To contribute wisdom and strength to global development path
——Model projects of intemational cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative
“After five-plus years of implementation,the Belt and Road lnitiative has achievedmany tangible achievements. For example,it greatly promoted the interconnectivity ofglobal infrastructure and trade investmentand benefited people and countries alongthe route. Now it serves as a strong forcein maintaining economic globalizationand world peace and will definitelybecome an important cooperationplatform to build a community ofshared future for mankind. In the future,focusing on project constructions, theBelt and Road Initiative will adhere tomarket orientation and give full playto enterprises, so as to further improvethe level of international cooperationand promote the joint construction tobe put into place and feature a moreprofound and intensive manner." OnMarch 14, at the seminar about modelprojects of international cooperationheld by the Center for Promoting Beltand Road Construction under NationalDevelopment and Reform Commission,representatives reached consensus onthe past five-plus years' achievements ofmajor projects under the Belt and Road.
In the past five years, under theframework of the Belt and Road Initiativeunfolds a spectacular picture of globalwin-win. One after another flagshipproject kicked off and yielded positiveresults in countries along the the Bletand Road, such as the Yanbu AramcoSinopec Refining Company (YASREF),Hesteel Serbia, Cambodia SihanoukvilleSpecial Economic Zone, the Great Stone,Mombasa-Nairobi Standard GaugeRailway, Karot hydropower station inPakistan, and so on.
YASREF: products sold to Europe and Asian-Pacific region
The Yanbu Aramco SinopecRefining Company (YASREF),was jointly established by ChinaPetrochemical Corporation (Sinopec)and Saudi Aramco. Both sides inkedan agreement on the joint venture in2012 with a total investment of USD8.6 billion, with 62.5% of the equityinterest owned by Saudi Aramco and37.5% by Sinopec. The joint venturewent into test operation in April 2015,and started production in January 2016.
Situated on Saudi Arabia's westerncoast of the Red Sea is a beautiful andtranquil city, Yanbu. Yanbu is famousfor its advanced petrochemical industryfeaturing three major refineries liningup along the beautiful beach, whichpresents a unique landscape. YASREFhas achieved great success after startingproduction in 2016. It has produced49.97 million tons of crude oil, and finegasoline and diesel oil of 39.98 milliontons. The project has not only earnedprofits but also paid back the loansprovided by shareholders in constructionphase. And its products have been soldto Europe and Asian-Pacific region.YASREF has earned prestige withadvanced processes, low investment,fast construction, high quality and safetyin the Middle East, helping it win the"Construction Project of the Year" of thePlatts Global Energy Awards, the highest-level award in international energy. Therelevant person in charge YASREF saidthat the project has set an example forthe Saudi Vision 2030 0f developingindustries, increasing non-oil revenues,and creating job opportunities.
Hesteel Serbia: model project in international capacity cooperation
Only half a year after SmederevoSteel Mill was acquired by HBISGroup Co., Ltd (HBIS) did it endits consecutive seven-year loss, andgrew into the second largest exportingenterprise in Serbia.
The steel mill. which startedoperations in 1913, was a well-known century-old plant once hailedas the "Serbian national pride", butfierce international competition andpoor management was leading itto predicament and closure, untilit changed to the Hesteel GroupSerbia Iron & Steel (commonlyknown as Hesteel Serbia) after a46-million-euro purchase by HBISin April 2016. Since the take-over,more than 5,000 employees facingunemployment returned to work. Atpresent, the business of the mill evenhits a historical high, striving to be anexample in China-Central and EasternEurope (CEECs) capacity cooperationand the Belt and Road Initiative.
Cambodia Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ):
among the first batch of overseas negotiation cooperation zones
Cambodia Sihanoukville SpecialEconomic Zone (SSEZ) is oneof the first batch of overseas economyand trade cooperation zones designatedby China's Ministry of Commerce andone of the first batch of six overseascooperation zones confirmed by theMinistry of Commerce and Finance.
