王小萌,吴文福,尹 君,张忠杰,吴子丹※,姚 渠
王小萌1,2,吴文福1,尹 君2,张忠杰2,吴子丹1※,姚 渠2
(1. 吉林大学生物与农业工程学院,长春 130022;2. 国家粮食和物资储备局科学研究院,北京 100037)
为模拟储粮粮堆局部含水率偏高引起的霉变发热现象,进而研究此现象中温、湿度场的变化规律,该文在试验仓内湿基含水率14.0%的玉米粮堆中心加入湿基含水率18.2%的玉米,在30 ℃室内储藏40 d。试验粮堆由于霉变引起自发热。试验过程中,通过计算玉米粮堆中垂面内高温区和高湿区的面积变化,从而揭示玉米粮堆霉变发热过程中温、湿度场的变化规律。试验结果表明,粮堆中垂面高湿区面积缓慢扩大,高温区面积开始扩大缓慢,但在与周围粮温最高温差升至3.7 ℃后,面积扩大速率加快,且高温区与高湿区面积的当量半径与温度差D成正比,此正比关系经过了粮库浅圆仓的验证。这为进一步定量分析粮食仓储过程中的高温区和高湿区扩散提供了依据。
本试验采用的“先玉”玉米样品初始平均湿基含水率为23%(下文提及的含水率均为湿基含水率),质量密度为698 g/L,杂质质量分数为1.0%,样品初始真菌孢子数<104个/g,无储藏真菌。
多参数粮情检测系统[17]:中国深圳市东大恒丰科技有限公司;DHG—9140型电热恒温鼓风干燥箱:上海精宏实验设备有限公司;NIKON E100显微镜:日本尼康公司。去离子水作为试验用水。
1.3.1 试验仓装置
为模拟浅圆仓中粮堆局部含水率偏高引起的局部霉变发热现象,依据相似性设计原理和浅圆仓仓型,选用圆形的试验仓[17](图1),并进行改进,去除仓底的保温隔热材料,将仓底中心位置开1个内直径为0.08 m的通气孔,目的是有利于试验仓内外气体进行交换,确保试验仓内氧气供应充足。
1.3.2 样品处理
将平均含水率为23%的玉米进行除杂、清理,玉米样品铺成厚度为0.02 m的薄层,在室外通风环境下,将含水率降低。玉米入仓储藏安全水分为14%左右[25]。储粮实践发现由于储粮水分分布不均、杂质聚集、水分迁移等因素的影响,玉米粮堆局部含水率可增至16~18%。粮堆内的热传递和水分迁移会受到粮堆高度和跨度等的影响[26],鉴于试验仓底面直径和高度较小,为便于观察粮堆霉变发热后的温湿度迁移现象,因此试验用粮的高、低含水率可分别设为18%左右和14%左右。
1.3.3 储藏模拟设置
试验仓内玉米粮堆总高度为0.60 m,高水分玉米(18.2%)和低水分玉米(14.0%)的分布如图1a所示,2种含水率的粮堆体积比为1∶4,将试验仓储藏在温度为30 ℃的室内,以期模拟储粮过程中由于粮堆局部含水率偏高引起的粮堆霉变发热现象。2种含水率的玉米的初始粮温为22 ℃,初始平均相对湿度分别为67%和90%。
1.4.1 危害真菌孢子
1.4.2 温湿度
1.4.3 含水率
参考ASAE标准[28],称取15.0 g玉米籽粒样品,放在干燥铝盒内,在103 ℃烘箱内干燥72 h,检测样品的含水率。
1.5.1 温湿度场的建立
选取粮堆中垂面温湿度传感器检测到的温度和相对湿度数据,再运用温湿度拟合算法得到粮堆内各点的温度和相对湿度,通过Matlab 模拟软件重现粮堆的温度场和湿度场,温湿度场拟合算法如式(1)~(2)[29]。
1.5.2 当量半径的计算
图2和图3分别是玉米粮堆储藏0、20和40 d时粮堆中垂面的温度场和相对湿度场云图。由图2可知,储藏温度为30 ℃,平均含水率为18.2%的玉米粮堆中由于微生物作用逐渐出现了发热点。微生物迅速生长,发热点面积不断扩大,发热点最高温度和周围粮堆温度的温差不断升高,最大温差达到8 ℃。研究表明,粮堆内的微气流运动是引起粮堆内温度传递和水分迁移的主要因素[30]。从图3可以看出,粮堆内微气流运动引起粮堆内水分向粮堆上层迁移。试验结束后,取样检测真菌孢子数,点、点、点、点、点的真菌孢子数分别为6.3´106,6.9´106,2.1´106,5.4´106,5.7´106个/g,优势真菌为亮白曲霉和黄曲霉。
图3 玉米粮堆储藏0、20和40 d时中垂面相对湿度场云图
粮堆内发热点周围平均粮温为30 ℃,因此本文中的高温区选取玉米粮堆中垂面温度高于30 ℃的区域。亮白曲霉和黄曲霉是引起本文粮堆发热的主要霉菌,而相对湿度高于75%时易于亮白曲霉和黄曲霉生长,因此,本文中的高湿区选取玉米粮堆中垂面相对湿度高于75%的区域。图4是试验过程中,玉米粮堆中垂面、、、、5点的温度变化图。图5是玉米粮堆中垂面的高温区和高湿区面积随时间的变化图。由图5可知,在试验的40 d内,高湿区面积增加缓慢;高温区面积在试验第25 d后迅速增加,结合图4分析,可发现试验第25 d后粮温升高加快,导致高温区面积迅速扩大,这主要是因为黄曲霉和亮白曲霉大面积生长,产生大量的热。
图4 玉米粮堆中垂面不同点温度变化
参考当量直径的定义,本文中将高温区和高湿区的面积按照圆形处理,计算出圆的半径,作为高温区和高湿区的当量半径。温度差是粮堆内湿热转移的动力源[31-32]。因此,建立玉米粮堆高温区和高湿区当量半径与温度差D的关系(图6)。由图6可知,高湿区面积的当量半径与温度差成正比;当温度差高于3.7 ℃即高温区最高温度高于33.7 ℃后,发热区开始快速向周围扩散,这与粮堆的导热系数小有很大关系,粮堆导热系数小,导致粮堆霉变产生的热量难以快速传递出粮堆,很容易聚集在粮堆内;高温区面积的当量半径与温度差成线性正相关,且D/D=0.058 (2=0.99)。储粮霉变发热过程中,发热区域的扩散速率会受到热传导和热对流的共同作用,由于试验仓体积小,高度低,热对流现象微弱,因此粮堆内的热量传递和水分迁移主要受到热传导的影响。下面用实仓对高温区当量半径与温度差的关系进行验证。
图5 高温区和高湿区面积随储藏时间的变化
图6 高温区和高湿区面积的当量半径与温度差的关系
