然而,在2018 WA中国建筑奖中,评委和参与评审的每一个人都达成了一种新的共识:我们可以在建筑奖项中不再以寻求答案为目的,而是寻求对问题的创造性定义。这样可以使建筑奖项更好地发挥在当代的作用。换句话说,我们可以把思维方式转化到更适合我们无穷知识时代的方式上。在整个评审过程中,拥有杰出判断和智慧的评委们一直坚持了极其开放的态度,既精彩,又令人耳目一新。或许2018年的评审地与任何一个大城市之间的痛苦遥远的距离在这方面反倒起到了一定的作用。设计实验奖、城市贡献奖、居住贡献奖和社会公平奖的评议争论中,目标从最佳解答范例向最创新问题定义的转变显而易见。
It is not news that we are no longer able to be aware what we do not know. Either is it news that knowledge no longer comes in the predictable way.Visionaries around the world are now looking at design thinking as an alternative way of bridging the known with the unknown, replacing the conventional dichotomy between humanities and science.
In his acceptance speech of honourable doctor degree in Tsinghua University in 2018, Mr. Thomas Pritzker thrilled an audience of over 400 with a talk on "Design thinking in the age of not-knowing". Of course, the term "design thinking" he used was not only referring to the design we architects know, but a way of thinking as trying to develop a sensible solution when the problem is still too complicated to be fully understood. That thinking pattern is now widely adopted by people from a variety of fields:business, finance, engineering, science and art.Interestingly, not typically by architects.
Architects, or architecture people as a whole,like to work in the knowing. Given how didactic architecture is, it is not surprising that for centuries, even millenniums, architecture are learnt by following those who know. One good way of demonstrating this knowing pattern is the making architecture awards. Jury verdicts and winning projects are usually compasses, pointing out the direction of the current architectural movement.
Yet with 2018 WAACA, jurors and everyone involved in the jury sessions have come to a consensus, that architecture awards can be better if what is being searched is not only sound answers, but creative questions. Or, if we would change our pattern of thinking to one that fits our time of not-knowing. In short, the openmindedness of all the distinguished jurors has been both refreshing and amazing, possibly assisted by the desperately long distance from the jury venue to any major city in 2018. Throughout the sessions for the categories of Design Experiment, Urban Regeneration, Housing and Social Equality, a clear shift to innovation in formulating a design investigation is obvious.
We feel excited about this shift. It is not because we are already bored (probably we are) with the heavily retouched photos beautifying a built environment. It is not because we are already fed up (probably we are) with the highly choreographed stories of the life of a less-than-ideal community or region. It is not because we are irritated (probably we are) by manipulated numbers proving the effectiveness of certain technologies. It is because this shift opens up new dimensions of design excellence as means to genuine knowledge about our true world in the current time of not-knowing.
Our special thanks to all the jurors and the candidates. It is them who make this search for design excellence in the age of not-knowing possible.