1966年,擅长撰写外国人在华经历的英国历史学家查尔斯·德雷格(Charles H·Drage)出版了一部传记《龙廷洋大臣》(Servants of the Dragon Throne),这部传记的主人名叫包腊(Edward Charles Bowra)。4月初,这部书的中文版终由广西师范大学推出。通读这本书籍,不禁发现包腊和宁波竟有一段如此深厚的缘分。
初到宁波的包腊心情并不好,在宁波的第一年,他没有被选为蒲安臣使团的成员(清政府1868年向海外派遣了中国近代第一个正式外交使团,可是这个使团却是由一个外国人——前美国驻华公使蒲安臣率领的,故称作蒲安臣使团),这让他感到忿忿不平。这种情绪一直到他的第一个孩子艾赛尔(Ethel Bowra)出生,才烟消云散。
在宁波的几年,对包腊的家庭生活来说是极其重要的。因为他的孩子艾赛尔和塞西尔(Cecil Bowra)相继出生,这让包腊欣喜不已,他还在给赫德的信函中提到了这些事情。1869年,清廷嘉奖包腊,勉励其在清海关的工作岗位上兢兢业业。包腊的工作得到了“雇佣方”的最高肯定。至于他的儿子塞西尔,在日后的中国海关史上,有个更为人所知的名字叫做包罗,在赫德的提携下,包罗在北京见证了自日俄战争直至袁世凯称帝的历史,从而成为清海关、民国海关最为重要的官员之一。
包腊在宁波的工作并不繁重,因而有不少的闲暇功夫。包腊把精力都花在了读书和摄影上。在宁波的头两年,包腊在江北岸参加了当地的小型读书会,在德雷格的传记中提到包腊主讲了两次,一次是主讲“与加里波第并肩战斗”的故事,另一次的主题则是谈论耶稣会的创始人依纳爵·罗耀拉(Ignatius Loyola)。
而影响最为深远的则是《红楼梦》的翻译。《红楼梦》现在被认为是中国古典小说的巅峰,可在清末,《红楼梦》才刚刚“解禁”并流行开来,很多在华的外国人把《红楼梦》的文字视为很好的汉语学习教材,于是出现了不少译本,但这些译本的宗旨是帮助学习汉语,因此翻译水平并不高。包腊则不同,他决心将这部小说作为文学作品进行翻译。在宁波他翻译了前八回,并在1868年发表于《中国杂志》(The China magazine)之上,这也是《红楼梦》第一个较为完整的文学性质的英文选译本。近几年来,国内外红学界、文学界、翻译学界都开始重视包腊译本,像任显楷、王鹏飞等学者就发表文章,称包腊翻译的《红楼梦》(包腊译本作《The Dream of the Red Chamber, Hung Low Meng, a Chinese Novel Literally Transla-ted by E.C.Bowra》)在一些文字翻译上极合韵脚,翻译水准很高。
In 1966, Charles H. Drage published , which describes foreigners who served as Chinese government employees in the Qing Dynasty (1644-19111). The lead heroes in the story related by the modern UK historian specialized in the studies of foreigners in China is Edward Charles Bowra (1841-1874) and his son Cecil Bowra (1869–1947). The Chinese version of this book was published in early April 2018 by Guangxi Normal University Press.
In 1863, Bowra was employed at age 22 in England. Back then, he had come back from an expedition he fought for the independence of Italy and was working as an employee for London Customs. He happened to run into a Qing Government official at a banquet in London. The Chinese official was recruiting foreigners for the Chinese Maritime Customs. Bowra decided to get employed and take a look at the mysterious country in the east.
Bowra worked in Tianjin for a while before he was transferred to Shanghai. In 1866, he was transferred to Guangzhou. He organized the 1866 tour for the Chinese Secretary of Customs Pin Chun. This group of Chinese officials in Europe caused some controversies and saw some fresh things. Bowra jotted down what he experienced with the Chinese delegation. In comparison with the European travelogues written by Pin Chun and other officials, Bowras diary about this overseas visit may provide a different perspective.
In 1867, he was appointed by the Inspector-General Sir Robert Hart to a key position in the customs service in Ningbo. Bowra considered Ningbo as a backwater place. Back then, Ningbo had been operating as an international trade port for 23 years and there was a foreign community in the city and a UK consulate. But Shanghai boomed exponentially as a trade port whereas Ningbo saw mediocre trade transactions. He was very unhappy as he wasnt chosen when the Chinese government appointed Burlingame envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to head a Chinese diplomatic mission to the United States and the principal European nations.
But the births of his daughter Ethel Bowra and his son Cecil Bowra in Ningbo brought immense happiness to the father. He mentioned his happiness in letters to Inspector-General Sir Robert Hart. In 1869 the Chinese Government commended Bowra for his outstanding work at his position in the customs service.
In the first two years of his stay in Ningbo, Bowra had a lot of time. He enjoyed reading and taking photographs. He translated , a classical novel of the Qing Dynasty. It was in Ningbo that he translated the first eight chapters, which was published in The China Magazine in 1868. In recent years, Bowras translation of this novel has been receiving new interest of Chinese scholars.
In the history of Chinese Maritime Customs Service that started operation as of 1854 in China and was staffed mostly by foreigners, Bowra is considered a noteworthy sinologist and linguist. His son Cecil Bowra grew up to be a key official of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service in the years of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China (1911-1949).
Ningbo was one of Chinas earliest ports open to international trade in the 19th century. Foreign missionaries and other foreigners in Ningbo took a lot of photographs, leaving a rich visual record of Ningbo in these years. Edward Charles Bowra left 201 photos in two albums. The photos were originally in collections of some public institutions in UK, but they are now in private collections through auctions in recent years. Some of the Bowra photos are reprinted in compiled by Zhe Fu. A few years ago, the 201 photos were digitalized by a university in UK and a university in France, and the digital photos have been made available to the world.
Of the 201, 136 were definitely taken in Ningbo: some have captions that specify they were taken in Ningbo and some were identified and proven to have been taken in Ningbo. Experts are not 100 percent sure about 12 photos but they have reason to assume that they were taken in Ningbo. The identifications of these 136 photos are attributed to the scholars in foreign universities as well as researchers in Ningbo specialized in old time photos and images.
The Bowra photos can be roughly classified into three groups. The biggest section features landscapes of what is known as the old-town of Ningbo, Zhenhai and Yinxian County. Some objects in the photos are landmarks of the old-time Ningbo. Many landmark buildings seen in the photos are long gone.
The second group records the scenes of the foreign settlement in whats known today as Jiangbei District. In these photos one can see the office building of the Zhejiang Customs, some buildings in foreign architectural styles, and some foreigners, missionaries and their family members.
The third group is the smallest: no more than ten in this group. Bowra took these photos while traveling around. In the photos are some pilgrims at Ashoka Temple in Ningbo and some local rural residents at a Zhaobaoshan Temple. A few photos were taken at a stone quarry in Yinjiang. Historically, stone quarries in Yinjiang produced fine quality stone materials as building blocks. Historical records about the stone quarries in Ningbo are largely in texts. Thats why the few photos taken by Bowra are very valuable.