
2019-07-26 03:17
文化交流 2019年7期

















Liangzhu Culture:A Key Cradle of Chinese Civilization

“Five Thousand Years” is a concept about Chinese history familiar to most Chinese people in modern times. But is this understanding supported by facts? Where did this understanding first come from?


Sima Qian (c.145-c.86BC), a historian of the early Han Dynasty, mentions Yellow Emperor in his Records of the Grand Historian. The historian considered the emperor as the beginning of Chinese history, thus the 5,000 years. However, it is only a legend not supported by archaeological finds.

Since the 1920s when archaeology landed in China as a modern science, Chinese archaeologists have been trying to solve the 5,000-year myth. But for a long time, the archaeological research done by some Chinese scholars traced the Chinese civilization only to the Xia Dynasty which presumably started in 2070 BC. However, this study was controversial. The consensus of the international archaeological community was that the Chinese civilization started with the Shang Dynasty about 3,600 years ago.

Today, the genesis problem has been solved by the archaeological discovery of Liangzhu City in the Taihu Lake basin which is in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in eastern China.


The Liangzhu Culture, unearthed and explored over a period of 83 years and still counting, boasts a city and a peripheral water conservancy system, among other important discoveries, which existed for about 1,000 years between 3,300 and 2,300 BC. The archaeological discoveries and studies have helped advance the discussion of issues such as the Liangzhu Culture and the regional early state.

On the basis of undisputable material evidence, archaeologists have long since concluded that Liangzhu was a mature civilization and a regional early state. Of all the regional cultures of that time in China, the Liangzhu Civilization was most advanced as evidenced by the palatial terraces, the city walls, the mega water-control system, and thousands of fine jade artifacts. Moreover, the social development of the Liangzhu State 5,000 years ago can stand side by side with ancient civilizations in other parts of the world.

The contemporary regional cultures, say, the Dawenkou Culture in the north of Jiangsu and the Shixia Culture in Guangdong, were all influenced by the Liangzhu Culture. Unearthed from these sites were local pottery pieces as well as jade and potteries from the Liangzhu Culture. The jade artifacts influenced many other younger cultures. The influences of Liangzhu reached many other regions of China, as testified by unearthed objects.

It is therefore safe to say that the Liangzhu Civilization is a key origin of the Chinese civilization and a key part representative of the “diversity in unity” of the Chinese civilization.

Liangzhu Culture around the Taihu Lake, the Hongshan Culture in Liaoning in northeastern China, the Shijiahe Culture in the north, the Taosi Culture in the south of Shaanxi, the Shimao Culture in the north of Shanxi, just to name a few important regional cultures across China.

About 6,000 years ago, regional cultures in China experienced fast and complex social and cultural development and urbanization. From 5,500 years to 4,000 years ago, many regional cultures became powerful. For a long time, the archaeological community thought that the Chinese civilization was largely along the Yellow River basin in the north and that the Xia and the Shang were the beginning of the Chinese civilization. This understanding diminished the historical significance of regional cultures far away from the Yellow River basin. Ample and convincing material evidences from recent archaeological excavations have changed peoples understanding of the Chinese civilization. Now it is agreed that Liangzhu is a perfect case study and that it is the first state civilization in China.
