A note on weak 2-local isometries on differentiable function spaces

2019-06-10 08:09LILei

LI Lei

(School of Mathematical Sciences,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China)

Abstract: Let C1[0,1]be the Banach algebra of complex valued continuously differentiable functions with the norm ||f||L=max{|f(x)|+|f ′(x)| : x∈[0,1]} or ||f||s=||f||∞+||f ′||∞.The weak-2-local isometries between C1[0,1]are linear maps.

Key words: weak-2-local isometries;differentiable functions;spherical Kowalski-Słodkowski theorem

1 Introduction

Recall that a map Φ between the algebra A is a 2-local automorphism (respectively,2-local derivation) if for every a,b∈A there exists an automorphism (respectively,derivation) Φa,b:A→A,depending on a and b,such that Φa,b(a)=Φ(a) and Φa,b(b)=Φ(b).P.Šmerl[1]proved that every 2-local automorphism of the Banach algebra B(H) of all bounded linear operators on an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space H is an automorphism,and a similar assertion was stated concerning the 2-local derivations.Later,Sh.Ayupov and K.Kudaybergenov[2]introduced a new technique to generalize the above results for arbitrary Hilbert spaces.Moreover,K.K.Kudaybergenov,T.Oikhberg,A.M.Peralta,B.Russo[3]studied the 2-local triple derivations on von Neumann algebras.

Motivated by these results,Molnár[4]extended the notion of 2-locality to isometries as follows.Given a Banach space X,a map Φ:X→X is said to be a 2-local isometry if for every x,y∈X there is a surjective linear isometry Φx,y:X→X,which depends on x and y,such that Φx,y(x)=Φ(x) and Φx,y(y)=Φ(y) (neither linearity nor surjectivity on Φ is assumed).Molnár[4]showed that every 2-local isometry of B(H) is a surjective linear isometry.

Furthermore,Molnár[4]strated the study of 2-locality for function algebras.In this direction,Györy[5]showed that if X is a first countable σ-compact Hausdorff space then every 2-local isometry of C0(X) is a surjective linear isometry.Later,H.Al-Halees and R.J.Fleming[6]studied the 2-local isometries on vector-valued continuous function spaces.Hatori,et al[7]considered 2-local isometries on uniform algebras including certain algebras of holomorphic functions of one and two complex variables.A.Jiménez-Vargas and M.Villegas-Vallecillos[8]gave a complete description of all 2-local isometries on scalar-valued Lipschitz function spaces Lip(X) when X is bounded and the isometry group of Lip(X) is canonical.A.Jiménez-Vargas,L.Li,A.M.Peralta,L.Wang,Y.-S.Wang[9]gave a description of the 2-local (standard) isometries on vector-valued Lipschitz function spaces Lip(X,E) under some conditions on a compact metric space X and on a Banach space E;and then proved that these mappings are both linear and surjective.

More generally,Niazi and Peralta[10-11]gave the general definition of weak 2-local maps.

Definition 1Let S be a subset of the space B(X,Y) of all bounded linear maps between Banach spaces X and Y.A(not-necessarily linear nor continuous) mapping Δ:X→Y is a weak-2-local S-map if for each x,y∈X and φ∈Y*,there exists Tx,y,φin S,depending on x,y,and φ,satisfying

In the case of S=Der(A),the subspace of all derivations on a Banach algebra A,Niazi and Peralta[10]proved that every weak 2-local derivation on a finite dimensional C*-algebra is a linear derivation.Sh.Ayupov,K.Kudaybergenov[12]showed that every 2-local derivation on a von Neumann algebra is a derivation.For more recently results about 2-local derivations,one can see[13].When S=Iso(X,Y),the space of all surjective linear isometries from X onto Y,Li,Peralta,L.Wang and Y.-S.Wang[14]studied the weak-2-local isometies on uniform algebras and Lipschitz function algebras.

In this note,we will establish the weak-2-local isometries on the algebra of complex-valued differentiable functions.

2 Main results

Suppose that (C1[0,1],||·||L) is the Banach algebra of all complex-valued differentiable functions on [0,1],where

In order to study the weak-2-local isometry on (C1[0,1],||·||L),we need the spherical variant of the Kowalski-Słodkowski theorem as follows.

Proposition 1[14]Let A be a unital complex Banach algebra,and let Δ:A→C be a mapping satisfying the following properties:

(a)Δ is 1-homogeneous;

(b)Δ(x)-Δ(y)∈Tσ(x-y),for every x,y∈A.

Then Δ is linear,and there exists λ0∈T such that λ0Δ is multiplicative.

For any surjective linear isometry T:(C1[0,1],||·||L)→(C1[0,1],||·||L),it follows from [15,Theorem 4.1]that there exist λ∈T and a surjective mapping σ:[0,1]→[0,1]with σ=id or σ=1-id such that

Theorem 1Every weak-2-local isometry Δ from (C1[0,1],||·||L) to itself is a linear map.

ProofLet Δ:C1[0,1]→C1[0,1]be a weak-2-local isometry with respect to the norm ||·||L.It is known that Δ is 1-homogeneous (i.e.,Δ(αf)=αΔ(f),for all α∈C and all f∈C1[0,1]),and Δ(0)=0 (compare [16,Lemma 2.1]).We fix now an element s∈[0,1],and we consider the mapping Δs:=δs◦Δ:C1[0,1]→C.By the hypothesis and [15,Theorem 4.1],given f,g∈C1[0,1],there exist τf,g,s∈T and a surjective mapping φf,g,s:[0,1]→[0,1]such that


This implies that

Since (C1[0,1],||·||L) is a unital complex Banach algebra,we are thus in conditions to apply Proposition 1 to conclude that Δsis a linear map.The linearity of Δ follows from the arbitrariness of s.□

It is well-known that (C(n)[0,1],||·||S),the scalar-valued n-times continuously differentiable function space,is also a Banach algebra,where

It follows from [17,Theorem 2.5]that every surjective linear isometry T:(C(n)[0,1],||·||S)→(C(n)[0,1],||·||S)can be written as the form (1).So we can get the following theorem by a similar argument.

Theorem 2Every weak-2-local isometry Δ from (C(n)[0,1],||·||S) to itself is a linear map.