
2019-10-12 02:26:48王有镗王春光李成宇毛明明刘旭阳
农业工程学报 2019年14期

王有镗,郑 斌,王春光,李成宇,毛明明,刘旭阳


王有镗,郑 斌,王春光,李成宇,毛明明,刘旭阳

(山东理工大学交通与车辆工程学院,淄博 255049)

以地源热泵技术在寒区设施农业中的应用为背景,开展地下换热器低温冻胀特性研究。通过岩土埋管冻胀试验,基于冻结半径追踪和管体应变测量,开展冻结区发展规律以及埋管变形收缩特性的研究,对比砂土基和黏土基回填料对冻胀的影响,并进一步考察换热管容积与流阻变化。结果表明,冻结区在进出水2管中心连线方向发展速度大于其垂直方向,受冻胀影响,U型换热管产生椭圆化变形与收缩,砂土基回填比黏土基回填具有更大的冻结范围,但前者换热管变形和收缩程度却小于后者。换热管在100 h内持续由0降至−10 ℃后,测得管容积减小率为0.4%,流阻增大率为6.5%,由此可知,埋管冻胀的变形与收缩成为循环流量减小和系统效率下降的原因之一。


0 引 言

近年来,地源热泵技术在设施农业领域中得以广泛应用[1],其中以日光温室的应用最为典型[2-3]。然而为了达到良好的采光效果,温室的外围护结构通常采用单层玻璃或塑料膜,因此在光照条件不佳时,地下换热器的运行温度受大气温度影响较大。对于中国广大的北方严寒地区而言,地下换热器(埋管)运行温度常持续低于0 ℃,由此致使换热岩土发生冻胀,冻胀作用不但会挤压埋管发生变形,而且也影响到系统运行效率及安全性[4-8]。



1 试验装置及方法

1.1 试验系统

本试验模拟地下竖埋U型换热器在饱和岩土环境中的低温运行过程,U型埋管内循环流动低温液体,土壤由此发生冻胀而使换热管受力变形。通过追踪土体内0 ℃冻结锋面发展,研究冻结区发展特性,利用应变测试手段研究换热管截面变形特性。试验系统主要包括岩土槽、围土、U型换热管和冷源循环系统等,如图1所示。

1.2 试验及测试装置

圆柱形岩土槽的高为900 mm,内径为800 mm,槽身下部开4个补水口,控制槽内湿岩土水位,槽内底部铺垫一层150 mm厚砾石,以利于补水均匀渗入,砾石上部添置试验围土(包含地层土壤和回填料),为更好体现冻胀特性,试验采用均匀的饱和围土。用PE板制作环套,使岩土槽外围形成环腔空间,为槽内岩土提供4 ℃恒定的边界温度,槽盖和槽底做绝热处理。U型换热管竖向埋置于岩土槽中央,壁厚3.5 mm,外径32 mm,U型间距为80 mm。循环液采用30%乙二醇溶液,由其将热量从岩土槽运送至冷源。

1.地层土壤 2.U型管 3.砂土基回填 4.黏土基回填 5.砾石层 6.排液管 7.岩土槽 8.补水口 9.温控单元 10.循环泵 11.流量计 12.冷源 13.水箱 14.球阀 15.软连接 16.压差计 17.槽盖 18.接线出口 19.环套

1.Ground soil 2.U-pipe 3.Sand-based backfill 4.Clay-based backfill 5.Gravel 6.Bleeder pipe 7.Soil tank 8.Water supply 9.Temperature control unit 10.Pump 11.Flowmeter 12.Cold source 13.Water tank 14.Ball valve 15.Flexible connection 16.Differential pressure gauge 17.Tank cover 18.Wiring channel 19.Annular sleeve

a. 结构示意图

a. Structure diagram

b. 试验布置

在U型管进出口布置热电偶测试循环液温度,在换热管埋深200 mm(砂土基回填层)处和600 mm(黏土基回填层)处的水平面上分别布置热电偶,以测试围土温度,如图2所示。以进、出水2管中心连线为方向,与其垂直方向为方向,2管的中间位置为原点,建立直角坐标系,在和方向上各对称布置10个测点,相邻测点间距为40 mm。电阻应变片测试换热管外壁周向应变,利用应变变化判断管截面的变形,测试位置1′、1″和2′、2″分别在换热管埋深180 mm(砂土基回填层)处和580 mm(黏土基回填层)处的进、出水管上,每处在和方向对称布置Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ 4个应变测点。U型压差计接U型管同一水平高度的进口与出口,测量其间压差变化。主要试验测试仪器型号及规格见表1。


