
2019-02-14 00:10
世界建筑 2019年1期



















Vice Director and Vice President, China Architecture Design and Research Group

The WA Awards for Chinese Architecture(WAACA), established by World Architecture in 2002, has gradually become one of the most attention-grabbing non-official architectural awards in China. As in 2018, the WAACA fully reflects the"orientation of a pluralistic value system" in terms of the award categories and the composition of the judging panel, as well as an evolution from being"niche" to targeting "the masses".

China Architecture Design and Research Group(CAG), a design institute in a state-led market economy, represents "the masses" in terms of being a state-owned/national enterprise. Overall, it differs significantly from other design organisations,especially local studios and foreign firms that emphasise design creativity. With its formidable technical strength, large-scale establishment and complete organisational structure, the design institute can design various types of buildings.Nevertheless, there is still the need for self-reflection in areas, such as design concepts, narratives and originality, and creating a vibrant atmosphere for academic, academically critical and cultural and artistic thoughts. In these dimensions, the criticality of the WAACA is beneficial to the "daily" work of the design institute.

WANG Yizhi

Vice Director, 4th Institute, Beijing Institute of Architectural Design

I was fortunate to participate as a youth observer in the judging sessions of the WAACA. A wide variety of projects were being evaluated there, ranging from urban renewal at a city scale to installations at an individual scale. These sessions temporarily freed me from the relatively single-focus work at the"large institution" and provided me the opportunity to experience the architectural field with a broader perspective. I was delighted to see that outside the"system", design has infiltrated different aspects of people's lives in a more pluralistic form. An even bigger benefit of attending the judging sessions was the opportunity to listen to judges' comments on the participating projects. It was an invaluable experience to be in the presence of several important architectural dignitaries at the same time and to witness them share their thoughts and see passions ignite as they interacted with one another.

However, the habitual mode of working at the large institution led me to think further about the many factors related to building quality,such as economic efficiency, ease of maintenance and sustainability. Doing so reduced the various competing projects into thin boards. After all, the two exhibition panels seemed to mostly portray only a single dimension of "visualisation". This was also a problem that plagued many judges on site.

Hopefully, the WAACA can retain the existing scope of the awards while simultaneously break through the dimensional limitations to achieve greater success!


Vice General Manager and Deputy Chief Architect,Shenzhen General Institnte of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.

As a non-official architectural award, the WAACA has consistently insisted upon independent academic judgements while attempting to discover and provide guidance for some clear identification of professional values. This characteristic makes it different from many other official awards. With the extension in the scope of the awards, the WAACA has evolved from a relatively single-value orientation to being respectful of the multi-dimensional and co-existing ecology of the present architectural community in China.

As an observer, I was constantly switching between the judging scenarios of the different awards. I witnessed the consensus, opposition, and even conflicts in values during the judgement of the participating projects for the various awards. I was also able to listen in on the courteous and sincere communication, exchanges and occasional debates between the judges. The only slight shortcoming was the lack of a site visit component, such that the judges could not accurately determine the gap between the value orientation expressed by the participating works and the reality. This was a constraint that the judges had to deal with when making their evaluations. When a building is being presented with an award, are we trying to support and consolidate a particular value orientation so that it is propagated to wider fields? Can we be really confident of achieving that?

ZHANG Tianjun

Director, Architectural Creation Department, East China Architectural Design & Research Institnte

Being a traditional design institute, the WAACA quandary that it faces may also be a state in which the large institution's architects align and position themselves with social significance:on the one hand, they must meet the needs of the mainstream groups to a certain extent when designing functional buildings; on the other hand, they also wish to engage in meaningful explorations within the academic fields of architecture, aesthetics and even philosophy. Being in this category of architects, I am honoured to participate in the judging sessions of the 2018 WAACA. At the same time, I am delighted to see the effort and enthusiasm of traditional design institutes toward urban contribution and social equity. Without doubt, people's concerns and demands regarding public facilities and buildings increase as urban society develops. Such design projects have become increasingly complex, make significant social impact and involve multiple parties. Traditional design institutes enjoy some obvious advantages when co-ordinating with government departments and other parties, and they are able to contribute substantially to this type of project. This may perhaps be one of the shared value orientations between architects from design institutes and the WAACA.

Finally, I would like to commend the editorial staff at World Architecture for their hard work and dedication. Thank you.

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