于家兴 魏海平 金丽娜 魏宇峰
摘 要:针对参数未知的异构线性多智能体系统,在无向或平衡有向网络下提出一种固定输出平均一致性协议,使得每个智能体的输出达到它们初始输出的平均值。首先,网络中每个智能体都被建模成阶数不同且相关度为1或2的未知线性系统,并根据自身及其邻居节点的输出更新其状态;其次,基于模型参考控制方法,对不同相关度的智能体定义相对应的模型;最后,提出一致性协议使每个智能体的输出收敛至其参考模型的输出,即达到固定输出平均一致。仿真实验利用了一个说明性的例子验证了所提协议的有效性和收敛性。
关键词: 多智能体系统;异构;参数未知;平均一致性;模型参考
Abstract: Focusing on heterogeneous linear Multi-Agent System (MAS) with unknown parameters, a fixed output average consensus protocol was proposed in undirected or balanced directed network to make the output of each agent reach the average of their initial output. Firstly, each agent in the network was modeled as an unknown linear system with different order and correlation of 1 or 2, which state was updated according to the output of its own and neighboring nodes. Then, based on the model reference control method, the corresponding models were defined for the agents with different correlations. Finally, a consesus protocol was proposed to converge the output of each agent to the output of its reference model, achieving the average consesus of fixed output. The simulation with an illustrative example demonstrates the effectiveness and convergence of the proposed protocol.
Key words: Multi-Agent System (MAS); heterogeneity; parameter unknown; average consensus; model reference
0 引言
本文采用模型参考控制策略(Model Reference Adaptive Control, MRAC),研究在无向或平衡有向网络下,具有未知参数的异构线性多智能体系统的无领导固定输出平均一致性问题。换言之,本文研究了异构未知线性多智能体系统的一致性问题,网络中的智能体的相关度为1或2。与现有工作相比,本文系统的未知参数的上限是未知的,每个智能体的相关度是不同的,相关度为2的智能体的高频收益是未知的,另外,由于输出的期望值是每个智能体初始输出的平均值,所以相对的放宽了对每个智能体输出的限制。
1 预备知识和主要问题
1.1 图论知识
1.2 符号说明
4 结语
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