The electrophysiologic mechanisms responsible for ventricular tachycardia(VT)fall in one of 3 categories:abnormal automaticity;triggered activity;and reentry.
Automaticity is the property of cardiac cells to generate spontaneous action potentials and is the result of diastolic depolarization caused by a net inward current during phase 4 of the action potential.Normal automaticity isa property ofthe sinoatrialand atrioventricularnodesand dependsmainly on 2 phenomena:diastolic activation of If(funny current),a mixed Na-K inward current,which unlike most voltagesensitive currents,is activated by hyperpolarization rather than depolarization;and release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol.The calcium,in turn,activates the Na+-Ca2+exchanger,resulting in a net influx of sodium ions.
Ventricularmyocardialcells do notdisplay spontaneous diastolic depolarization or automaticity under normal conditions,but abnormal automaticity may occur under pathological conditions when the resting membrane potential becomes less negative.This may be consequence of a decrease in IK1 or an enhanced calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.Similar to normal automaticity,abnormal automaticity is enhanced by β-adrenergic agonists and by reduction of external potassium.
Examples ofabnormalautomaticity include accelerated idioventricular rhythm in the setting of acute ischemia,myocarditis or cocaine intoxication
It refers to action potential formation resulting from oscillations in membrane potential that are dependent on the preceding action potential.When the amplitude of one ofthese afterdepolarizations reaches certain threshold,voltage-gated ion channels are activated,generating an action potential.Triggered activity can occur in the form of early or delayed afterdepolarizations.Early afterdepolarizations(EADs)occur during phase 2 or 3 of the cardiac action potential and are more manifest at slower heart rates,whereas delayed afterdepolarizations(DADs)occur during phase 4 of the action potential,after full repolarization,and are more dependent on faster heart rates.
Examples of EADs include drug and electrolyte-induced Torsades de Pointes1and some forms of polymorphic VT due to congenital long QT syndrome.DADs are responsible for the majority of outflow tractVTs,catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) and ventricular arrhythmias associated with digitalis toxicity.
It is the most common mechanism of VT.It involves continuous repetitive propagation of an impulse around an area of anatomical or functional conduction block.The following 3 criteria were originally proposed by Mines for identification of reentry:1)unidirectional block must occur;2)a region of slow conduction with return of the excitatory wave to its point of origin;and 3)interruption of the reentrant circuit at any points should terminate the tachycardia.The substrate for reentry requires the presence of 2 pathways with different electrophysiologic properties separated by a central area of block (anatomical or functional).When an impulse encounters the central obstacle,unidirectional block occurs in one of the pathways and slow conduction occurs through the other pathway,creating a circus movement.For reentry to occur,the conduction within the unblocked pathway must be slow enough so the previously blocked pathway can recover its excitability by the time the reentrant wavefront returns.In other words,the anatomical length of the circuit should equal or exceed the reentrant wavelength.
Reentrantarrhythmias can be reproducibly initiated and terminated by programmed stimulation.They can also interact with pacing and demonstrate the hallmark features of resetting and entrainment with fusion.
Examples of reentry include:1)scar-related VT in patients with structurally abnormal hearts due to ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathies;2)bundle branch reentry,which is typically seen in patients with infrahisian conduction disease and involves antegrade conduction overtherightbundleand retrograde conduction over the left bundle (or vice versa);3)idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia(also known as fascicular VT,Belhassen VT or verapamil-sensitive VT),in which the macro-reentrant circuit involves the left posterior fascicle(or less commonly the left anterior fascicle)and abnormal slowly conducting Purkinje fibers;and 4)Phase 2 reentry associated with VAs in Brugada syndrome.
Baseline sinus rhythm 12-lead ECG may be helpful by indicating disease processes known to be associated with specific VT mechanisms.The presence of Q waves consistent with prior myocardial infarction indicates the substrate for scar-related reentry,especially if the VT morphology is consistent with an exit from the region of the infarct.Epsilon waves in the right precordial leads,especially in the setting of a left bundle-branch block VT,is a marker of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia(ARVC/D)and suggestsreentryinvolvingnon-ischemicscar localized to the right ventricle.Any evidence for His-Purkinje system disease as indexed by QRS widening,especially in the setting ofa dilated cardiomyopathy,can predispose to bundle branch reentrant VT.A Brugada pattern is associated with phase 2 reentry,a special type of reentry proposed to be caused by heterogeneity in action potential distribution between the epicardium and endocardium.
Outflow tract VT and premature ventricular contractions(PVCs)characterized by large monophasic R waves in the inferior leads,especially in patients with structurally normal heart,can confidently be attributed to DAD-induced triggered activity.However,reentrant VTs associated with nonischemic cardiomyopathies can frequently originate near the perivalvular region.As such,these tachycardias will mimic morphology of outflow tract VT due to a triggered mechanism.The presence ofmultiple VT morphologies and the identification ofa region oflow bipolarvoltage surrounding these valvularstructuressupportthe diagnosis ofnonischemic cardiomyopathy and a probable reentrant VT mechanism.
