
2019-03-05 04:05周云成许童羽邓寒冰
农业工程学报 2019年24期

周云成,许童羽,邓寒冰,苗 腾,吴 琼


周云成,许童羽,邓寒冰,苗 腾,吴 琼

(沈阳农业大学信息与电气工程学院,沈阳 110866)

深度估计是智能农机视觉系统实现三维场景重建和目标定位的关键。该文提出一种基于自监督学习的番茄植株图像深度估计网络模型,该模型直接应用双目图像作为输入来估计每个像素的深度。设计了3种面向通道分组卷积模块,并利用其构建卷积自编码器作为深度估计网络的主体结构。针对手工特征衡量2幅图像相似度不足的问题,引入卷积特征近似性损失作为损失函数的组成部分。结果表明:基于分组卷积模块的卷积自编码器能够有效提高深度估计网络的视差图精度;卷积特征近似性损失函数对提高番茄植株图像深度估计的精度具有显著作用,精度随着参与损失函数计算的卷积模块层数的增加而升高,但超过4层后,其对精度的进一步提升作用不再明显;当双目图像采样距离在9.0 m以内时,该文方法所估计的棋盘格角点距离均方根误差和平均绝对误差分别小于2.5和1.8 cm,在3.0 m以内时,则分别小于0.7和0.5 cm,模型计算速度为28.0帧/s,与已有研究相比,2种误差分别降低了33.1%和35.6%,计算速度提高了52.2%。该研究可为智能农机视觉系统设计提供参考。


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基于图像特征的立体视觉匹配法和以激光雷达(light detection and ranging,LiDAR)、Kinect为代表的深度传感器等常被用于植株的深度信息获取。立体视觉匹配算法用各像素点局部区域特征,在能量函数的约束下进行双目图像特征点匹配,实现深度信息恢复。翟志强等[6]以灰度图像的Rank变换结果作为立体匹配基元来实现农田场景的三维重建,其算法的平均误匹配率为15.45%。朱镕杰等[7]对棉株双目图像进行背景分割,通过尺度不变特征转换算子提取棉花特征点,并通过最优节点优先算法进行匹配,获取棉花点云三维坐标。由于田间植株图像颜色、纹理均一,传统算子提取的特征可区分性差,特征点误匹配现象严重。Hämmerle等[8]使用LiDAR获取作物表面深度信息进行作物表面建模。程曼等[9]用LiDAR扫描花生冠层,获取三维点云数据,通过多项式曲线拟合算法获取冠层高度特性。LiDAR可快速获取高精度深度信息,但设备价格昂贵[3],且无法直接获取RGB(红绿蓝)图像进行目标识别。肖珂等[2]利用Kinect提供的RGB图像识别叶墙区域,并与设备的深度图进行匹配,测算叶墙区域平均距离,用于规划行进路线。Kinect可同时获取RGB图像和像素对齐的深度图,但该传感器基于光飞行技术,易受日光干扰、噪声大、视野小,难以在田间复杂工况下稳定工作。数码相机技术成熟、稳定性高、价格低廉,如果能够在基于图像的深度估计方法上取得进展,其将是理想的智能农机视觉感知部件。近几年,卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network,CNN)在目标识别[10]、语义分割[11]等多个计算机视觉领域取得了突破,在深度估计方面也逐渐得到应用[12]。Mayer等[13]通过监督学习的CNN模型实现图像每个像素的深度预测。但监督学习方法存在的主要问题是对图像样本进行逐像素的深度标注十分困难[14],虽然Kinect等深度传感器能够同时获得RGB图像和深度,但深度数据中存在噪声干扰,影响模型训练效果[15]。Godard等[16]提出一种基于左右目一致性约束的自监督深度估计模型,在KITTI(Karlsruhe institute of technology and Toyota technological institute at Chicago,卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院和芝加哥丰田技术研究院)数据集[17]上取得了良好的效果,该方法是目前精度最高的自监督深度估计方法[18]。与KITTI等数据集相比,田间植株图像变异性小,CNN用于该类图像深度估计的方法及适用性有待进一步探讨。


