
2019-04-16 03:37邓武功
中国园林 2019年3期





1 研究背景



2 风景名胜区的历史基因

2.1 历史渊源

中国风景名胜区源于古代的名山大川、邑郊游憩地和社会“八景”活动[1],其形成过程与中国的文明进程密切关联。人类早期因敬畏自然而产生自然崇拜,开展了祭祀自然神的宗教和人文活动,《史记·封禅书》引《礼记·周官》的话说:“天子祭天下名山大川,五岳视三公,四渎视诸侯,诸侯祭其疆内名山大川。[2]”进入夏商周奴隶社会时期,人类更加主动地利用自然。大禹治水、修筑都江堰、开凿蜀道等人类对自然山水的改造和利用直接促成了风景名胜的形成;另一方面,人类对自然的认识也得到了升华,《逸周书》提出 “山林非时不升斤斧,以成草木之长;川泽非时不入网罟,以成鱼鳖之长”[3],自然保护、可持续发展的思想跃然纸上。管子主张“人与天调,然后天地之大美生”,老子主张“道法自然”,孔子主张“知者乐水、仁者乐山”,孟子提出“顺天者存,逆天者亡”,这些关于人与自然关系的哲学思想,是我国风景名胜区形成的文化源泉。



2.2 历史特征



3)天人合一之境。中国古人热衷于从自然中寻求人生真谛、宇宙真理,风景名胜区是中华民族人与自然精神往来的理想场所,是“天人合一”宇宙观的重要承载地。苏轼诗曰“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”,在景物描写中充满了对人生哲理的思索。中华5 000年文明历史延绵不断,产生了无数利用自然、保护自然的生态智慧,激发了中华民族对自然的人文思辨,风景名胜区本身就是对自然的人文思辨的结果,是“人与自然和谐共生”实践的智慧结晶,也成为最能区别于西方的中国文化特征之一。

表1 世界遗产与风景名胜区的关系Tab.1 Classification of the National Scenic and Historic Area according to the typical landscape

3 风景名胜区的当代特征

3.1 代表了中国自然文化遗产价值


3.2 与中华文化息息相关

3.2.1 文化已成为风景名胜区的血脉


表2 国家级风景名胜区文化类型统计Tab.2 Statistics of cultural types of National Scenic and Historic Area

表3 依据典型景观的国家级风景名胜区分类Tab.3 Classification of National Scenic and Historic Area based on typical landscape

3.2.2 人文类风景名胜区数量多


3.3 与经济社会发展密不可分

根据2009年对187处国家级风景名胜区内的人口统计,共有人口约1 094万,人口密度约122人/km2,当时全国人口密度138人/km2,两者比值为0.88:1。将1991年统计的52处国家级风景名胜区的人口[3]与2009年的统计数据进行比较,2009年的总人口为581.93万人,增加了18.23万人,增长了3.23%;对比同期全国人口,增长了约16.7%,应该说风景名胜区的人口总量得到了有效控制。但实际上这52处风景名胜区的人口总量仍然很大,人口密度仍然比全国平均人口密度高很多,达187人/km2。而从实际了解的情况看,人口在空间分布上没有太大变化,随着经济社会发展水平的提高,其经济社会发展的压力对于风景名胜区的建设压力反而大幅增加。


3.4 与城市关联紧密



3.5 旅游职能突出



4 风景名胜区新时代的重要作用





5 新时代风景名胜区的自身定位


5.1 资源定位



表4 与城市关系紧密的国家级风景名胜区Tab.4 National Scenic and Historic Area closely connected with cities

5.2 功能定位





5.3 保护定位


5.4 总体定位


6 风景名胜区在自然保护地体系中的定位


图1 生态保护下的优先管理目标与自然保护地的关系(作者绘)Fig.1 Relationship between prioritized management goals and Nature Reserve Area


7 展望


Scenic and Historic Area out of History—Study on the Positioning of Scenic and Historic Area Based on the Nature Reserve Area System

DENG Wugong

JIA Jianzhong

SHU Chenyang

WANG Xiaoshi

Scenic and Historic Area is one of the most complicated nature reserve area with long history in China.In the process of building the nature reserve area system in China,it is necessary to position accurately so as to realize the sustainable inheritance of Scenic and Historic Area to future generations.

1 The Historical Genes of Scenic andHistoric Area

Scenic and Historic Area in China originated from the ancient famous mountains and the great rivers,the suburban recreational area,and the "Eight Sceneries" community activities.Its formation process is closely associated with Chinese civilization process.With the economic and social development,humans worshipping nature is turning to utilizing,appreciating and protecting nature in the long-term interaction between human and nature.Under the guidance of the philosophical theory "unity of heaven and human",the natural landscape is blended with the Chinese unique landscape culture and religious culture,and gradually formed the Scenic and Historic Area.That makes Scenic and Historic Area the place of aesthetic chanting,the place of cultural inheritance and the place of harmony between human and nature,and revealing the distinct Chinese characteristics.

