An Analysis of College students’ Entrepreneurship in Campus E-commerce Environment

2019-09-16 02:30LiZhuang
校园英语·上旬 2019年8期

Li Zhuang

【Abstract】Nowadays, the environment for college students to start a business is improving. Firstly, there is the support of national policies, then there is also the environment of e-commerce, which is an opportunity worthy of entrepreneurs in college to grasp. This paper, based on the characteristics of college students entrepreneurship, analyzes its general mode under the e-commerce environment, and then puts forward some measures to solve the low success rate of college students entrepreneurship.

【Key words】characteristics; entrepreneurial mode; success rate

【作者簡介】Li Zhuang, Canvard College of Beijing Technology and Business University.


In recent years, the employment problem of college students has become more and more serious, so the Chinese government proposed a policy of encouraging college students to start their own business with freestyle to improve the employment rate of college students. As the Internet technology is closely linked with all walks of life, e-commerce came into being, and staring a business based on e-commerce environment has become the mainstream of college students entrepreneurship.

1. The characteristics of College students Entrepreneurship in Campus

The entrepreneurial group of college students refers to college students and recent graduates, which restricts the conditions for college students to start a business. College students have academic requirements and need to complete their learning tasks, so it is impossible for them to devote all their energy to start a business. The life experience for majority of college students is plain and simple, and they have few personal relationships, so their targeted customers are school teachers and students as well as people nearby. However, college students have low consumption ability and limited financial resources, and most of their pocket money comes from the support of their family. That means the form of college students entrepreneurship is low-cost and small-scale .

2. The selectivity of entrepreneurship mode

There are a variety of transaction modes in e-commerce, among which B2C, O2O and C2B2C are the three most widely used in college students entrepreneurship.

(1) B2C (business to customer)

B2C mode is widely used in Taobao. Taobao, an online-shopping platform in China, owns many businesses, and consumers can directly trade with them from it. Because of the success of Taobao, college students who want to start a business achieve their goal by opening an online store, becoming an efficient way. It is a common phenomenon for college students to start their own business with Taobao.

(2) O2O (online to offline)

There are many cases of O2O mode, such as previously popular ofo sharing bicycles, online payment by scanning quick response code for  cycling, and superclass, founded by famous college student entrepreneur Yang Mingping. Within the limited environmental resources, everyone wants to live in an efficient and fast way, so there appears popularly convenient services in college such as Eleme Apps take-out service, Didi companys taxi-hailing service and Meituans door-to-door service. Therefore, college students entrepreneurial projects tend to imitate these kind of  services.

(3) C2B2C (customer to business to customer)

Many friends of mine with inadequate funds choose C2B2C mode to start a business, such as creating a part-time job platform for college students. Part-time job has always been a hot topic for college students, because they know nothing about the way to find a part-time job.College students who are interested in this project can create a WeChat official account about part-time jobs for college students with a little bit of money. Firstly, promote the official accounts on campus. On the one hand, the reason for promoting official accounts on campus is that college students are familiar with campus and that there are personal relationships. On the other hand, the target group we are looking for is college students. Second, find the resources of businessmen who need part-timers outside school. We can earn agency fees by providing businessmen with manpower information. In short, the C2B2C mode is like an intermediary agent between buyers and sellers, and it depends on resource matching. This kind of mode, with small investment, is suitable for college students to start a business.

3. Using school resources to improve the success rate of College students Entrepreneurship

The number of college students who choose to start a business has increased every year because of the national policy preference and social support, but the failure rate is still `high. In order to make full use of the friendly entrepreneurial environment for college students and help them achieve their dream of starting a business, the school needs to provide the following substantive help for students.

(1) Establish a cooperation platform for schools and enterprises

School-enterprise cooperation is generally carried out in polytechnic colleges, so the number of college students ‘entrepreneurship in polytechnic colleges is more than that in undergraduate colleges. The most common form of school-enterprise cooperation is college students innovation and entrepreneurship incubation base as well as O2O entrepreneurship base. The school introduces cooperative enterprises, and enterprises provide entrepreneurial resources for students who want to start a business. The resources they provide must be related to the business operated by enterprises. Cooperation needs to focus on mutual benefit. For cooperative enterprises, they can propose research projects which are problems appearing in the process of business operation, then provide funds for students to come up with creative solutions. In addition, schools can also train reserve talents for enterprises; for schools, cooperation with enterprises optimizes the teaching process. For example, schools with the major of e-commerce can introduce online businesses such as and Taobao, so that students can experience the working environment and contact with the workflow personally; for students, school-enterprise cooperation has lowered the threshold for entrepreneurship. There are professionals to provide guidance, which reduces the obstacles for entrepreneurs and increases he success rate of starting a business。

(2) Offer entrepreneurial courses

Entrepreneurship doesnt mean we can create from nothing, it is a process with reason. There is a mature theoretical system for the problems appearing in the process of entrepreneurship, such as the integration of entrepreneurial resources, the characteristics of roles, the financing of entrepreneurship, and the establishment of entrepreneurial teams. The establishment of entrepreneurial courses enable students to understand the problems they need to face and make them have psychological preparations in advance. Students will not give up easily when facing difficulties, resulting in a waste of financial resources. Most importantly, entrepreneurial courses can provide students with some entrepreneurial experience. Take the initial process of forming entrepreneurial ideas as an example, entrepreneurial courses provide analytical tools for students, such as brainstorming, expert discussion, and Delphi Method.

4. Conclusion

The development of e-commerce provides new opportunities for college students to start a business, and brings great convenience, making college students closer to their entrepreneurial dreams. Because the limited knowledge of mine, there must be some wrong views inevitably only from the perspective of students and the experience of the surrounding classmates to explain the college students entrepreneurship in e-commerce environment, so please give me.


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