1 番茄植株双目图像数据集构建

1.1 图像采集设备及双目相机标定

1.2 试验条件及数据集构建

番茄植株双目图像数据于2018年5月采集自沈阳农业大学试验基地某辽沈IV型节能日光温室(长60 m,宽10 m),番茄品种为“瑞特粉娜”,基质栽培、吊蔓生长,株距0.3 m,行距1.0 m,此时番茄处于结果期,株高约2.7 m。分别在晴朗、多云、阴天天气的上午9:00-12:00进行图像采集。首先在番茄行间采集两侧植株图像,受行距约束,相机离株行的水平距离在0.5~1.0 m之间。同时在行间沿株行方向对相机目视前方场景进行采样。共采集番茄植株双目图像12 000对。基于相机内、外参数,采用Bouguet法[20],通过OpenCV编程对采集的番茄植株图像进行极线校正,使双目图像的光轴平行、同一空间点在双目图像上的像素点行对齐。校正后的双目图像构成番茄植株双目图像数据集,其中随机选择80%的图像作为下文深度估计网络的训练集样本,其余20%作为测试集样本,每个深度估计网络重复试验5次。采用相同的图像采集与校正方法构建含棋盘格标定板的植株双目图像数据集,图像采集时在场景中放置单元格大小已知的棋盘格标定板,分别在相机镜头距离标定板支架0.5~3.0、3.0~6.0、6.0~9.0 m范围内对场景成像,并保证标定板均完整出现在双目图像中,共采集含标定板的双目图像1 500对,其中不同天气条件和采样距离下采集的图像数量均等。

2 自监督植株图像深度估计方法

2.1 双目图像视差估计网络模型


2.2 网络主体结构设计

本文采用卷积自编码器(convolutional auto-encoder,CAE)作为DNN的结构。CAE常被用于语义分割[11]、深度恢复[12-15]等任务,在这些研究中,CAE由常规卷积层、池化层等堆叠而成,网络参数多、计算量大。近期研究[21-22]多采用模块化设计的卷积块来构建CNN网络。周云成等[23]设计了一种称为面向通道分组卷积(channel wise group convolutional,CWGC)模块的结构,基于该结构的CNN网络在番茄器官分类和识别任务上都取得了较高的精度,与常规卷积相比,在宽度和深度相同的前提下,该结构可有效降低网络参数的数量。本文针对深度恢复任务,在现有CWGC模块基础上引入上采样和下采样功能(图2)。

图2a中的CWGC模块主要由4组相同的卷积组(convolution group)构成,各卷积组分别对输入进行特征提取,生成特征图,然后在通道方向上合并特征图,经批标准化(batch normalization,BN)层和ELU(exponential linear unit,指数线性单元)[24]处理后作为CWGC模块的输出。卷积组的卷积层只和组内的前后层连接,并使用1×1卷积(conv1×1)作为瓶颈层,以降低参数数量、加深网络深度、提高语义特征提取能力。为CWGC模块设计了3种类型的卷积组,图2b为空间尺度不变卷积组,该卷积组在卷积操作时通过边缘填充保持输出与输入的空间尺度(宽×高)相同;图2c为下采样卷积组,其中conv3×1和conv1×3在卷积过程中使用非等距滑动步长,使输出特征图的宽、高分别降为输入的一半;图2d为上采样卷积组,在conv1×1后设置一个步长为2的转置卷积层(deconv3×3),使输出特征图的空间尺度与输入相比扩大1倍。分别使用3种类型的卷积组,可使CWGC的输入、输出在空间尺度不变、缩小和放大之间转换。


Note: conv1×1,and so on denote convolution with kernel size of 1×1 and channel number of; s2,1 indicates that the horizontal and vertical strides are 2 and 1 respectively; deconv means transpose convolution. Same as below.

