Nursery Rhyme小学英语语感培养的有效途径

2019-09-17 14:14许静龙
新课程·中旬 2019年7期


摘 要:通过对学生进行Nursery Rhymes(英语歌谣,歌曲和韵律诗)的训练,在学生英语学习的起始阶段,通过地道的Nursery Rhymes的大量输入和实践,采用行动研究法,在吟唱歌谣和诵读韵律诗的过程中,达到有效培养学生英语语感,提高学生英语听说读的能力;从而改变由于语感和节奏不对、对连读、略读、弱读的发音技巧不了解而导致学了多年的英语,到头来还是说不出地道的英语,听不懂native speaker 的话的矛盾。

关键词:Nursery rhymes;英语核心素养;英语语感;有效途径

“语感”始于夏丏尊先生在20世纪20年代《我在国文科教授上最近的一信念——传染语感于学生》一文中所写到:“一般作教师的,特别是国文科教师,对于普通文字应该比学生有正确丰富的了解力。换句话说,对于文字应有灵敏的感觉。姑且名这感觉为 语感。叶圣陶先生在此基础上将语感定义为‘对于语言文字的敏锐感受是对于语言文字的正确的了解力。文字语言的训练,我以为最要紧的是训练语感。”吕叔湘先生也说:“语感是个总的名称,包括语义感、语法感和语音感,可以通过语感判断情感,判断语义,有助于深入理解思想内容。”外语和语文同属一个学习领域,它们具有共同的教育價值,在教与学中也具有很多共同性。王宁(北师大教授):“语感本身就是一种能力,又是形成高言语能力的基础与初阶。”王蔷(英语特级教师):“在众多新的外语教育理念与方式影响着英语教与学的今天,语感是学生英语综合运用能力中不可或缺的素质。基于母语环境下的英语学习及其运用的语感,是学生学习的一种习惯和潜意识;是学好英语的基础;是英语学习和运用的综合素质。”


认知心理学研究表明小学生在学习外语时运用音乐、运动、节奏可以感到松弛、愉快和满足,产生兴奋的情绪,达到长时间记忆的目的。音乐是人类的第二语言,歌曲可以陶冶人的心灵,能把我们带入各种情感境界。Nursery rhymes是一种运用语言来表达思想感情的特殊艺术手段,将语言学习与娱乐融为一体。在英语教学中适当的使用Nursery rhymes,可以丰富教学内容,增添学习的乐趣,促使学生在轻松的环境下熟记教学内容。

唱歌是以听觉感知为主的形象记忆。歌曲悦耳、动听的歌词和旋律可激发人的情绪记忆,儿童记忆能力的发展总是遵循情绪记忆到形象记忆最后落实到逻辑记忆。从心理学的理论可知,情绪记忆符合儿童身心发展的特点。《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》明确提出了能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。明确了能唱英语儿歌和说歌谣的目标和要求:一级,要求能唱简单的英文歌曲15~20首,说歌谣15~20首;二级,要求能表演歌谣或简单的诗歌30~40首,能学唱英文歌曲30~40首。可见,Nursery Rhymes(英语歌谣,歌曲和韵律诗)的教学在小学英语教学中的重要的意义。

对学生进行Nursery Rhymes(英语歌谣,歌曲和韵律诗)的训练,在学生英语学习的起始阶段,通过地道的Nursery Rhymes的大量输入和实践,在吟唱歌谣和诵读韵律诗的过程中,达到有效培养学生英语语感,提高学生英语听说读的能力;从而改变由于语感和节奏不对、对连读、略读、弱读的发音技巧不了解而导致学了多年的英语,到头来还是说不出地道的英语,听不懂native speaker 的话的矛盾。

以 Eentsy Weentsy Spider这首Nursery rhyme为例子,前一段是规范地道的英文朗读,后一段为优美悦耳的英文儿歌原唱,2/4拍,曲调较为欢快,歌曲重在培养学生的英语语感,激发对英文学习的兴趣。 Eentsy Weentsy 中的sy 和 water spout,the spider out 中的out,rain和again 中的ain都是一种押韵,这一点,又和我们的自然拼读分不开,歌词中的连读和略读,在歌唱的时候也充分体现。学生长期在原版歌谣的熏陶下,语感增加,英语的拼读能力,也得到不同程度的锻炼和提升。


Eentsy Weentsy Spider

The eentsy weentsy spider went up water spout.

