
2019-07-01 08:23五花肉
质量与标准化 2019年3期



In the last issue, the column introduced the ancient people's sophisticated technique in chariot-making. In this issue, we start from a long-standing wine culture and pay attention to etiquette and utility in wine culture.


"There is Arcanum in a vessel and livelihood in stoup". In the splendid Chinese civilization, the rich and colorful wine culture held a transcendent position, enjoying both refined and popular tastes from royal to philistines, with a long history. The prosperity of wine culture drove wine vessels out of a road of development from etiquette to utility.

礼器分六尊Six Ritual Wine Vessels


During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, limited by economic level and brewing technology, the output of wine was very scarce, "Wine is only for worshipping heaven and earth, offering sacrifices to ancestral temples, and serving good guests". At that time,the most important function of wine was to offer sacrifices. According to "Records of Rites", the wine vessels should be made of bronze. It followed the standard that "Shape should originate from natural elements". The shape of the vessels were thick and heavy, and the decorations were designed with astronomical phenomena, animal shapes and other elements to reflect the reverence for nature. Wine vessels were divided into six categories in turn from small to large in appearance size, collectively referred to as six statues. Participants in a sacrifice must fetch the vessels in an orderly manner according to the different status. When vessel was smaller in size, it was for higher in status.

行酒辨尊卑Etiquette Standards in Wine Vessels


管流爵夏代晚期 (公元前18世纪~前16世纪)

羊首兽面纹尊商代晚期 (公元前13世纪~前11世纪)

鬲父辛爵商代晚期 (公元前13世纪~前11世纪)



In the late pre-Qin period, with the substantial increase in production, the status of wine was declining and became necessities for feasts. Wine vessels developed from heavy sacrificial vessels to lighter in weight and evolved into different categories according to different functions such as containing wine, drinking wine and fetching wine with corresponding etiquette standards. Taking the most distinguished " Baron" (wind vessel in ancient China) as an example, the monarch toasted ministers with jade barons, senior oきcials with Yao barons, and ordinary people used with ordinary barons. Diあerent materials accord with diあerent status.

度量显实用Practical Metrological Standards


Measurement unit in ancient Chinese wine feast was"Sheng"(about 200mL).A standard process of toast in banquet included " one offer and three rewards".The first toast of the host was called "Oあer" and the following toasts of the host were called "Rewards".The barons for Offer and "Gu" (3 times the size of baron)for Rewards. According to metrological standards in "Kaogongji", a Gu was 3 times the volume of a baron. The host must drink 10 liters at a banquet, which was seemingly contrary to common sense. However, there were different metrological standards in ancient and modern times. Sheng equaled to 200mL. Considering that wine in ancient China was made from rice, 10 Sheng of wine was roughly equivalent to 1 bottle of red wine in modern times.

结 语Conclusion


From royal to philistines, a small wine vessel not only satisfies appetite, but also adds fun to life. It is also a necessity for the inheritance and development of traditional wine culture, bearing the civilization and wisdom of a nation of etiquette.
