
2019-03-05 01:12:02王巧华马美湖李庆旭
农业工程学报 2019年24期

王巧华,梅 璐,马美湖,高 升,李庆旭


王巧华1,2,梅 璐1,马美湖2,3,高 升1,李庆旭1

(1. 华中农业大学工学院/农业部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070;2. 国家蛋品加工技术研发分中心 华中农业大学,武汉 430070;3. 华中农业大学食品科学技术学院,武汉 430070)

为了对优质蛋、次品蛋和劣质蛋这3种皮蛋进行检测及分级,该文应用机器视觉结合近红外光谱技术,研究利用皮蛋凝胶品质无损检测的分级方法。首先采集皮蛋透射光图像,提取18个图像颜色特征值,然后将所提取的18维特征利用主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)进行降维,对PCA降维后的3个主成分建立遗传算法优化支持向量机(genetic algorithm-support vector machine,GA-SVM)分级模型,把皮蛋样本分为两大类:可食用蛋(优质蛋与次品蛋)与不可食用蛋(劣质蛋),劣质蛋测试集识别率为100%。然后在机器视觉分类结果的基础上,利用近红外光谱技术获取可食用蛋(优质蛋与次品蛋)的原始光谱,并进行多元散射矫正(multiplicative scatter correction,MSC),利用竞争性自适应重加权算法(competitive adaptive reweighted sampling,CARS)降维提取特征波长,基于支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)对特征波长变量建立分级模型,区分出优质蛋与次品蛋,优质蛋测试集识别率为96.49%,次品蛋识别率为94.12%。研究结果表明:基于机器视觉和近红外光谱进行皮蛋凝胶品质无损检测分级是可行的。


0 引 言

皮蛋又名松花蛋、彩蛋,是中国特有的一种蛋制品[1-2]。它多以鲜鸭蛋为原料,在碱液中经过蛋白质变性制作而成。其营养价值丰富,每100 g的可食用皮蛋中含有32 mg的氨基酸,是鲜蛋含量的11倍[3-5]。皮蛋还具有开胃、去火和治泻痢等功效,深受广大人民的喜爱,因此皮蛋占据了中国再制蛋的主要部分,位于蛋制品产量第一位,目前已出口20多个国家和地区[6-8]。



1 材料与方法

1.1 材料


利用TMS-PRO型质构仪进行TPA(texture profile analysis)试验,测定皮蛋质构参数,试验步骤为:先在质构仪上装好P100/R探头,然后在凝胶测定程序中设置好试验参数:测试前速度为1mm/s,测试速度为1mm/s,测试后速度为2mm/s,压缩百分比为40%,测试时间间隔为5s。


图1 3类皮蛋样本图

表1 两级皮蛋的质构参数

1.2 仪器与设备

人工照蛋采用沪字牌白炽灯泡(功率为100 W)作为光源来观察皮蛋整体及四周边缘对光的透射情况。本文机器视觉装置仿照人工检测皮蛋的方法搭建而成,设计较大光孔,让更多的光透射皮蛋以便凸显皮蛋边缘,装置示意图如图2所示。机器视觉试验用到的仪器与设备有:丹麦JAI公司的AD-080GE双通道工业相机(镜头接口为C接口,靶面尺寸为0.847 cm,分辨率为1024×768像素,帧率为30帧/s);日本Kowa公司的LM6NC镜头(C接口,靶面尺寸为1.27 cm,定焦镜头,焦距为6 mm);Cob款帕灯(功率为24 W,颜色为暖白)。采集近红外光谱所用仪器为美国赛默飞世尔科技公司的Antaris II傅里叶变换近红外光谱仪。质构试验所用仪器为美国FTC公司的TMS-PRO质构仪。

1.帕灯 2.皮蛋 3.暗箱 4.相机及镜头 5.计算机

1.3 方法

1.3.1 皮蛋机器视觉图像采集



图3 皮蛋原始图像

1.3.2 皮蛋近红外光谱采集


图4 皮蛋平均光谱

2 结果与分析

2.1 基于机器视觉的皮蛋检测分析

2.1.1 去除图像背景


图5 去除图像背景处理过程

2.1.2 提取图像特征值



2.1.3 主成分分析及分类建模



表2 主成分因子载荷矩阵


图6 基于机器视觉的不同主成分数训练集与测试集识别率


表3 基于机器视觉的皮蛋分级结果

2.2 基于近红外光谱的皮蛋分级检测分析

为了消除仪器噪声、环境背景等因素的影响,本研究分别使用多元散射矫正(multiplicative scatter correction,MSC)、标准正交变换(standard normal vafiate,SNV)、自动标尺放大(autoscale)、Savitzky-Golay卷积平滑处理(SG)等方法对原始光谱信息进行预处理。谱区范围为4 000~8 000 cm-1[31]。因全光谱数据量大,存在无关干扰信息,所以对比了竞争性自适应重加权(competitive adaptive reweighted sampling,CARS)、连续投影算法(successive projections algorithm,SPA)和无信息变量消除(uninformative variable elimination,UVE)等常用的算法后,择优选取CARS算法提取特征波长,其中设置蒙特卡洛采样次数为50,交叉验证分组数为5,提取的最大主成分数为10。当采样次数为23时,误差最小。利用SVM模型对CARS算法选取的特征波长变量建立分级模型,以确定最优预处理方法和判别模型。