Down came the rain and washed the spider out;

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain;

And the eentsy weentsy spider went up spout again.

在欧美国家,对儿童进行早期的语言启蒙训练,也多采用Rhymes的方式。他们认为:Nursery rhymes(英语歌谣,韵律诗歌) in a language for children have been passed down for generations and they have some specific features and properties. They introduce young learners to a story structure in a most basic form and provide them with short,simple texts which can be easily remembered. Learners can be entertained by the rhythmic property. However,they are a lot more than entertainment. They are full of rhymes and alliterations which can be employed by teachers to train learners listening and articulation skills. Machado argues that “a person does not always listen for knowledge but may listen to a sound because it is pleasing to hear.” If learners listen to a certain nursery rhyme for the first time,they may not fully understand it. However,they like it very much because they find pleasure and entertainment in hearing the rhyming words. If language development is the goal for learners early experience,auditory appeal is one of the best reasons for teachers to choose nursery rhymes. Rhymes and alliterations may seem to be the tools of poets and writers only at the first glance. However,when teachers read nursery rhymes again and again to the learners,they become familiar with the rhymes and alliterations,and later on their familiarity with the rhymes and alliterations may be reinforced in the process of listening and may serve as the basis for learning to read. Machado also notes that “listening is a learned behavior,a mental process that is concerned with hearing,attending,discriminating,understanding and remembering.” When learners hear a nursery rhyme,they hear their teachers articulation,listen attentively,try to discriminate the different sounds and understand the meaning conveyed by the sounds,and they try to recite it themselves after hearing it many times. The teachers reading is entertaining because they use their voice in special ways:they alter the pitch or speed to add suspense;they emphasize part of a phrase to hold interest;they use tone and facial gesture to signal that learners should join in and repeat. They expect a purposeful listening practice so that learners can become aware of the different sounds and will be able to discriminate the speech sounds,and eventually can create some similar sounds with the help of their listening experience.

Young language learners need to learn the language and develop their language skills. It is believed that teachers choice of reading nursery rhymes to young learners is a powerful way of introducing them to early learning experience that has been identified as making a difference in later success in reading and writing.

Nursery Rhymes中体现出来的,不单是对学生语感的训练,更是在无形之中潜移默化Phonics Training 。例如 Whats this?這首歌的歌词是: Whats this?Whats this?What?What?Its a hat. Its a hat. Its a hat,hat,hat.(bat,cat,mat)在学生会唱这首歌的基础上,我们开展自然拼读系列或者绘本阅读的时候,关于at 的发音,以及单词的拼读,便信手拈来,轻而易举地得出一句:A fat cat sat on the mat。

在学校、家庭和社会三方面力量的帮助下,我们的学生,在校内、校外的英语学习中,按照我们的教学计划,每一个模块或者单元的学习,围绕单元主题,有条不紊地对英语语感进行有的放矢地训练,通过吟唱小册子、教学博客,充分地“磨耳朵”,这些有效途径的输入,大概需要经过四到六个学期的培养,大部分学生能建立自己的语音系统,克服自己的口音,说出比较纯正的日常对话,唱出让人舒服的歌谣。同时,我们不但提前完成了课标中语言技能分级标准中说唱的一级目标(15首歌曲左右),远远超过了二级目标的30首歌。学生增强了自己的英语朗读语感,用地道的口音、语感唱、读英文歌谣或者英文绘本,并且在绘本阅读技能方面,远远超出课标中对一级目标:能根据图文说出单词或短句的要求,很多学生在Nursery Rhymes,Phonics的帮助下,能轻松地阅读丽声系列一到四级的读物。实践证明,在小学低年级,对学生进行英语启蒙,Nursery Rhyme是小学英语语感培养的有效途径,更是训练小学生英语听读技能的有效方法。




[3]海岚.全儿童英语启蒙 北美二语教育启示录[M].北京语言大学出版社,2017.

[4]Machado,J.M. Early Childhood Experiences in Language Arts:Emerging Literacy[M]. New York:Delmar Publishers,1995.