图2 卷积模块

Fig.2 Convolutional block

注:CWGC-8D等表示CWGC模块采用h=8的下采样卷积组;CWGC-128U等表示CWGC模块采用h=128的上采样卷积组;Skip 1等表示跨越连接。下同。 Note: CWGC-8D, etc. denotes that CWGC block usesdown-sampling convolution group with h=8; CWGC-128U, etc. denotes that CWGC block adopts up-sampling convolution group with h=128; Skip 1, etc. denotes skip connection. Same as below.

2.3 深度估计网络损失函数定义


2.3.1 图像重构损失

2.3.2 图像卷积特征近似性损失


为计算图像的卷积特征张量,同样采用CWGC模块构建一个分类CNN网络,命名为CWGCNet,结构如图 4,该网络由常规卷积层、CWGC模块、最大池化(max-pool)、丢弃(dropout)层、全局平均池化(global average pooling)和Softmax函数构成,整个网络具有35层卷积操作。

2.3.3 视差平滑损失


2.3.4 左右目视差一致性损失

2.4 可微分图像采样器


图5 可微分图像采样过程示意

2.5 视差估计精度判据

DNN估计的视差图越精确,由图像采样器基于视差图采样重建的图像与目标图像的相似度越高。因此本文首先采用与主观评价法具有高度一致性的3种图像相似度评价指标FSIM(feature similarity index,特征相似性指数)[27]、IW-SSIM(information content weighted SSIM,信息内容加权结构相似性指数)[28]和GSIM(gradient similarity index,梯度相似性指数)[29]作为视差图精度的间接评判指标,3种指标值均越大说明图像相似度越高,视差图越精确。

3 深度估计网络模型训练与测试

3.1 深度估计网络总体结构及实现

3.2 CWGCNet的训练


表1 CWGCNet与2种典型CNN网络分类性能比较



图6 输入图像及对应的部分卷积特征图

3.3 深度估计网络的训练

网络的训练方法同文献[16],用Adam(adaptive moment,自适应矩)优化器对深度估计网络进行训练,其中Adam的1阶矩指数衰减率1=0.9、2阶矩指数衰减率2=0.999,每一小批样本量为8,初始学习率为10-3,经过10代迭代训练后调整为10-4,此后每经过20代迭代,学习率下降10倍。经过60代迭代训练,网络损失收敛到稳定值。

3.4 深度估计网络的测试与分析

表2 卷积模块层数对视差估计精度的影响


Note: Data is mean±SE. Values followed by a different letter within a column for treatments are significantly different at 0.05level. Same as below.

表3 深度估计方法性能比较


Note: Combination A indicates that the model consists of our network structure and the loss function in [16]; Combination B indicates that the model is composed of the network structure of [16] and the loss function of this paper.



由表4可知,光照对棋盘格角点估计距离误差无明显影响,说明本文的植株图像深度估计模型对光照变化具有一定的鲁棒性。棋盘格标定板的采样距离对角点间相互距离的估计精度具有显著影响,误差随着采样距离的增加而增大,当采样距离为0.5~3.0 m时,RMSE为6.49 mm,MAE为4.36 mm,分别小于0.7和0.5 cm;当距离为6.0~9.0 m时,RMSE为24.63 mm,MAE为17.90 mm,分别小于2.5和1.8 cm。

图7 深度估计效果

表4 光照条件与采样距离对棋盘格角点估计距离精度的影响


Note: Values followed by a different letter within a row for treatments are significantly different at 0.05 level.

4 结 论

本文提出一种基于自监督学习的番茄植株图像深度估计网络模型,构建了卷积自编码器作为模型的主体结构,提出引入图像卷积特征近似性损失作为损失函数的一部分,以图像相似度、棋盘格角点估计距离误差等为判据,用番茄植株双目图像对模型进行训练和测试,结果表明:1)基于面向通道分组卷积模块设计的分类网络的浅层卷积能够提取番茄植株的低层图像特征,与未采用图像卷积特征近似性损失函数的模型相比,采用该函数的模型的棋盘格角点估计距离均方根误差RMSE和平均绝对误差MAE分别降低了32.1%和33.3%,该函数对提高番茄植株图像深度估计的精度具有显著作用,且精度随着参与近似性损失计算的卷积模块层数的增加而升高,但超过4层后,进一步增加层数对精度的提升作用不再明显。2)图像采样距离影响深度估计的精度,当采样距离在9.0 m以内时,所估计的棋盘格角点距离RMSE和MAE分别小于2.5 和1.8 cm,当采样距离在3.0 m以内时,则分别小于0.7 和0.5 cm,模型计算速度为28.0帧/s。3)与已有研究结果相比,本文模型的RMSE和MAE分别降低33.1%和35.6%,计算速度提高52.2%,深度估计精度和计算速度均显著提高。

