
2019-04-22 01:22杨柳
黑龙江教育·中学 2019年3期




A. Newwords:product, France, local, brand, avoid,


B. New phrases: no matter,mobile phone,avoid doing


A. Get the main idea of the passage by skimming.

B. Read carefully to get the meaning of each paragraph.

C. To enable students understand the use of pronouns by reading the sentences before or after them.


A. Learn to use reading strategies.

B. Understand the pronouns by reading the sentences before or after them.


A. Try to support the national products.

B. Students should study hard to make our country      stronger and stronger.


Chinas growth: Chinas manufacturing industry is growing quickly with many countries have their products made in China.



A. Learn to read the text using the reading strategies and the context.

B. The usage of passive voice in the passage

教学难点: Retell the passage according to the Mind Map


Step 1:Greeting

T: Hello,everyone. This lesson well learn English together. I am from No.16 Middle School. You can call me Ms. Yang. Dont be nervous. Are you ready? Class begins. Good afternoon,class!

Ss: Good afternoon,teacher!

Lead-in:Free talk

T: I want to buy a new mobile phone. This time,I want to buy an Iphone made in America.How can I get it?

【设计意图】 By introducing myself,make students be   closer to me。

Step 2:New words learning

Show some pictures and learn the new words.

T: Whats this?

S: A handbag!

T: So clever. Spell it,please!

Lets learn the new words.

(Show some pictures on the screen)

T: Follow me to read the new words.

Ss: ......


Step 3:Pre-reading

T: Show a picture of the American flag,and ask the students to answer the question.

Is it easy to buy American products in the USA?

Ss: Difficult.

T: Why? Today,we are going to learn Unit5 SectionA3a-3c The Difficult Search for American Products in the US.


Step 4:While-reading

1. Fast reading

T: Read quickly and find out the answers.

1.What two things did Kang Jian want to buy in America?

2. Where were they made?

(Skimming 跳读:只读每段首尾句找出段落大意)

(After students read the text,check the answers


2. Careful reading

T: We have read the passage twice,and we have known the general meaning of the passage,next,lets read carefully to answer some detail questions about the passage.

Activity 1:Read paragraph 1 and answer the questions.

1. Where did Kang Jian visit his aunt and uncle?

In San Francisco.

2. What did he discover in the toy stores?

Many products in the local shops were made in China.

Activity 2:Read paragraph 2 and answer the questions.

3. Why did he have to visit many stores before buying a pair of basketball shoes?

Because he wanted to find a pair made in America,but most of them were made in China.

4 .What did he realize after his shopping experiences?

He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.

Activity 3:3c Read the passage again and write what the underlined words refer to.

those (products): whatever products you buy in other countries

those (countries): the countries you visit

it: that so many products in the local shops were made in China

they: the toys


Step 5:Language points

1. no matter意為“无论”与“what,who,which,where,how”等疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句。


No matter who he is,he must obey the law.

2. avoid doing sth. “避免做某事”;avoid 后面常跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。

e.g. They tried to avoid ________(make)Mrs. Li angry.

3. everyday adj. 每天的;日常的


everyday与every day 辨析

every day副词短语作状语,修饰动词


Step 6:Exercise:(用括号内单词的适当形式填空。)

If you want to visit a foreign country,where would you like to go?

The romance city! Paris is the capital of ______ (French),and it is one of the liveliest cities in Europe. Eiffel Tower ______ (know) all over the world. In Paris,there are many fashion shows,you can hardly avoid ______ (choose) some fashionable things,such as Dior and Chanel. Chanel suit is a great creation ______ (make) of special wool. You can buy other popular _______ (produce) in local shops,like food,wine,cheese and so on. Dont miss perfume (香水)!


Step 7: Post-reading

Fill in the blanks according to the passage.

T: Next,lets read the whole text for the last time,and finish the task.

The ______ Search for American Products in _______


Step 8: Discussion

T: Work in four.

Why do you think so many products in America are made in China?

How do you feel about this?


Step 9: Emotion teaching

We should move from “Made in China” to “Created in China”,from “China speed” to “China quality” and from “Chinese products” to “Chinese brands”.


Step 10: Summary

Ask students to talk about what they have learned today.

Step 11: Homework

Do a survey about the products in your family or in the market.

Write down what were made in China,what were made in other countries.


Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section A3a-3c

The Difficult Search for American Products in the US

Harry Potter
70 Days in a Lifeboat