以中国某粮库的浅圆仓粮温数据验证上述正比关系。此浅圆仓为钢屋盖,仓内直径为25.0 m,装粮高度为15.6 m,杂质质量分数为1.5%,粮堆质量密度为698 g/L,储量为5 756.9 t。所储玉米的平均含水率为13.8%,粮堆局部偏高水分区域的平均含水量为14.8%。粮堆内局部含水率偏高,导致出现发热点。通过计算粮堆中垂面高温区的面积变化,得到高温区当量半径与温度差的关系,如图7。
图7 浅圆仓中垂面高温区的当量半径与温度差的关系
模拟试验仓中,由18.2%和14.0% 2种含水率的玉米组成的粮堆在30 ℃恒温室内储藏,4 d后,亮白曲霉和黄曲霉大量生长引发粮堆出现明显发热点。
玉米粮堆霉变发热过程中,主要受热传导影响,高温区与高湿区面积不断扩大。在高温区与周围粮温最大温差从3.7升高至8 ℃的过程中,高温区和高湿区面积的当量半径与温度差呈正相关。该相关性也经实仓数据得到了验证。
试验仓和浅圆仓高温区与周围粮温的温度差均升高3.7 ℃后,高温区面积才开始迅速扩大,但是浅圆仓热对流强烈,导致浅圆仓高温区扩散速率远大于试验仓中高温区扩散速率。
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Research on temperature and humidity field change during corn bulk microbiological heating
Wang Xiaomeng1,2, Wu Wenfu1, Yin Jun2, Zhang Zhongjie2, Wu Zidan1※, Yao Qu2
(1.130022,; 2.100037,)
Corn is widely planted in China with high yield. It is a major source of foods and materials for industrial processing.Microbiological heating occurs easily during corn bulk storage, which seriously affects grain safety. The problem has also attracted much attention. Stored grain is mostly infected byand. Fungal growth in maize is facilitated by hot and humid conditions. Warm pockets initiated by microorganisms are mainly induced by pockets of wet grain because microorganisms need larger than 0.65 water activity to multiply and develop. It has been reported by many researchers that the relationship between temperature, moisture and fungi growth. Moisture diffusion and migration from a hotspot to its surrounding was recorded by some researchers. They also found that as a hotspot develops, the grain moisture at the top of the hotspot increases while the grain moisture below decreases. Since it is difficult to estimate the production rate of heat without using mathematical models, there are a few models developed to understand the development of hotspot. These models was used to calculate the heat production rate of stored grain. However, there is little research on the quantitative change of temperature and humidity field in space. The objective of this study was to develop a method to measure changes of high temperature and high humidity zones in space during grain microbiological heating. To explore quantitative variation of temperature and relative humidity fields in space in corn heating, different moisture corn (14.0% and 18.2%, w.b.) was stored in a simulated silo in 40 d at 30 ℃ non-airtight. The simulated silo was a cylindrical iron silo with 0.54 m in internal diameter, 0.70 m in height and 0.01 m in thickness, respectively. And its inner wall was provided with insulation layer (0.02 