1.3 试验方法

《地源热泵工程技术规范》中已经指出:细砂和膨润土的混合浆或专用灌浆材料宜作为回填材料,以实现保水防渗功能;然而,由于成本或施工便利等原因,工程中也存在回收使用钻孔屑黏土基回填料的情况,因此,本文选择以上2种回填料进行分析。地层土壤与黏土基回填料选用天然细粒黏土,砂土基回填料选用细砂和膨润土混合物(质量比为7:3),其基本特性参数见表2,模拟回填孔直径为150 mm。试验过程中,对围土分层作填充-夯实-填充处理,回填料的填充以回填高度的一半为界(埋深375 mm处),下半部为黏土基回填,上半部为砂土基回填,如图2所示。最后,通过补水口使土体达到饱和状态。

表2 回填料基本参数


图3 变形与应变


式中u为参数的不确定度,u1,u2, …, u为相互独立的不确定因素。


2 结果及分析

2.1 冻结区发展分析

使系统连续运行100 h,换热管内流体温度由0 ℃逐渐降低至−10 ℃,如图4所示。由于U型换热管的长度仅为0.9 m,运行过程中其进、出口的温度差异不大(不超过0.5 ℃),进、出水2管及其轴向温度可视为均匀一致。

图4 换热管进出口温度

以点为基准点,定义冻结锋面的0 ℃点与基准点之间的距离为冻结半径,如图5a所示,以衡量冻结区范围。围土内和方向的冻结半径发展如图5b所示,可见冻结半径在不同回填层内发展规律一致。以黏土基回填层为例,和方向的冻结半径发展至56 mm所用时间分别为11和36 h,二者相差25 h,此后2方向冻结半径发展至96和136 mm位置的时间差分别为16和13 h,可见冻结区在方向的发展速度始终大于方向,同时随着冻结范围的扩大,2方向的发展差异逐渐减小。显然,不对称的冻结区发展特性源于换热管的布置方式,进、出水2管位于方向上,冻结范围较小时,冻结区形态受到管结构的影响较大,随着冻结区边缘(冻结锋面)距离换热管越远,其形态受管结构的影响逐渐减弱。

试验过程中,砂土基回填层的冻结半径发展平均速度(向:1.64 mm/h;向:1.43 mm/h)要略快于黏土基回填层(向:1.58 mm/h;向:1.37 mm/h)。事实上,除了砂土导热性能良好之外,在初始含水率相差不大的情况下,由于砂土基回填料内膨润土中亲水矿物的作用,使得回填料会吸收地层土壤中的水,这种水分迁移作用,可使正在冻结的区域冰晶含量不断增大[33],冰的导热系数大于水和土颗粒。因此冰晶较多的砂土基回填层具有更大的冻结范围。

a. 冻结区a. Freezing areab. 冻结半径对比b. Comparison offreezing radius

2.2 管截面变形分析

取各应变测试位置处每25 h的应变变化,如图6所示。

图6 管体应变变化




2.3 管截面收缩分析

由各测试位置的管体应变(图6)可以看出,管截面在不断椭圆化的同时,也在不断收缩。管体平均应变(ε)反映了截面周长的变化率,进而可反映管截面胀缩程度。试验中采用4个测点应变的平均值近似表示测试位置处的管体平均应变(ε),如图7a所示。可见在前30 h内,4处测试位置的ε基本维持在相同的水平,而大约运行至30 h时,2′和2″位置的ε开始大于1′和1″位置,且差距逐渐增大,最终前者的ε值达到−2 500×10-6左右,后者仅为−1 900×10-6左右。表明当冻结发展至一定程度时,黏土基回填层内的管截面收缩程度要比砂土基回填层内的大。


因此,试验中各测试位置的εε之差可体现冻胀挤压作用对管体应变的影响,如图7b所示。可见在前30 h内,4处测试位置的冻胀应变值不断增大且增幅水平相当,从30 h至100 h,1′和1″处冻胀应变值由−400×10-6仅下降至−500×10-6左右,而在2′和2″处冻胀应变值却降至−1 000×10-6以下。表明当冻结区发展超过一定范围,黏土基回填对换热管的冻胀作用将大于砂土基回填,且差距逐渐增大。砂土基回填料中的膨润土存在遇水膨胀软化特性,从而使其强度降低[35],冻胀力对换热管的作用相对减弱,因此在砂土中适量添加膨润土,可减轻冻胀产生的换热管变形与收缩程度。对于寒区地源热泵工程,从地下换热器安全运行角度而言,按照规范使用砂土基回填料显得尤为必要。

a. 管体平均应变ε

a. Mean strains in pipe surfaceε

b. 冻胀作用应变εm-εT

2.4 管容积与流阻分析

在运行温度不断降低和冻胀作用力不断加大的情况下,换热管降温收缩和椭圆化变形会使截面面积减小,从而导致管容积减小。对于内径为25 mm的换热管,结合4个应变测点的平均值ε,可求得冻胀变形后管体容积,再根据初始管容积0,可得容积变化量=0−,如图8所示。可见随着运行时间的增加,管容积呈现不断减小的趋势,运行最终,换热管有约3.3 mL的容积减少量,与计算管段(管长750 mm)的初始容积0=736 mL相比,减少了0.4%。

