification of the inherent differences in repolarization patterns ofthe differentlayers of myocardium which is commonly referred to as the spatial dispersion of repolarization(SDR).Transient outward current(Ito) is the most important current ascribed to SDR.It is present in the epicardial cells and M cells,but not in the innermost of the three myocardial layers,the endocardium (Fig.2A).Moreover,in the right ventricle,Ito is of nearly three fold magnitude compared to the left ventricle which is behind the arrhythmogenesis of right ventricular origin in BrS.
Fig.1 Pilsicainide-induced Brugada pattern ECG changes:the left panel shows baseline precordial leads and the right panel shows the same after intravenous injection of pilsicainide(0.8mg/kg)
Transmuralvoltage difference in phase 1 repolarization caused by heterogeneous expression ofIto between endocardium and epicardium explains the abnormal J point elevation seen in BrS(Fig.2B).Ito prominence subjects cells to all-or-none repolarization once the nadir of action potentials(AP)phase 1 reaches below the activation threshold of L-type calcium channels resulting in loss of the AP dome and shortening of the AP duration (Fig.2C).This is contributed by certain pathophysiologic conditions and drug interventions that decrease depolarizing currents.Heterogeneous loss of the AP dome in the epicardium results in epicardial dispersion of repolarization and contributes more to the inherent transmural heterogeneity.When the dome of AP is lost in epicardial cells,but not in endocardial cells,a transmural voltage gradient between endocardium and epicardium occurs,showing itselfas the characteristic ST segment elevations inscribed on the ECG.
Progression of currents,within the epicardium or transmurally,from areas where phase 2 is preserved to those where it is lost,cause short coupled re-excitations named phase 2 re-entry which provides the trigger for VT and VF seen in BrS(Fig.2D).This hypothesis is also supported by the ECG response of BrS patients to autonomic changes,i.e.parasympathetic activation induced increase inIto and/or decrease inICa attenuate the spike and dome pattern of the AP increasing the dispersion of repolarization and accentuating the ST elevation seen on ECG.
A second hypothesis for development of arrhythmias in BrS proposes slowing of depolarization and conduction by fibrosis and decreasedINa in right ventricular outflow tract(RVOT) as the primary mechanism.Relatively delayed depolarization in RVOT with respect to other sites of RV creates regional potential differences that ascribe itself as the ST-segment elevation seen on the right precordial leads.
Fig.2 Dispersion ofrepolarization and phase2 reentry hypothesis in Brugada syndrome:A)Ito is themain current responsible for the phase 1 of the AP and is absent in endocardial cells.B)Transmural voltage difference in phase 1 repolarization caused by heterogeneous expression of Ito between endocardium and epicardium explains the abnormalJ point elevation seen in J wave syndromes. C)Ito prominence and/or decrease in inward sodium or calcium currents in BrS subject cells to all-or-none repolarization once the nadir of AP phase 1 reaches belowthe activation threshold ofL-type calcium channels thereby resulting in loss of the AP dome and shortening of the AP duration.D)Progression of currents,within the epicardiumor transmurally,from areas where phase 2 is preserved to those where it is lost cause short coupled re-excitations named phase 2 re-entry which provides the trigger for VT and VF seen in BrS.
In biologically predisposed patients,environmental factors could modulate the observed phenotype.Autonomic changes,hormonal changes,alcohol,fever,and medications can turn a normal ECG to a BrS ECG.Several studies reported that exercise,atropine and isoproterenol infusion could normalize a BrS ECG,whereas muscarinic and selective α-adrenoceptor stimulation,through reflexvagalactivation,could augment the ST elevation.This also explains the propensity of VT/VF episodes during night time in BrS.Similarly,while targeting sympathetic activity via left cardiac sympathetic denervation is a widely accepted therapy for intractable long QT syndrome,it may increase arrhythmias in BrS.Several studies reported successful prevention of intractable episodes of VF in BrS using phosphodiesterase inhibitors,milrinone and cilostazol.These drugs elevate cyclic AMP levels in the cell and increase L-type calcium current(ICa),thereby restoring the epicardial AP dome.
Fever has long been recognized as a risk factor for arrhythmias seen in BrS.Some SCN5A mutations cause alteration in sodium channel kinetics only at high temperatures.Other studies have suggested that sensibility to fever may not be due to mutations,but due to temperature-dependent properties of the wild-type SCN5A orIto,as well as fever induced facilitation of spontaneous activity in RVOT and Purkinje fibers.
As can be summarized from above discussions,any drug that would decreaseINa orICa or increaseIto would be arrhythmogenic in BrS.According to their mechanism of action,these drugs can be classified into three major groups:
The amplitude ofINa underlies the maximum positive membrane potential reached at the end of AP phase 0.IfINa is diminished,then AP phase 1 starts at lower membrane potential and ends at more negative potentials.The balance of inward and outward currents at the end of phase 1 determines whether or notICa can overcome the outward currents and induce formation of the AP dome.Since endocardium and epicardium have different responses toINa blocking agents,they cause transmural heterogeneity in the formation of the AP dome.Class IA and IC antiarrhythmic agents are therefore utilized in unmasking the BrS phenotype.
Tricyclic antidepressants(amitriptyline,desimipramine,nortriptyline,clomipramine,imipramine)and tetracyclicantidepressants(maprotiline),viatheirsodium channel blocking effects,are known to precipitate Brugada type ECG by diminishing the net inward current at the end of phase 1 AP.
Neuroleptic drug class phenothiazines(chlorpromazine,trifluoperazine,cyamemazine,perphenazine),haloperidol and loxapine can induce BrS type ECG via sodium channel blocking properties.
