鲍里斯·沙德-宾索/Boris Schade-Bünsow
黄华青 译/Translated by HUANG Huaqing
The type of architecture and urban planning that will help us create space for future generations to live and work in will change more dramatically in the next 25 years than it has in the past one and a half centuries. The future of our constructed environment will look completely different than anything we have ever imagined. And it is going to differ greatly from what we are building today. Why?
160 years ago, the steam engine, which had actually already been invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1712, finally got rid of its teething problems. The engineer James Watt greatly improved its efficiency,and thus it became increasingly reliable and it could be installed practically anywhere in the world and its mobility improved through its use in railways.With this gained mobile usage, the steam engine made a mark in countries all over the globe that were striving for growth, thus heralding the age of industrialisation. The steam engine became the engine of economic and industrial development.The time was marked by worldwide optimism about the future, in which nobody considered possible negative consequences. And no one at the time could see that industrialisation, with all its positive and negative effects, would actually be irreversible.
A paradigm shift began for architecture and urban planning. For centuries, the economy of states was characterised by agriculture. What was traded in the cities was earned in the countryside. That is why cities developed along trade routes and at the same time were places of political and religious control and representation. For centuries, this was what actually shaped cityscapes, still today, the structures of medieval cities in Europe are clearly visible.
From 1860 onwards, industrialization brought large-scale production to cities. This production required more and more space, and ever larger factories and entire industrial plants began to grow in a disorderly fashion all over the city. The creation of value was provided by thousands of workers who,hoping for a better life than what the hard work as farmers and wage earners in the countryside promised, moved to the city. But they did not come alone. Together with their wives and children,sometimes with their whole families, they became a new part of urban society. And in only a short time they became the largest part of it in terms of numbers due to the prospering economy. The new composition of urban society was defined by the working class. Never again was the urban society to be as hierarchical as it had been for centuries before.This proletariat in the city was the first breeding ground for workers' organisations and trade unions.
On the other hand, the industrialists were the actual drivers of fortune, comparable to today's protagonists of the Silicon Valley generation. They were very much in favour of the social development of the time, as - similarly to today - they controlled the influx of their resource: manpower. Residential areas for workers were built in close proximity to the noisy and smelly factories. This was good for the efficiency of production, as the distance from the bed to workbench and assembly line could be kept as short as possible. But it was not so good for the people who were forced to live there.
Initially, this was nevertheless a win-win situation. The industrial entrepreneurs became wealthy, some of them even immeasurably rich. And the workers had a regular, predictable income to ensure the survival of their families. This was not previously the case in a society shaped by agriculture and thus led indirectly to the cities becoming even more attractive. However, progress was not limited to productivity and urban development alone. Health care improved, and developments in medicine, science and technology led to a constant increase in life expectancy.
But very soon this progress was actually reversed. The unplanned growth of cities led to catastrophic housing situations. Workers and their families shared a few square metres, men, women and their children lived in very small spaces together with single day labourers, to whom they rented a free bed for a few nights. The cramped living space situation led to miserable hygienic conditions. In addition, the sewage system and water supply were completely overloaded and their expansion could not keep up with the speed of growth of the residential areas and the constant influx of people. Social and societal hotspots developed in which unrest could flare up at any time. The leading class was warned by the memories of the revolutionary years, which, at the time, went back not even a hundred years. Chaos and anarchy are poison for a prospering economy and had to be avoided at all costs.
The answer to this situation was the best known urban planning manifesto in the world. The Athens Charter, adopted at the IV Congress of the Congrès Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM) in Athens in 1933, established the separation of the functions of working, living, resting and moving.The city was divided into residential and industrial areas. Local recreation areas were now accessible to everyone. Based on the belief in the optimistic promises of the future, the image of the functional city emerged.
With this blueprint, generations of urban planners and architects developed neighbourhoods,cities and entire regions in Europe and all over the world. Industrial areas and separate residential districts, which were connected by new, modern forms of public transport, enabled the controlled growth of cities. Now workers could quickly reach the production sites without having to live in their immediate vicinity with the associated disadvantages. The city was connected to a network of supply and transport infrastructures. It took on the form of an independent cosmos, which continued to grow.
The architecture at the time was based on this city model. Multi-storey residential buildings made dense living possible, and more and more people now lived in the ever denser quarters of the growing cities. The city was divided into blocks,where residential houses were built on the edges of the blocks, while the inner areas of the mostly rectangular plots included simpler, often multistorey houses if sufficient space was available.Elisha Graves Otis's invention of the automatic fall protection system for elevators in 1854 in New York first triggered a boom in high-rise buildings in the city on the east coast and then all around the world. Thanks to technical progress, elevators now made living beyond the 4th floor possible. These opportunities were seized and the concentration of living space increased further.
The new concept of work brought about by industrialisation thus replaced the medieval city model and almost completely replaced it. An entirely new world of construction was thus developed. At the time, only 5 per cent of the world's population lived in cities. Today, that figure has exceeded 50 per cent worldwide. In fact, in developed economies,close to 70 per cent of the population have actually decided to live in cities.