2 The Contemporary Characteristic of Scenic and Historic Area

2.1 Representing the value of Chinese natural and cultural heritage

Scenic and Historic Area is the typicality and representation for the glorious homeland.Until July 2018,there are 35 places related to Scenic and Historic Area out of 53 World Heritages totally in China,as 66 percent of the total number.In particular,all the four World Nature and Culture Heritages are Scenic and Historic Areas,and four of five the World Cultural Landscapes are the Scenic and Historic Areas.It made a great contribution for enriching World Heritage types.

2.2 Closely related with Chinese culture

Chinese culture nourished and achieved Scenic and Historic Area.According to the statistics,there are 244 National Scenic and Historic Areas,and all of them contain unique cultures except few National Scenic and Historic Areas.Culture is related with Scenic and Historic Area including history,religion,folk-custom,celebrity,poetry,calligraphy and painting,which made the natural landscape have distinct personalized characteristics.Culture had become the blood of Scenic and Historic Area that made Scenic and Historic Area presenting the characteristics of "natural and cultural blending".It is unique cultural landscape with Chinese characteristics in the world.Throughout the country,there are 244 National Scenic and Historic Area divided into five classes (tab.1).The last three classes are Scenic and Historic Areas with high cultural value and more cultural landscape,154 in total,accounting for 63 percent.

2.3 Closely related with economic and social development

In 2009,there are totally 10.94 million people in the 187 National Scenic and Historic Areas.The population density was about 122 people per square kilometer,which is closed to the average population density in the country that was 138 people per square kilometer.From the geographical distribution,91.8 percent of National Scenic and Historic Areas are located in the east of Hu Line that the economic and social development level is higher.

2.4 Closely related with city

33.2 percent of National Scenic and Historic Areas are closely related with city or even located in the urban built-up area.With the influences by city,Scenic and Historic Areas are close to the city on the space,blend with urban culture,and besides,provide multiple services on the function for citizens,such as sightseeing,popularization of science and leisure.

Tab.1 Classification of the National Scenic and Historic Area according to the typical landscape

2.5 Outstanding of tourism function

National Scenic and Historic Area tourist amount is 885 million in 2016,about 20 percent of the tourist amount on nationwide,which made great contribution on the tourism economy.Especially in some Scenic and Historic Areas such as Sanya tropical seaside,the tourism function is particularly prominent based on the special resources.

3 Important Role of Scenic and Historic Area in the New Era

Based on the philosophy of the unity of heaven and human,the beauty of the country representative landscape,the continuity of traditional culture,and the golden mean of protection and use,Scenic and Historic Area is an excellent carrier for building a beautiful China,an important source for firm cultural self-confidence,an important means for realizing rural revitalization and targeting poverty alleviation,and an important force for rebuilding beautiful mountains and rivers.

4 Self-positioning of Scenic and Historic Area in the New Era

4.1 Resources positioning

All the areas that have the "natural and cultural blending" in resources characteristic should be included in management as Scenic and Historic Area.The natural landscape showing the glorious homeland,inspiring the Chinese unique landscape aesthetics and feelings,providing spiritual enjoyment and educational enlightenment,should be included in management as Scenic and Historic Area as well.

4.2 Function positioning

The functions of Scenic and Historic Area could be briefly summarized as three aspects: 1)protecting resources: primary protection is the cultural landscape of "natural and cultural blending",and the second is the natural ecological environment.2)inheriting culture,that is,preserving traditional culture over thousands of years and developing contemporary culture in Scenic and Historic Area.3)exhibiting and utilizing,including sightseeing,spiritual enjoyment,scientific education,recreational activities,and development of tourism economy,etc.

4.3 Protection positioning

Under the "unity of heaven and human",Scenic and Historic Area creates a model of protected area for the world.Its core is to realize harmony between human and nature,as well as protecting and utilizing,rather than a simple ecological protection.

4.4 Overall positioning

In conclusion,Scenic and Historic Area is the most Chinese characteristic type in natural protected area that the scenic and historic resources have national representative and typicality in natural and cultural heritage resources.Scenic and Historic Area is a living carrier reflecting beautiful China and cultural confidence.It provides a Chinese solution with Chinese wisdom for harmony between human and nature.

5 Positioning of Scenic and Historic Area in Nature Reserve Area System

According to the reform requirement for the National Park System and the situation of established management for the existing nature reserve area,distinguishing all kinds of nature reserve area is based on the three prioritized management goals that are the strict protection,natural resource protection,and protection and utilization under ecological protection (fig.1).

Fig.1 Relationship between prioritized management goals and Nature Reserve Area

Scenic and Historic Area should take protection and utilization as the prioritized management goal.In Chinese classification of nature reserve area system,Scenic and Historic Area should be highly regarded as a special type to fully reflect the Chinese characteristics.A nature reserve area system should be built in China that takes National Park as the main body,Nature Reserve as the foundation,Scenic and Historic Area as the characteristics,and all kinds of natural parks as the supplement.

(Editor/JIN Hua)
