姚慧丽 张悦娇 侯盛楠
摘 要:基于微分方程的概周期解比周期解更具有一般性,本文将对一类带有逐段常变量的二阶微分方程的概周期解进行研究。根据这类方程的解在整数点的连续性,构造了一类非齐次差分方程。利用对应的齐次差分方程的特征根,并借助于相应的差分方程的概周期序列解和概周期函数以及概周期序列的一些性质,探讨了这类方程的概周期解的存在性以及该类解的唯一性。
中图分类号: O177.9
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1007-2683(2019)03-0143-06
Abstract:Almost periodic solutions of differential equations are more general than periodic solutions, so almost periodic solutions will be studied on a class secondorder differential equations with piecewise constant argument. A class of nonhomogeneous difference equations are constructed by the continuity of solutions at the integer point of this class of equations. The existence of almost periodic solutions and the uniqueness of this kind of solutions on this class of equations are investigated by using of eigenvalue of corresponding homogeneous difference equations, almost periodic sequence solutions of relevant difference equations and some properties of almost periodic functions and almost periodic sequences.
Keywords:almost periodic solutions; almost periodic sequence solutions; differential equations; difference equations; piecewise constant argument
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(编辑:关 毅)