摘 要:城市土地利用效率是合理配置利用我国有限土地资源的重要依据。为评价城市土地利用效率,该文提出了基于边际效益递减规律的城市土地利用效率阶段评价指标,并将其运用于实证研究。在对中国大陆除西藏外的30个省、自治区、直辖市的城市土地利用效率阶段评价分析后得到以下结果:时间上,城市土地利用效率较高区域数量增长缓慢,大部分区域城市土地利用效率较低;空间上,1995、2000年度城市土地利用效率较高区域在主要集中于东部地区,2010、2015年度主要集中于中部地区。因此,当前城市土地利用问题的关键是调整东西部低效率区域的城市土地利用技术水平及资本、劳动力的投入,进而达到提升东西部低效率区域城市土地利用效率阶段的目的。
关键词:城市土地 效率 边际产出 阶段
中图分类号:F301 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2019)04(c)-0189-07
Abstract: Urban land use efficiency is an important basis for rational allocation and utilization of China's limited land resources. In order to evaluate urban land use efficiency, this paper puts forward an evaluation index of urban land use efficiency based on the law of diminishing marginal benefit and applies it to empirical research. After the stage evaluation and analysis of urban land use efficiency in 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in mainland China except Tibet, the results are: From the perspective of time, the number of regions with higher urban land use efficiency grows slowly, and most regions of urban land use efficiency are low; From the perspective of space, in 1995 and 2000, the regions with higher urban land use efficiency were mainly concentrated in the east area, while in 2010 and 2015, the regions with higher urban land use efficiency were mainly concentrated in the central. Therefore, the key to the current urban land problem is to adjust the technical level of urban land use and the input of capital and labor in the low efficiency areas in the east and west,then the purpose of improving the efficiency of urban land use in the low efficiency areas in the east and west can be achieved.
Key Words: Urban land; Efficiency; Marginal output; Phase
1 文献综述
2 数据来源与数据处理
2.1 数据来源