Covering an area of 11.13 squarekilometers, SSEZ is located in Sihanoukville,a place which enjoys convenient air, sea,and land transportation, providing it withsignificant niche advantages. After 10years of development and construction,SSEZ has finished the initial phase of thedevelopment area of 5 square kilometers,including transportation, electricity,water, communications, sewage disposalas well as land leveling. A large-scalesewage treatment plant and 170 factorieshave been built, along with supportingfacilities such as a comprehensive servicecenter. Meanwlule, the Council for theDevelopment of Cambodia (CDC), theCambodian Customs, the Departmentof Commodity Inspection, and theMinistry of Commerce have entered thedistrict to provide "one-stop" servicesfor enterprises. By the end of 2017, 118enterprises such as clothing, bags, shoes,and electronics had been attracted to thearea, providing nearly 20,000 jobs forlocal communities.
China-Belarus Industrial Park: the pearl along the Silk Road Economic Belt
Great Stone, also called China-BelarusIndustrial Park, is located in Minsk,Belarus, an important hub linking Europeand Asia in the Silk Road EconomicBelt, with a planned area of 91.5 squarekilometers. It is hailed as the "pearl alongthe Silk Road Economic Belt".
Great stone is adjacent to theinternational airport, the railway andthe Berlin-Moscow highway. It aims tobecome a high-tech industrial park withmachinery manufacturing, electronicinformation, fine chemicals, bio-medicine, new materials, and warehousinglogistics as the main industries. In thepark, production and residential areas,complexes integrating office, businessand entertainment, and financial andscientific research centers are planned tobe constructed. Since the park launchedits investment promotion in 2012, thanksto the joint efforts of China and Belarus,the number of enterprises in the park hasincreased from seven in 2015 t0 42 atpresent, with a total agreed investmentof about USD l.1 billion. Accordingto the Presidential Decree No.490 0fthe Republic of Belarus "On CustomsSupervision", Great Stone was approvedas the first regional special economic zonein Belarus, which will further enhance itsattraction of Belarus and other EurasianEconomic Union countries in terms ofpreferential business policies.
Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway (SGR):Millennium Project
The 480-kilometer Mombasa-NairobiStandard Gauge Railway (SGR)extends from Mombasa in the east, thecountry's largest port city and to Nairobiin the west, the capital city of Kenya. It isthe first railway in Kenya after it gainedindependence, which was constructed bya Chinese company and adopted Chinesestandard along the entire line.
The SGR, built by the China Roadand Bridge Company (CRBC), wasput into service since June l, 2017.So far, it has transported more than 2million passenger trips, which meansthat four in seven people among the 3.5nullion population in Nairobi have takenthe SGR. The line, kindly hailed as a"Millennium Project" by Kenya people,not only transforms Kenya people'stransportation but also injects new vitalityto the country's economic development.The line shortens the time to transportcargo between Nairobi and Mombasaand lows the logistics cost by more than40%. In addition, the construction of therailway drove GDP in Kenya to growby l.5% t0 2%, and more importantly, acomprehensive industrial chain includingport came into being.
Pakistan Karot Hydropower Plant: the first project of the Silk Road Fund
Karot Hydropower Plant is a priorityroject in China-Pakistan EconomicCorridor (CPEC), the first project ofChina Three Gorges Corporation andChinese hydropower industry listedin the joint declaration by China andPakistan governments and the first largehydropower investment constructionproject along the Belt and Road and inCPEC as well as the "first order" after theSilk Road Fund was established.The construction kicked off inDecember 2016. According to theconstruction plan, the first unit willbe put into operation in April 2021.The project, adopting "Construction-Operation-Transferring" mode, isoperated and managed by Chineseenterprise at the beginning and will betransferred to Pakistan government forfree after 30-year operation. China ThreeGorges Corporation noted that as thefirst project of the Silk Road Fund, KarotHydropower Plant is the first hydropowerinvestment project which completelyadopts Chinese technology and standard,providing a platform for Chinesemachinery equipment to "go global".