m thickness). Two air pipes (0.08 m internal diameter) on the top and bottom of the silo were applied to exchange the gas inside and outside the silo and ensure adequate oxygen supply. In the experiment, the high moisture corn (cylinder, diameter, 0.30 m; height, 0.30 m; 18.2%, w.b.) in the silo was surrounded by low moisture corn (14.0%, w.b.). After 4 days storage, the growth ofandcaused a hot spot appears in corn bulk. In the paper, high temperature areas were temperature higher than 30 ℃, and high humidity areas were relative humidity higher than 75% due toandincreasing greatly. During the storage, temperature and relative humidity cloud maps of the min-vertical plane were drawn. These cloud maps indicate that areas of high temperature and high humidity expanded under heat conduction. Areas of high temperature zone and high humidity zone were calculated. Then, treated these areas as circles and calculated equivalent radii () of high temperature zone and high humidity zone. Besides temperature difference (D) were equal to the highest temperature in high temperature zone minus 30 ℃. DuringDincreasing from 3.7 to 8 ℃, equivalent radii () had a significant linear correlation with temperature difference (D). However, no noticeable change was observed whenDranged from 0 to 3.7 ℃. The corn temperature data of a squat silo during microbiological heating proved the linear relationship between the equivalent radius of high temperature area and temperature difference. But the diffusion rate of heating area in squat silo was higher than the simulated silo due to height and span of grain bulk. Height and span of grain bulk in squat siloincreased heat convection which was weak in simulated silo. This study lays a foundation for the further quantitative research on the prediction of microbiological heating in grain storage.
crops; temperature; humidity sensors; corn; temperature field; relative humidity field; microbiological heating
王小萌,吴文福,尹 君,张忠杰,吴子丹,姚 渠.玉米粮堆霉变发热过程中的温湿度场变化规律研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(3):268-273. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.03.033 http://www.tcsae.org
Wang Xiaomeng, Wu Wenfu, Yin Jun, Zhang Zhongjie, Wu Zidan, Yao Qu.Research on temperature and humidity field change during corn bulk microbiological heating[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(3): 268-273. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.03.033 http://www.tcsae.org
王小萌,博士生,研究方向为粮食信息化与自动化。 Email:wxmhappy99@163.com。