SSRIs,particularly fluoxetine,have sodium and calcium channel blocking properties in mammalian ventricular myocytes and have been shown to induce BrS type ECG.Another SSRI,citalopram,has been found to inhibit activation ofINa as well.Other SSRIs,fluvoxamine and paroxetine are also reported to unmask BrS ECG.
Antihistaminic drug,terfenadine,which has bothINa andICa blocking properties was shown to be more effective in provoking VT thanINa blockers alone in canine models of ventricular wedge preparations.Among sodium channel blocking agents those with potentIto blocking effects are less likely(flecainide and disopyramide)or even not likely(quinidine)to induce arrhythmogenesis.Lithium,cocaine,cannabis,alcohol and anesthetic agents(propofol,bupivacaine,ketamine)also unmask BrS phenotype by decreasingINa.Even though methadone is better known for its association with drug-induced long QT Syndrome,it has also been reported to induce BrS ECG.Another synthetic opioid tramadol which blocks neuronal sodium channels is also reported to unmask BrS type ECG.Many antiepileptic medications assert their affect via blockage of the neuronal sodium channels.Some of these have also been shown to alter cardiac sodium channel kinetics,while some are yet to be shown to do so.
Patients who develop a syncopal episode and found in a"postictal state"1could have had an arrhythmic episode and found in a state of confusion due to cerebral hypoperfusion which could be mistaken for postictal status.In these patients well-intended therapeutic maneuvers with sodium channel blocking antiepileptic medications(phenytoin,carbamazepine,primidone,lamotrigine,and topiramate etc.)could induce BrS and have deleterious consequences.Therefore,diagnosis of seizure disorder should only be made after careful exclusion of the possibility of BrS.
The balance of inward and outward currents at the end ofAP phase1 determineswhetherornot repolarization will occur in an all-or-none fashion;therefore,any increase in outward currents(IKATP,Ito,andIKr)can cause loss of the AP dome and result in a vulnerable window in voltage gradients between areas where these currentsare differentially expressed.IKATP activators,pinacidil and nicorandil,have been shown to cause loss of the AP dome in areas whereIto is prominent with resultant phase-2 reentry in experimental models.Glucose and insulin could unmask the BrS phenotype by decreasing serum potassium concentrations and accentuatingIto.Diuretics and distal renal tubular acidosis can act in a similar manner by decreasing serum potassium levels.
ICa is the main current to form the AP dome.If it is diminished and cannot overcome the outward balance of currents at the end of phase 1 AP,the dome disappears.It has been shown thatIto which is the main current responsible for formation of phase 1 is heterogeneously expressed in between different layers of the myocardium,therefore a strongICa acts as the rescuer of the AP dome whereIto is increased.The basis of provocation of BrS phenotype with calcium channel blockers,in part,is due to failing to reach the potential threshold needed to rescue the AP dome in areas whereIto is strong(RVOT).Calcium channel blockers and β-blockers unmask BrS by decreasing L-type calcium currents.Acetylcholine,by inhibition ofICa,can result in loss of the AP dome and trigger arrhythmias.Nitrates,similarly,have L-type Ca channel blocking properties and could induce BrS phenotype. Of theINa blockers listed above,trifluoperazine,cyamemazine,fluoxetine,terfenadine,ketamine,alcohol etc.also blockICa increasing the effects of these drugs in uncovering the BrS phenotype.
词 汇
agonal adj.痛苦的,濒死痛苦的,呻吟待毙的,临死前的
aggregation n.聚集,聚集体,聚合作用
macroscopic adj.肉眼可见的,宏观的
spatial adj.空间的
ascribe v.把…归因于,把…归咎于,认为是…的特点
innermost n.&adj.最深处;内心深处的,最靠近中心的,最深处的
heterogeneous adj.各种各样的,由很多种类组成的,不均质的
propensity n.倾向,癖好,习性
intractable adj.难驾驭的,难加工的,难治疗的
arrhythmogenesis n.致心律失常,心律失常
注 释
1.postictal state“发作后状态”,通常指癫痫发作过后的一种状态,时间是从癫痫发作结束到恢复基础(发作前)状态期间,表现为意识混乱、昏睡、精神异常、昏迷,也可出现暴力行为,记忆缺失等,确切的机制未完全明了。
第91课 药物诱发的致命性心律失常-获得性Brugada综合征
Brugada综合征(BrS)特征表现为右胸导联穹形ST段抬高(1型)而无结构性心脏疾病。图1显示吡西卡尼耐力试验诱发的典型心电图特征。根据2016 J-波综合征专家共识报告,BrS诊断标准如下:
心外膜内或透壁电流扩布,从保留动作电位2相的部位流向动作电位2相缺失的部位,引发短偶联间期的再兴奋,称作2相折返,这成为BrS VT和VF发作的触发机制(图2D)。这一假说得到BrS患者因自主神经张力改变而发生ECG变化的支持,即迷走神经激动引发的Ito增加和(或)ICa减少降低了动作电位的尖峰和穹顶图形,从而加剧复极离散和ECG ST段抬高。
图2Brugada综合征复极离散和2相折返假说:A:Ito是动作电位1相的主要电流,心内膜细胞缺乏此电流;B:心内膜与心外膜之间不一致的Ito表达导致复极1相透壁电位差,是J波综合征中J点抬高的原因;C:BrSIto明显和(或)内向钠或钙电流减少致使细胞面临全-或-无现象,一旦动作电位1相谷值达到L-型钙通道激动阈值以下时即导致动作电位穹顶丢失和动作电位时程缩短;D:心外膜内或透壁电流扩布,从保留动作电位2相的部位流向动作电位2相缺失的部位,引发短偶联间期的再兴奋,称作2相折返,这成为BrS VT和VF发作的触发机制。