The next great revolution in architecture and urban planning began in Europe and North America around 1950. After the unimaginable suffering of the two world wars and the immediate reconstruction of the destroyed countries in Europe, the global economy regained its strength.Modest economic wealth and the international social agreement that there should "never again be war" were the initial spark that set off increasing economic prosperity. Unfortunately, with the exception of Japan, the mantra of "never again war"was short-lived. Alliances shifted, interests changed,and the Cold War began. The dystopia of a world after a possible nuclear strike determined politics and diplomacy.
However, the economy was not the determining factor for this political disaster. On the contrary.The rapidly growing economies generated prosperity for many. Large parts of the population were now able to fulfil their dream of owning their own car in the 1950s, which was something that was prettymuch unimaginable before. Although the car had already been invented 50 years earlier, it only became something ordinary people could aspire to own at a much later time in history. Improved production methods and modern materials, such as plastics, greatly improved the technology of car manufacturing. At the same time, cars became cheaper, meaning that families across Europe and North America could now start saving for their own vehicle. The car became a synonym and symbol for social advancement. Whoever owned one, had made it in life. Those who possessed their own car belonged to the up-and-coming middle class. They had found their place in the middle of society and liked to show it. This became particularly evident on Saturdays on the driveways of houses across the country. It was here that fathers and their sons washed, polished and shined the treasured family possession in order to present and celebrate it on Sunday on a family excursion. The car was now the status symbol par excellence. From 1950 until the turn of the millennium, the longing for one's own car connected all social classes and generations.Even today, the longing for individual, rapid transportation determines the actions of entire ethnic groups in countries around the world.
The fulfilment of this longing has led to mass motorization and mass mobilisation. Millions of vehicles require millions of kilometres of roads in all shapes and sizes. Even the furthest corners of the world can today be reached on paved and asphalted roads. Never before has the land been better developed. But a car is never constantly in motion,which is why space for parking became necessary and the multi-storey car park was thus invented analogous to multi-storey living. Urban planning adapted to all of this noiselessly and obediently.The car-friendly city became a reality all over the world. Today it is the most distinctive image of a structured, modern city.
At the same time, area-wide individual transport enabled people to live on the outskirts, far from city centres. Now it was no longer necessary to live in the immediate vicinity of one's workplace or a public transport hub. All that was necessary was a road connection. And that was something everyone had. Those building the unplanned, car-friendly city made sure of that.
In addition to the residential quarters in the city, housing estates were created in the peripheries of cities. Distances were of no interest, traffic jams were still largely unknown, and driving one's own car was a pleasure and self-adulation at the same time.These settlements were dominated by one-family and two-family houses with front gardens. The amount of land required for this type of living was immense.
Urban planning was decisively dependent on the economic, social and societal developments of the time, and the new, changed possibilities of individual mobility fundamentally changed the look of cities for the second time in the last century. But this time, it might actually be reversible.
So what's happening today? On one hand, we will be dealing with a completely different kind of mobility in the future. The maxim of locomotion will no longer be faster and further. Mobility will become slower and quieter. In the future, most people will no longer travel by car or plane, but on foot or by bicycle. At the same time, public local and long-distance rail transport will play a greater role.The privately owned car powered by fossil fuels will be replaced by a vehicle which is set in motion with electrical energy and will most likely be shared by many different people. Unlike today, it will be used for much more than an hour a day. If, however, the time of use were only to quadruple, i.e. a shared car would be used for four hours a day, the number of vehicles and thus the space required in cities would be reduced to a quarter for the same transport capacity.
These changes in mobility will lead to another type of city, as happened 60 years ago with the development of the car-friendly city. However, the city of the future with optimised mobility will be completely different. It will be quieter, cleaner and more worth living in, thus making it an even more desirable place for people to inhabit. And that, in turn, will make it interesting for politicians.
Even more serious than the changes in mobility are the changes in work. Digitalisation,together with its sister globalisation, are leading to a situation where work is no longer bound to a specific location. In addition, the content of work is changing, as the added value is no longer linked solely to the creation of products. At the same time, the social interaction between people is changing. Even the first generation of "digital natives" today can hardly imagine what interaction and communication might look like in the future.But some things about these developments are already pretty-much certain today. Communication will be digital, possible over long distances and suitable for expressing and exchanging feelings and moods in the same way as is possible today in faceto-face communication. The digitalisation of work in combination with globalisation will create new business models. Processes can take place anywhere so that work will become increasingly decentralised and time-independent.
These two changes, the future of work and the future of mobility, will alter our lives considerably and lastingly in the coming 25 years. However,cities are planned for an infinite life cycle and even houses should be used for a far longer period of time. In the past, even a change in the two factors that determine urban planning - work and mobility- was enough to give our constructed environment a new appearance. At first, industrialisation changed the face of the city, and almost 100 years later the car completely redesigned it.
Today, both parametres, work and mobility,are changing simultaneously, quickly and fundamentally. Cities and architecture will change just as fundamentally, whether we like it or not. But unlike 150 or 70 years ago, architects and urban planners today have a duty and an obligation to not leave this process to chance but to create space for the future with innovative and creative ideas.