设计分为阅读前(Pre reading)、阅读中(While reading)和阅读后(Post reading)三部分:以著名演员的图片引出表演话题,自然过渡到文本阅读。进而对故事的情节发展和细节进行处理,对文本语言、人物描写和写作手法进行赏析。以故事的开端、发展、高潮和结局的挖掘为主线,以分析主人公的演员特质为次主线,引导学生在了解故事情节的过程中,感悟作者的写作手法。
Stage 1.Lead in (2m)
1.Who are they?
2.What makes good acting?
Stage 2.
1.Fast reading (6m)
(1)What type of writing does the passage belong to?
①Exposition (说明文).
②Narration (记叙文).
③Argumentation (议论文).
(2)In what order does the story develop?
(3)Who are the main roles?
(4)What is the story about?
2.Detailed reading (20m)
(1) Steven's interest in acting
①Pick out the time points in the passage.
②Who is interested in acting, Steven or Brad?
③Descriptions about Steven's interest.
sixth grade
Appreciate and analyze Steven's interest in acting.
a.He “drew” his name as it would appear on a marquee.(dream)
b.In his mind, he “practiced” his acceptance speech… (effort)
c.“… thank my agent…”, he imagined himself saying to the crowd.(devotion)
d.He was used to starring in school productions.(chance)
分析有关Steven有表演兴趣的句子,同时引领学生进行语言处理。分析作者的巧妙用词,理解引号内双关语的作用, 突出人物的重点描写,进而提炼出Steven成为一个好演员所具备的各种品质,如心存梦想、不断努力练习、非常投入、有演出经历等。同时,对比文中没有描述Brad所具备的品质的部分,为结局中他的惊艳表现埋下伏笔,增加故事出其不意的效果。并且此部分与本课开始部分的引入环节巧妙相连,又为下个环节分析作者描写人物的对比手法提前进行了铺垫,做到了环节的巧妙过渡和衔接。
(2)About the casting show
first response(begged parents)(was asked to…)
at the theater(picked up application)
(mouthed the words over and over)
(listened to each other's reading)
(3)The ending of the story
①Why couldn't Steven believe what he was seeing and hearing?
(Brad never showed his talent for acting.)
②What do Steven's words imply?
(Brad's reading was very good.)
Stage 3.Post reading (12m)
1.How does the plot develop in the passage?
回顾故事情节的发展,进一步明确文本是按时间顺序描述以及故事的开端、发展、高潮和结局的框架(如图2)。同时, 对比分析Steven和Brad对acting的表现,以及出演的态度,引导学生更深刻地体会故事最后峰回路转的惊奇结局,为最后分析作者的写作手法做好铺垫。
Stage 3 Post-reading
1.How does the plot develop in the passage?
2.Discuss the following questions in groups:
Q1:From the story, do you think Brad would try out for the casting call in the end?
Q2:How did Brad get excellent acting, by accident, with talent or through effort?
引发学生思考并合理想象故事下一步会如何发展。通过回答第二个问题,引导学生再次联系引入环节提出的好演员所具备的品质(interest, effort, chance, devotion, dream 等),联系Steven能出色表演的重要因素,为接下来分析作者的写作手法做铺垫。
回读第2段中有关Brad的语句“His brother said he was probably the first Romeo in the history of theater to have braces”和“Brad was not interested in acting”,再根据文章最后Steven的心理活动和话语,我们可以推知Brad非常有表演天赋。
Q3:What's the difference between brothers' character?
Q4:How does the author describe the characters in this story?
Q5:How can we get a surprising ending?
For all:Retell the story in your own words.
For some:Write what you have learned from the story , about description of characters or the writer's writing style.
Steven had had his first starring role in kindergarten, playing a talking stone in a class play.From the moment that he heard the applause and took his bows, he knew he wanted to be an actor.
He “drew” his name as it would appear on a marquee.In his mind, he “practiced” his acceptance speech to the Academy Awards .“I want to thank my agent…” he imagined himself saying to the crowd.
By sixth grade, he was used to starring in school productions.He played Romeo in this year's Junior Shakespeare Festival.His brother said he was probably the first Romeo in the history of
theater to have braces.Steven liked everything about acting—except for his brother's comments about it.Brad was not interested in acting.
Steven dreamed of going to California or New York when he got older.Meanwhile, he read the “trades” at the library—the newspapers and magazines of the acting business.He couldn't believe it when he saw that there was going to be an open casting call in his own Midwestern city.He begged his parents to take him, but they worked on Saturdays and they couldn't take the day off.He was forced to ask his older brother, the critic.
The part called for a boy who looked about 14.Steven figured he could pass.Unlike Brad, Steven looked older than his age.Brad, on the other hand, at 16 looked more like 14.The boys arrived early at the theater where the try outs were taking place.There were already over 200 kids there.Steven picked up his application.Brad picked up one, too—“Just for fun,” he said.Each of them then studied the short script they'd been handed.Like all the other kids, they mouthed the words over and over.Some kids found quiet spaces to read their lines aloud , with all the right emotion.
Steven asked Brad to listen to his reading.“Okay, but you have to listen to mine, too.”
“Deal,” Steven answered.Then he read, and, as usual, he was good.Next, it was Brad's turn.Steven couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing.Why hadn't Brad ever tried out for a play? Where had he gotten all this talent all of a sudden? He asked his brother , “Why haven't you tried before?”
“I was waiting for something big,” Brad replied.
[1]中华人民共和国教育部.普通高中英语课程标准 (2017年版)[S].北京:人民教育出版社,2018.