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Method for estimating the image depth of tomato plant based on self-supervised learning

Zhou Yuncheng, Xu Tongyu, Deng Hanbing, Miao Teng, Wu Qiong


Depth estimation is critical to 3D reconstruction and object location in intelligent agricultural machinery vision system, and a common method in it is stereo matching. Traditional stereo matching method used low-quality image extracted manually. Because the color and texture in the image of field plant is nonuniform, the artificial features in the image are poorly distinguishable and mismatching could occur as a result. This would compromise the accuracy of the depth of the map. While the supervised learning-based convolution neural network (CNN) is able to estimate the depth of each pixel in plant image directly, it is expensive to annotate the depth data. In this paper, we present a depth estimation model based on the self-supervised learning to phenotype tomato canopy. The tasks of the depth estimation method were to reconstruct the image. The dense disparity maps were estimated indirectly using the rectified stereo pair of images as the network input, from which a bilinear interpolation was used to sample the input images to reconstruct the warping images. We developed three channel wise group convolutional (CWGC) modules, including the dimension invariable convolution module, the down-sampling convolution module and the up-sampling convolution module, and used them to construct the convolutional auto-encoder - a key infrastructure in the depth estimation method. Considering the shortage of manual features for comparing image similarity, we used the loss in image convolutional feature similarity as one objective of the network training. A CWGC-based CNN classification network (CWGCNet) was developed to extract the low-level features automatically. In addition to the loss in image convolutional feature similarity, we also considered the whole training loss, which include the image appearance matching loss, disparity smoothness loss and left-right disparity consistency loss. A stereo pair of images of tomato was sampled using a binocular camera in a greenhouse. After epipolar rectification, the pair of images was constructed for training and testing of the depth estimation model. Using the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), the CWGCNet and the depth estimation network of the tomato images were calculated using Python. Both training and testing experiments were conducted in a computer with a Tesla K40c GPU (graphics processing unit). The results showed that the shallow convolutional layer of the CWGCNet successfully extracted the low-level multiformity image features to calculate the loss in image convolutional feature similarity. The convolutional auto-encoder developed in this paper was able to significantly improve the disparity map estimated by the depth estimation model. The loss function in image convolutional feature similarity had a remarkable effect on accuracy of the image depth. The accuracy of the disparity map estimated by the model increased with the number of convolution modules for calculating the loss in convolutional feature similarity. When sampled within 9.0 m, the root means square error (RMSE) and the mean absolute error (MAE) of the corner distance estimated by the model were less than 2.5 cm and 1.8 cm, respectively, while when sampled within 3.0m, the associated errors were less than 0.7cm and 0.5cm, respectively. The coefficient of determination (2) of the proposed model was 0.8081, and the test speed was 28 fps (frames per second). Compared with the existing models, the proposed model reduced the RMSE and MAE by 33.1% and 35.6% respectively, while increased calculation speed by 52.2%.

image processing; convolution neural network; algorithms; self-supervised learning; depth estimation; disparity; deep learning; tomato

周云成,许童羽,邓寒冰,苗 腾,吴 琼. 基于自监督学习的番茄植株图像深度估计方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(24):173-182. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.24.021 http://www.tcsae.org

Zhou Yuncheng, Xu Tongyu, Deng Hanbing, Miao Teng, Wu Qiong. Method for estimating the image depth of tomato plant based on self-supervised learning[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(24): 173-182. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.24.021 http://www.tcsae.org









霜 降 苏美玲