A QRS morphology during VT typical for LBBB is suggestive of bundle branch reentrant VT.This typically occurs in the context of dilated cardiomyopathy with underlying His-Purkinje system disease.The VT is typically rapid and often presents with presyncope,syncope or cardiac arrest.
A situation commonly encountered in patients with structural heart disease is the presence of more than one VT morphology.Paired VTs with similar cycle length but opposite axis,especially in the context of an ischemic etiology,points to macro-reentry involving a large circuit(Fig.1).For example,2 different VTs with LBBB pattern and left axis,one of them with a basal exit and another with apical axis,suggests macro-reentry involving a septal substrate.The presence of multiple LBBB VT morphologies with late precordial transition should suggest the possibility of ARVC.
A particular and rare ECG pattern is bidirectional VT,defined as a tachycardia showing beat-to-beat alternation in the QRS axis.The most common causes of bidirectional VT are digitalis toxicity and CPVT,and the proposed mechanismis DAD-mediated triggered activity in anatomically separate parts of the conduction system.
Figure 1 Paired VT morphologies in a patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy.The superior panel shows a right bundle left superior(RBLS)axis VTwith a CL of 518ms and the inferior panel shows a right bundle right inferior (RBRI) axis VT with a CL of 510ms. This is manifestation of a large macro-reentrant circuit with exit sites mapped to the septal and lateral aspects of the ischemic scar.
Two different patterns of VT initiation have been described:VT preceded by ventricular ectopy(single or multiple)of different morphology than that of the tachycardia;and VT not preceded by ventricular ectopy(sudden onset).As previously mentioned,a hallmark of reentrant VTs is reproducible initiation with ventricular programmed stimulation.This type of initiation can also be seen in triggered VTs,but not in automatic VTs.Spontaneous PVCs are a noninvasive correlate of ventricular extrastimuli and,thus,initiation with a PVC of different morphology than that of the tachycardia suggests a reentrant mechanism(fig.2).This in contrast with automatic and triggered VTs,which typically start with a beat similar to the ensuing beats of tachycardia.However,it must be said that sudden onset does not exclude reentry.In summary,consistent initiation with a PVC morphologically distinct to the VT typically will indicate reentry.On the other side,sudden initiation can be seen with any VT mechanism.
Figure 2 Examples of VT initiation with a PVC of different morphology than the ensuing beats of tachycardia(arrow).
The prototype of automatic VT is accelerated idioventricular tachycardia(AIVT),which is most often observed in the setting of acute myocardial infarction and reperfusion,but it can also be seen in acute myocarditis, hypertensive heart disease, digitalis intoxication and cocaine intoxication.It often begins as a late-coupled ventricular beat at a rate just faster than the preceding sinus rate.
A progressive increase in rate with tachycardia onset(warm-up)and/or progressive deceleration before tachycardia termination(cool-down)are also suggestive of an automatic mechanism.
Probably the most useful and specific response to pharmacological intervention is the effect of adenosine on VT due to triggered activity.The cellular basis for triggered activity due to DAD is intracellular calcium overload,which induces a Ca2+-dependent depolarizing current (transient inward current or Iti),mainly given by activation of the Na+-Ca2+exchanger.The transient inward sodium current gives rise to DADs,which,if of sufficient amplitude,triggers a new action potential that may result in tachycardia.Catecholamines,through stimulation ofthe β-adrenergicreceptor,causes activation of adenylyl cyclase (AC),increase of cAMP,activation of protein kinase A and phosphorylation of the L-type Ca channel, ryanodine receptor2, and phospholamban3.This results in increased intracellular calcium levels and enhanced activity of the Na+-Ca2+exchanger.Adenosine exerts an inhibitory effect on AC and cAMP,reversing intracellular calcium overload.Given that adenosine has no antiarrhythmic effect in reentrant VT and only transiently suppresses(but does not terminate) automatic VT,termination of VT in response to adenosine is considered diagnostic of cAMP-mediated triggered activity.
词 汇
sarcoplasmic adj.肌质的
cytosol n.细胞溶质
afterdepolarization n.后除极
catecholaminergic adj.儿茶酚胺活性的,儿茶酚胺能的
excitatory adj.显示激动的,有刺激性的,兴奋的
infrahisian adv.在希氏束下
hallmark n.&vt.标记,标志;给 打上烙印,给 标识
correlate n.&vt.相关物,相关联的人;与 相关,相互联系,
注 释
1.Torsades de Pointes指尖端扭转型室性心动过速,是一种特殊的室性快速心律失常,多见于QT间期延长及低血钾患者,常呈慢心率依赖。
2.ryanodine receptor可音译为雷诺丁受体,是一种大流量钙离子释放通道,介导细胞内内质网和肌浆网的钙离子释放,在众多生物学功能中起关键作用。
第89课 室性心动过速机制的无创诊断线束
室性心动过速QRS波群呈典型的LBBB形态提示束支型折返室性心动过速。这通常发生于扩张型心肌病合并希氏束系统疾病者。这种室性心动过速典型的是速率快,常以先兆晕厥、晕厥和心跳骤停而就诊。 .