核心价值 | 以建筑推进社会公平
评选标准 | 参选项目必须为2016年1月-2018年7月在中国建成的项目。本奖项旨在奖励那些通过建筑手段推进社会公平、服务于社会弱势群体、践行人文关怀的杰出项目。
评委成员| 崔愷(主席) ,夏铸九,支文军
Criteria | Social equality
Requirement | Projects completed in China from January 2016 to July 2018 that serve the socially vulnerable groups are eligible. The award aims to reward those outstanding projects promoting social justice and practicing humane care by means of architecture.
Jury | CUI Kai (Chairman), HSIA Chujoe , ZHI Wenjun
优胜奖 | Winner
Shangping Village Regeneration, Sanming, China, 2017
佳作奖 | Highly Commended
Shared-living Space: Micro Regeneration Projects in West Guizhou Lilong, Shanghai, China, 2017尚村竹篷乡堂,绩溪,中国
Shangcun Village Lounge, Jixi, China, 2017
入围项目 | Shortlisted
Yard 2, Bapan Village, Guizhou, China, 2018
Kitchen Renewal of the Farmer's House in Huayao District, Hunan, China, 2017
Raleigh Campsite in Guizhou, Guizhou, China, 2018
Village as Kitchen: Renovation of Yantian Dameisha Village, Shenzhen, China, 2017 IUCN·无止桥溪芽环境教育中心,河北,中国
IUCN+WZQ Stream Shoots Education Centre, Hebei, China, 2018