
2019-02-23 03:04包加桐唐鸿儒汤方平
农业工程学报 2019年3期

包加桐,钱 江,张 炜,唐鸿儒※,汤方平


包加桐1,钱 江2,张 炜1,唐鸿儒1※,汤方平1

(1. 扬州大学水利与能源动力工程学院,扬州 225127;2. 江苏省泰州引江河管理处,泰州 225321)

闸站工程自动安全监测可积累大量高质量监测数据,然而对这些数据的在线自动分析手段较为有限。该文提出一种针对多通道实时监测数据流的在线相关分析与聚类方法,以挖掘多个感兴趣测点通道数据流之间的联系。该方法能够在线快速计算数据流的统计特征,在计算数据流之间相关性度量的基础上,对多数据流进行自动聚类。以泰州高港闸站工程安全监测系统为例,针对扬压力、伸缩缝、温度等多类型共65个通道数据流进行在线相关分析与聚类,一次特征计算、分析与聚类总时长低于1 s,满足在线处理的实时性要求。该文提出的方法能够判断闸站工程渗压情况、伸缩缝与温度变化特性等,可有效发现潜在的工程安全问题或传感器故障。


0 引 言




1 系统结构


图1 闸站工程安全监测系统结构

图2 安全监测系统人机界面


2 多通道数据流在线分析

2.1 基本概念及数学描述


2.2 数据流相关分析

2.3 数据流聚类



end while

end if

end if

end for


3 案例及结果分析

3.1 案例简介

图3 泰州高港闸站工程安全监测测点布置

试验中选择2015年4月29日—2015年11月23日共209 d内存储于数据库的65个通道数据流进行在线回放分析。数据存储的频度是每个通道每小时记录1个数据点,因此待分析的每个通道的数据流的总长度为5 016。通过常规上下限值比较手段判断出YYL_022、YYL_041、YYL_042、WD_YA1_SS通道数据存在大量异常数据,因此不参与数据流的相关分析与聚类。试验中主要进行2类多数据流的相关分析与聚类:水位数据流(包含扬压力测管水位与上下游水位)与伸缩缝数据流(包含伸缩缝测点温度与缝隙大小)。数据流统计特征计算公式中,衰减系数取0.99。聚类算法中阈值取1,邻域半径取±0.9。当数据流相关系数>0.9时,称数据流之间具有强正相关性,相关系数<-0.9时称数据流之间具有强负相关性。在配置为Intel Core i5 @ 2.3 GHz CPU,4 GB内存的计算机上利用Visual C++ 6.0编程实现在线分析与聚类功能,平均处理1次多数据流的总时长低于1 s,满足实时性处理要求。

3.2 结果与分析


表1 水位数据流相关系数矩阵


Note: YYL and SW represent uplift pressure and water level, respectively, 011-XY is measuring point, see in Fig.3.

图4 水位数据流聚类结果




4 结 论


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Safety monitoring of sluice-pump station project based on online correlation analysis and clustering of multichannel data streams

Bao Jiatong1, Qian Jiang2, Zhang Wei1, Tang Hongru1※, Tang Fangping1


Sluice-pump station projects usually consist of many widely distributed hydraulic structures, such as pumping stations, sluices and dams. In order to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the project, it is necessary to observe and measure the settlement, expansion joints and seepage flow of hydraulic structures regularly and accurately. In this paper, an online correlation analysis and clustering method for multichannel real-time monitoring data streams was proposed. It aimed at finding the connections between data streams from multiple interested measuring channels, and automatically discovering potential project security problems and sensor failures. Firstly, the real-time data streams were continuously collected by recording sensor data from multiple measuring channels with the same frequency and aligning them on the time axis. Secondly, 3 statistical features of the data streams were incrementally calculated. By employing the statistical features, the calculation of correlation coefficients of any 2 data streams could only run in 0(1) time. Thirdly, the clustering algorithm of density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise was used in order to automatically find grouped data streams with strong correlations and noised data streams with weak or without correlations. By analyzing the clustering results according to project related characteristics and objective laws, potential project safety risks as well as sensor failures could be identified. Based on an earlier developed safety monitoring system for Taizhou Gaogang sluice-pump station project, the experiments were carried out to analyze and cluster multichannel data streams of uplift pressure, expansion joint and temperature online. It took less than 1 s to process multiple data streams for one time. The clustering results of the water level data streams revealed that the water levels in the uplift pressure tubes installed in 5 sections of the project had strong positive relations owing to the normal action of ground water penetration. Exceptionally, the variation of water level in 1 tube was highly affected by water level change of the Yangtze River, which means there existed an abnormal seepage in that position. The failure of 1 uplift pressure sensor was also found according to the clustering results. Besides, the clustering results of the data streams of expansion joint size and temperature could be explained by thermal expansion and contraction. Especially, the expansion joint sizes of most places in the east-west direction of the horizontal plane had strong negative correlations to the environment temperature while the ones in the other directions were less affected. All the data streams classified as the noises could be directly used to discover the abnormal situations of the corresponding sensors. In conclusion, the proposed method could effectively find the connections between the online data streams from multiple interested measuring channels, and discover potential project safety problems and sensor failures. It showed to be an effective way to supplement the online data analysis methods in the hydraulic area.

clustering analysis;online systems; correlation methods; sluice-pump station project; safety monitoring; multiple data streams

包加桐,钱 江,张 炜,唐鸿儒,汤方平. 基于多通道数据流在线相关分析及聚类的闸站工程安全监测[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(3):101-108. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.03.013 http://www.tcsae.org

Bao Jiatong, Qian Jiang, Zhang Wei, Tang Hongru, Tang Fangping. Safety monitoring of sluice-pump station project based on online correlation analysis and clustering of multichannel data streams [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(3): 101-108. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.03.013 http://www.tcsae.org









