Culture and tourism : looking for the sense of remoteness
从远古抽身,又与自然的鬼斧神工相遇。3500万年前,由于强烈的地壳断裂运动,非洲板块从阿拉伯古陆块中被撕扯出来,形成了现在的红海、亚丁湾和东非大裂谷。大约1万年前,海底缓慢抬升起一道山脊,把达纳吉尔地区与红海隔离开来,在缓慢沉降中,形成了低于海平面100多米的凹地。随后,一系列火山活动在这片名为达纳吉尔的凹地留下了沸腾的温泉、爆裂声不断的熔岩湖、亦真亦幻的海市蜃楼……奇观之中,还横亘着世界上最古老的熔岩湖——Erta Ale,站在湖边,沸腾的岩浆就在面前翻滚,“地狱之门”的名号当之无愧。
This is Ethiopia, the roof ofAfrica. In April, rainyseason was about to moisture Ethiopia withdrizzles. A blue and white modern light rail train wasslowly pulling over the Meskel Square Station inthe center of the capital city. A few nunutes later, thetrain restarted and ran to the next station through thebustling downtown. In such a city of Addis Ababa,a visitor may get confused if he or she is wanderingthrough the mystery of its past, or amidst the neon inmodern times.
In ancient Greek, the word "Ethiopia" means"the land resided by tanned people." Bordered byDjibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and SouthSudan to the west, Kenya to the south, and Eritrea tothe north, Ethiopia is rich in minerals, geothermal,hydropower and forest resources. Besides, a largenumber of wild animals are gifted to this productiveland, filling it with vitality. "Africa is the cradle ofhuman beings." Darwin's bold speculation in 1871painted a mysterious humanistic color on the wildAfrican continent.
Say "hello" to mysterious Ethiopia.
The vastness, remoteness, wildness and mysteryof African continent gather in Ethiopia. Did humanbeings originate from here? Can we trace thecradle of human civilization in this place? With thequestions like this, it seems like we are knockingat a door toward the ancient past by visiting themost primitive tribes here. It is said that the lips andearlobes of Mursi females should be pierced withpottery plates which will continuously enlarge theholes. In such a self-harming way, they make surethe safety and prosperity of the tribe. Over time,their bodies have become the camer of tribal art withcomplicated patterns and decorations of wild naturedazzling...
Having seen the wildness of the ancient tribe,we will witness the natural beauty here. 35 millionyears ago, the African plate was torn from the ancientArabian plate due to the strong crustal fracturemovement, forming the current Red Sea, the Gulf ofAden and the East African Great Rift Valley. Around10,000 years ago, the sea bed slowly raised a ridgeand separated the Danakil area from the Red Sea. Inthe slow process of sinking, a depression more than100 meters below sea level was formed, becomingthe Danakil Depression. Subsequently, a series ofvolcanic activities left Danakil Depression a boilinghot spring, a lava lake that frequently bursts, andmirages. Among these spectacular scenes, there isalso one of the six oldest lava lakes --- the Erta Ale.Standing by the lake, one can see magma boiling inthe front. Its nickname "the Gate of Hell" does notcome from nothing.
In recent years, as China has surpassed theUnited States for nine consecutive years to becomeAfrica's largest trading partner, Africa has alsobecome a popular tourist destination among thoseChinese who look for the sense of remoteness.From January to July 2018, Chinese tourists toAfrica increased by 70% comparing to the sameperiod of the previous year. In June 2017, Ethiopiaimplements e-Visas for Chinese Tourists. In thesame year, the number of Chinese tourists visitingEthiopia as their first stop in African increased by96.1%. And in the first half of 2018, it increasedby 82.5%. Ethiopia got into the list of top 40destinations for Chinese outbound tourists for thefirst time in 2017 and the first half of 2018.Cultural tourism with streams of visitors andeverlasting friendship
The charm of Ethiopia hides not only in the tourof adventure and ancient history, but also in the tourof enjoying coffee scent.
Legendary story has that Ethiopian goat herderKaldi first discovered coffee at Kaffa many yearsago. Today, coffee is popular worldwide. With thepopularity of coffee culture, the Ethiopian coffeebeans start their global tours.
In December, the red coffee beans turn mature andare ready to be picked on the coffee farms in Ethiopia.The picked coffee beans are aired, shelled and hand-picked before being shipped to Guangdong, China.
In recent years, coffee consumption has beengrowing fast in China. More and more quality coffeebrands around the world enter the Chinese market,providing Chinese consumers with more choices.According to the data of Guangdong Customs,Guangdong Province imported 27,000 tons of coffeeand related products in 2017, a quarter of China'stotal coffee import.
With the infrastructure improvement like theAddis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, Ethiopia increases itsefficiency of coffee export. Batches of coffee beansare transported by highway and railway to the portof Djibouti first, and then reach China after some 21days' sea transportation.
While the Ethiopian red coffee beans aretransported to China, young Ethiopians attracted bytraditional Chinese culture also amve here.
In the practice room of Hebei Wuqiao AcrobaticArt School, Hekma, a 16-year-old girl from Ethiopia,attracted the journalist's attention. The girl clenchedthe rolling ring and flipped it again and again andsoon the sweat ran down her cheeks and droppedonto the floor ofthe practice room.
"In whole Africa, there hasn't been a female ring-rolling acrobat, and my goal is to become the veryfirst one." Although the girl took on a tinge of shy onher face, she looked determined in her eyes.
Hekma wanted to become a famous acrobatwho can have performance tours around the worldand earn bread for her family. She was confident inher future. In the future, she also wants to open anacrobatic school in Ethiopia so that more children andtheir families can have a better future.
With the establishment of a comprehensivepartnership between China and Ethiopia, the twocountries are communicating toward multi-fields. Andculture and tourism have become the highlights andforefronts for cooperation between the two countries.
In 2018, China proposed that "Eight MajorInitiatives" will be camed out under the guidance ofbuilding an even stronger community with a sharedfuture between China and Africa in the new eraon the 2018 Beijing Summit of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). These initiativesinclude: strengthening exchanges of developmentexperience, supporting cooperation in economicand social development planning, setting up 10Luban Workshops in Africa to provide vocationaltechnical training to African youth, supportingthe establishment of a China-Africa InnovationCooperation Center that aims to promote innovationand entrepreneurship cooperation of the youth, andimplementing the Head Goose Project to train l,000elites for Africa.
Costantinos Berhutesfa Costantinos, professorof public policy at the Addis Ababa University inEthiopia, said that the people-to-people exchangesbetween Africa and China will enhance thedevelopment of African young people and bring moredevelopment opportunities to African countries.
In the future, with the continuous developmentand extension of the Belt and Road Initiative, thecooperation between China and Ethiopia will continueto be deepened, and the people of the two time-honored nations will understand each other's culturedeeper and deeper. The two rapidly developing andemerging countries will work together to build abrighter future.