
2018-10-11 03:17:02张克松王希波马云海
农业工程学报 2018年19期

吴 娜,张克松,王希波,马云海


吴 娜1,张克松1,王希波1,马云海2※

(1. 山东交通学院汽车工程学院,济南 250357;2. 吉林大学工程仿生教育部重点实验室,长春 130022)



0 引 言

涡轮增压器已成为柴油机和汽油机的重要部件。涡轮增压器的使用可以大幅提升内燃机的动力性能和燃油经济性,也是内燃机小型化的关键手段。研究提升增压器性能得到国内外工程人员的重视[1-5]。增压器蜗壳对涡轮和增压器性能有着重要影响[6-9],蜗壳的不同几何设计参数影响蜗壳的曲率变化、蜗壳腔内流体与壁面间的摩擦力及压力梯度分布,改变蜗壳腔内流场分布,影响蜗壳腔内的流体运动规律、压力分布及能量损失,影响蜗壳工作性能[10-13],增压器蜗轮蜗壳流道设计水平对涡轮的效率和流通能力起着关键作用[14-17]。目前还没有成熟的蜗壳流道截面的设计方法,蜗壳结构的优化设计方法还处在不断发展完善中[18-20 ]。



1 仿生增压器涡轮蜗壳设计

1.1 螺旋贝壳内腔截面轮廓线建模


图1 螺旋贝壳和内腔点云



表1 螺壳内腔截面部分轮廓曲线的数学模型

1.2 仿生增压器涡轮蜗壳设计


图3 蜗壳流道截面仿生设计曲线

图4 仿生蜗壳设计模型

2 仿生增压器涡轮蜗壳性能仿真分析

本文以某型排量1.5 L的车用汽油机用增压器为研究对象,采用数值模拟方法分析常用工况范围内原型蜗壳和仿生设计蜗壳的性能差异。首先以原型蜗壳建立数值模型,并验证其可靠性。然后以原型蜗壳为基础,匹配仿生蜗壳。在常用工况范围内对仿生蜗壳和原型蜗壳进行数值仿真,并从微观流场探索两者差别,从而实现对增压器蜗壳的优化。

2.1 仿真模型建立

原型蜗壳与仿生蜗壳的三维建模结构如图5所示。建模过程中2个增压器蜗壳/保持一致,蜗壳出口宽度与出口直径保持一致。仿真模拟中涡轮形式采用全轮盘向心径流式结构,叶片数为11片,进口直径为37 mm,出口直径为32.1 mm,值为12.56 mm,相应压气机叶轮直径为44.2 mm,蜗壳喷嘴宽度4.8 mm。

图5 原型与仿生蜗壳结构对比

仿真数学模型采用雷诺时均N-S方程组[26],选用RNG方程模型。计算域分为蜗壳进口延长段、蜗壳、转子和涡轮出口延长段共4个域,转子区域采用结构化网格,在叶片周围添加O型结构网格;而蜗壳由于流道造型复杂,采用非结构网格;在涡轮和蜗壳的各个壁面附近均添加了附面层网格[26],2种结构的蜗壳在划分网格时采用同样的网格参数和方法。仿真模拟中,共用的涡壳进口延长段、转子区域和涡轮出口延长段的网格单元数分别为119 595,2 769 008和116 085;原型涡壳网格数为752 431,仿生涡壳的网格数为784 168,仿生涡壳由于和原型涡壳保持相同的值而增大了流道截面,其网格总数比原型涡轮模型多3.1万。


2.2 数值仿真模型验证


高压气源的空气经过燃烧室的加热达到试验设定的涡轮进气温度,燃烧室的燃油为柴油。涡轮流量等于压气机流量加上燃油流量。试验时,增压器转速误差控制在±200 r/min,在增压器工作工况稳定3 min后通过数据采集器同时采集所有相关参数。

图6 增压器试验台及结构原理图



表2 原型蜗壳的模拟计算和试验对比

3 原型蜗壳与仿生蜗壳仿真结果分析

对2种蜗壳进行典型工况的模拟计算,选择12× 104、16×104和20×104r/min三个转速,分别代表涡轮运行的低中高转速。模拟计算后,对所涉及的工况进行宏观性能分析,评价参数为涡轮效率、流通特性和蜗壳总压损失系数。

