核心价值 | 居住品质和居住环境的提升
评选标准 | 参选项目必须为2016年1月-2018年7月在中国建成的项目。本奖项旨在奖励那些在居住模式与居住环境等领域提供了卓越解决方案的项目。
评委成员 | 施卫良(主席),黄居正,刘晓都,庄惟敏
Criteria | Housing exploration
Requirement | Projects completed in China from January 2016 to July 2018 are eligible. The award aims to reward projects that have provided excellent solutions in the fields of housing pattern and living environment, etc.
Jury | SHI Weiliang (Chairman), HUANG Juzheng, LIU Xiaodu, ZHUANG Weimin
优胜奖 | Winner
"Miniature Beijing": Renovation of No.28 Dayuan Hutong, Beijing, China, 2017
佳作奖 | Highly Commended
Longnan Garden Social Housing Estate, Shanghai, China, 2017北京首开寸草安慧里养老介护设施项目,北京,中国
Shokai Anhuili Elderly Caring Facility, Beijing, China, 2017
入围项目 | Shortlisted
Mr. Wang's Plugin House, Guangzhou, China, 2017
Tsinghua University Student Dormitory Buildings No.6-11, Beijing, China, 2017
Longhouse Among Pine Trees, Huangshan, China, 2016水围柠盟人才公寓,深圳,中国
Shuiwei LM Apartment, Shenzhen, China, 2017
The House of TAO Lei, Beijing, China, 2017