图8 换热管容积减少量

换热管的变形与收缩同样也会增大系统的流动阻力,系统流阻的变化可通过U型压差计的液柱差来反映。冻胀试验过程中的液柱差变化如图9所示,可见液柱差不断增大,且增幅随运行时间有增加的趋势,这与不断增大的管体变形程度有关。在100 h的运行时间内,液柱差由137 mm增至146 mm,表明U型换热管的流阻有6.5%的增加量。

事实上,换热管由于冻胀变形造成的容积减小以及流阻增大问题,在文献[6]和[7]中所阐述的工程问题中已有提及,由此所带来的诸如循环液溢流、系统流量减小以及COP(性能系数,coefficient of performance)下降等问题不容忽视,在工程设计中应加以考虑。

图9 液柱差增幅

3 结论与讨论




3)岩土冻胀所致的换热管截面变形及收缩,会引发管容积减小以及流阻增大问题,运行100 h、温降10 ℃的试验条件下测得管容积减小率为0.4%,流阻增大率为6.5%,该问题应在工程设计中加以考虑。


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Effects of backfill materials on frost heave characteristic of ground heat exchanger

Wang Youtang, Zheng Bin, Wang Chunguang, Li Chengyu, Mao Mingming, Liu Xuyang


Based on the ground source heat pump technology (GSHP) application in facility agriculture in cold regions, the frost heave characteristics of ground heat exchanger were studied. The research, based on the freezing radius tracking and pipe surface strains measurement, was carried out by frost heave experimental system. The experimental system mainly included soil tank, surrounding soil (ground soil and backfill material), U-type heat exchange pipe and cold source circulation system. In order to reflect better the effects of soil frost heave on pipe, uniform and saturated surrounding soil was used, the initial temperature of which was 4 ℃. The effects of sand-based and clay-based backfill materials on frost heave were contrasted. The frost-susceptible natural clay was applied as ground soil and clay-based backfill material, the mixture of fine sand and bentonite was applied as sand-based backfill material. In the experiment, the cryogenic fluid circulated in the U-pipe for 100 hours continuously, the temperature of which reduced from 0 to -10 ℃. The research on the characteristics of freezing area growth, buried pipe deformation and contraction were developed. Moreover, the changes of heat exchange pipe volume and flow resistance due to pipe deformation were investigated. In this study, thedirection was defined as the line through two centers of inlet pipe and outlet pipe, thedirection was perpendicular todirection. It could be found in both backfill materials, the running time in thedirection was less than thedirection at the corresponding freezing radius. This was related to the structure of U-pipe with two side-by-side pipes. The difference decreased with the increase of freezing area. In contrast, the freezing radius growth rate in the sand-based backfill (the rates inanddirection were 1.64 and 1.43 mm/h respectively) was slightly larger than that of the clay-based backfill (the rates inanddirection were 1.58 and 1.37 mm/h respectively). This indicated the freezing area in the sand-based backfill was greater than that in the clay-based backfill. As the freezing area increased, the pipe surface strains in both backfills showed gradually increasing and regular difference, which indicated the pipes’ cross-sections became more and more elliptical. The major axes of elliptical cross-sections coincided with thedirection. Meanwhile, the decrease of the mean strains on the pipe surface indicated that the pipes’ cross-sections were contracting. It was found that the elliptical deformation and the contraction of the pipe in the clay-based backfill were more serious than that in the sand-based backfill. By eliminating the influence of temperature drop from the mean strains, it could be found that the frost heave effect on the heat exchange pipe in clay-based backfill could be greater than that in sand-based backfill, when the freezing area exceeded a certain range. After the temperature of U-pipe dropped from 0 to -10 ℃ within 100h, it could be found that the pipe volume reduced 0.4%, the flow resistance increased 6.5%. Consequently, the pipe deformation with ovalization and contraction could be one reason for the decrease in circulation flow rate and system efficiency.

heat pumps; heat transfer; frost heave; ground heat exchanger; backfill material; buried pipe deformation






S215; TK521



王有镗,郑 斌,王春光,李成宇,毛明明,刘旭阳. 回填土质材料对地下换热器冻胀特性的影响研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(14):205-211. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.14.026 http://www.tcsae.org

Wang Youtang, Zheng Bin, Wang Chunguang, Li Chengyu, Mao Mingming, Liu Xuyang. Effects of backfill materials on frost heave characteristic of ground heat exchanger[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(14): 205-211. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.14.026 http://www.tcsae.org

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