把剔除劣质蛋后的401个可食用蛋样本随机分为训练集293个,测试集108个。首先获取其原始光谱,然后进行多元散射矫正。利用CARS算法提取了分布在4 420~5 152 cm-1和5 538~7 042 cm-1波段范围内的75个特征波长,输入到SVM模型当中进行训练,采用RBF核函数和交叉验证法寻找的最优参数为256,最优参数为0.004 5,测试集识别率达到95.37%。说明近红外光谱可以对优质蛋与次品蛋进行分类。

表4 基于近红外光谱的皮蛋分级结果

2.3 基于机器视觉和近红外光谱的皮蛋综合分级检测分析




表5 机器视觉结合近红外光谱技术的分类结果


表6 不同分级方法对3种等级皮蛋分类的结果

3 结 论


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Nondestructive testing and grading of preserved duck eggs based on machine vision and near-infrared spectroscopy

Wang Qiaohua1,2, Mei Lu1, Ma Meihu2,3, Gao Sheng1, Li Qinxu1


Preserved duck eggs are made from fresh duck eggs. The protein was denatured in the alkali liquor, and the preserved egg was divided into 3 grades according to the quality of the gel. The first grade eggs are the preserved duck egg that are solidified in a gel state and belong to the high quality eggs. The second grade eggs are the slight alkali-damaged. After peeling, there are cases of sticky shell, rotten head, sallow, etc. But they can still be eaten, which are the inferior eggs. The third grade eggs are the water-sounding egg. They are liquefied into water in eggs. They cannot be eaten, which are bad eggs. Over the years, the classification of preserved duck eggs in the egg industry is entirely dependent on manual work, which is cumbersome and inefficient, and the market urgently needs relevant detection technology.The quality classification of preserved duck egg gel was studied based on machine vision and near-infrared spectroscopy. It was found that the use of machine vision and near-infrared spectroscopy alone could not accurately classify preserved duck eggs, the grading accuracy was 75% and 78.33%, respectively. But the combination of the two technology could achieve the classification of preserved duck eggs. Firstly, the transmitted light images of preserved duck eggs were collected by using industrial camera. The MATLAB was used to extract 18 image color feature values in RGB、HSV and CIELab or Lab color eigenvalues. Then the extracted 18-dimensional features were reduced by principal component analysis (PCA). The 601 samples were randomly divided into 433 training sets and 168 test sets. And the genetic algorithm-support vector machine (GA-SVM) classification model was built for the three principal components of the PCA. The preserved duck egg samples were divided into edible eggs (high quality eggs and inferior eggs) and inedible eggs (bad eggs). The 60 inedible eggs (bad eggs) in the test set were all judged correctly. The 103 of the 108 edible eggs (high quality eggs and inferior eggs) were judged correctly and 5 were misjudged. Test set recognition rate of bad eggs was 100%. Then the near-infrared spectroscopy technique was used to obtain the original spectrum of edible eggs (high quality eggs and inferior eggs). Multiplicative scatter correction (MSC) was performed, and the characteristic wavelength was extracted by using competitive adaptive re-weighted sampling (CARS) which extracted 75 data in the range of 4 420-51 52 cm-1and 5 538-7 042 cm-1characteristic bands. The 401 samples were randomly divided into 293 training sets and 108 test sets. Based on the support vector machine (SVM), a hierarchical model was established for the characteristic wavelength variable, and edible high quality eggs and inferior eggs were separated. The test set selected 108 edible eggs, including 57 high quality eggs and 51 inferior eggs. 54 high quality eggs and 49 inferior eggs were judged correctly. The recognition rate of high quality egg test set was 96.49%, and that of inferior egg was 94.12%. The results showed that it was feasible to perform non-destructive classification of preserved duck egg based on machine vision and near-infrared spectroscopy. In practical applications, machine vision technology can be used to separate the inferior eggs, and then the near-infrared spectroscopy technique is used to separate the high-quality eggs from the defective eggs. The result provides a reference for realizing the online non-destructive testing of preserved duck eggs.

machine vision; near-infrared spectroscopy; gel quality; preserved duck egg; support vector machine

王巧华,梅 璐,马美湖,高 升,李庆旭. 利用机器视觉与近红外光谱技术的皮蛋无损检测与分级[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(24):314-321. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.24.037 http://www.tcsae.org

Wang Qiaohua, Mei Lu, Ma Meihu, Gao Sheng, Li Qinxu. Nondestructive testing and grading of preserved duck eggs based on machine vision and near-infrared spectroscopy[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(24): 314-321. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.24.037 http://www.tcsae.org









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