3.1 涡轮效率分析



图7 仿生蜗壳与原型蜗壳的涡轮效率对比

3.2 涡轮流通特性分析


3.3 流场分析

当仿生涡轮的流通能力与原型涡轮基本保持一致情况下,涡轮效率有了明显的提升。涡轮效率提升的主要原因是涡轮流场的优化。由图7可知,20×104r/min时涡轮虽具有最高效率点,但是效率曲线的最高点不在同一工况点,仿生蜗壳和原型蜗壳的涡轮最高效率点分别对应的膨胀比为2.1和2.3,所以流场分析选取转速为16× 104r/min、膨胀比为1.8的工况进行。

图8 仿生蜗壳与原型蜗壳的涡轮流量特性对比图


图9 相同周向位置的叶轮流道50%叶片高度截面上的速度矢量分布

4 结 论




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Bionic design of turbocharger volute based on spiral shellsimproving turbine performance

Wu Na1, Zhang Kesong1, Wang Xibo1, Ma Yunhai2※


The performance of the supercharger volute directly affects the overall efficiency and capability of the turbocharger. It is important to improve the efficiency and performance of the turbocharger by reducing the flow resistance and decreasing the energy loss of the volute. Many measures are taken to improve the efficiency of the volute. Ocean spiral shells have evolved to reduce fluid resistance and cut down fluid energy loss during motion. In this paper, the spiral shell was taken as the biomimetic prototype, and the cavity data of the spiral shells were obtained by reverse engineering technology. The internal cavity cross-section data of shells were extracted in the range of 270 degrees. After the cross-section curves were optimized, they were taken as the section curves to construct the bionic volute. And then the volute bionic surface design was realized. The computational models of the prototype and bionic supercharger were finished. Taking the turbocharger volute of the gasoline engine with 1.5-liter displacement as the research object, the numerical analysis method was used to realize the performance difference between the bionic volute and the prototype volute. First, the prototype numerical model’s reliability was verified. Then the bionic volute was matched with the prototype turbine system. The numerical simulation of the bionic volute and the prototype volute was carried out in the range of common working conditions, and the difference between the two was explored from the microscopic flow field. During the modeling process, the A/R values of the two turbine volutes were the same, and the outlet width of the volute was consistent with the outlet diameter. The verification test was carried out on a QYZ-2 turbocharger test bench. The inlet flow of the compressor was measured by a double-line flowmeter, and the maximum measurement error was less than 2% FS. Both the inlet and the outlet of the compressor were provided with a pressure sensor and a temperature sensor. The turbine inlet was provided with a turbine inlet pressure sensor and an intake temperature sensor, and the turbine outlet had a turbine exhaust pressure sensor and an exhaust temperature sensor in the extension duct. The maximum error of the pressure sensor was less than 2.5% FS, and the maximum error of the temperature sensor was less than 3% FS. The maximum error of the simulation calculation was within the allowable range. The simulation results showed that the simulation model was in good agreement with the test bench, and has good reliability. Therefore, the numerical model can meet the requirements of subsequent research. In the simulation, 12×104, 16×104and 20×104r/min were selected to represent the low, medium and high operation speed of turbine respectively. The evaluation parameters included turbine efficiency, flow characteristics and total volute loss coefficient. The results showed that the turbine flow capacity increases with the increase of the expansion ratio increase. And the turbine flow characteristics of the two volutes were basically the same. The results showed that the turbine efficiency can be increased by 3% and by up to 5% under the condition of keeping the same turbine flow capacity matching two volutes. The flow field analysis results showed that the bionic optimization volute reduces the flow loss near the inner surface of the volute and the airflow friction in the flow channel. And the flow resistance was small, the whole flow in the bionic volute was smooth and uniform, and there was no swirling flow. Therefore, the turbine efficiency can be significantly improved. The bionic design method used in this paper had a significant improvement on turbocharger turbine performance, and can provide reference and method innovation for the design and optimization of automotive and agricultural machinery turbocharging systems.

bionic; design; experiments; turbine volute;turbine efficiency; spiral shells; flow capacity








吴 娜,副教授,博士,主要从事仿生机械工程研究。 Email:wuna1978@163.com

马云海,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为仿生材料及其摩擦学。 Email:myh@jlu.edu.cn

吴 娜,张克松,王希波,马云海.基于螺旋贝壳仿生的发动机增压器涡轮蜗壳设计提升涡轮性能[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(19):60-65. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.19.008 http://www.tcsae.org

Wu Na, Zhang Kesong, Wang Xibo, Ma Yunhai.Bionic design of turbocharger volute based on spiral shellsimproving turbine performance[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(19): 60-65. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.19.008 http://www.tcsae.org

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