
2018-06-09 02:57:08徐馨
文化交流 2018年6期


2016年的某一天,青年建筑师徐甜甜的工作邮箱中收到一封来自柏林伊达斯建筑论坛(Aedes Architecture Forum)的来信。信中对她持续多年在中国浙江松阳进行的建筑实践表现出浓厚兴趣。


















Xu Tiantian, a Chinese architect based in Beijing, was found by Aedes Architecture Forum in 2016. What she did in rural Songyang County in Zhejiang aroused the interest of the forum.

Based in Berlin, Germany, Aedes Architecture Forum is a world-renowned independent institution and exhibition space for the international communication of contemporary architecture and urban design. Established in 1980 as the first private architecture gallery in Europe, the Aedes Architecture Forum has gained a large international partnership network, which feeds to an outstanding cultural platform for the global and public discourse of the built environment. Founded by Kristin Feireiss and Helga Retzer, Aedes has been co-directed by Hans-Jürgen Commerell since 1994.

The forum approached Xu and offered to hold an exhibition to tell the Songyang story to the world. The choice of Xu Tiantian and Songyang represented the rethinking of strategies for rural development, which is now a global pressing challenge.

During the festivities of the Chinese Lunar New Year in 2017, Xu flew to Berlin to meet Ms. Kristin Feireiss and Mr. Hans-Jürgen Commerell. In the following year, the two visited Songyang to help prepare for the exhibition. Mr. Hans-Jürgen Commerell visited Songyang twice to do field studies. In December 2017, Kristin Feireiss visited Songyang to take a look. She had been to China many times over the past 10 plus years but it was her first visit to rural China. The 75-year-old Kristine Feireiss and Hans-Jürgen Commerell flew all the way from Berlin via Finland to Shanghai and then rode a car for 7 hours to reach Songyang.

With preparations of one year,  was unveiled on March 16, 2018 at Aedes Architecture Forum in Berlin.

“Rural development is about the future of mankind. Songyangs approach to rural growth through village reconstruction is significant to Germany, Europe, and the world. We are happy and proud to have found the Songyang Story,” commented Hans-Jürgen Commerell.

“Germany and China have rural issues in common. Songyang promotes rural development through culture and attracts the young to come back. This experience is useful to other regions across China and to other countries in the world,” remarked Chen Ping, Cultural Councilor of Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China, at the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

The exhibition in Berlin will proceed till June 17.

The exhibition highlights the nine cases developed by Xu Tiantian in the mountainous landscape of Songyang County, in collaboration with the engaged provincial government and local people.

When she talked with local people shortly after her arrival in Songyang to understand their dreams about rural reconstruction, she found rural residents talk about trendy and ultra-modern buildings in big cities such as Shanghai and Beijing. Xu and her colleagues communicated their idea to the rural population: rural buildings are in no position to rival urban landmarks; neither should they be individual signatures. Instead, village buildings should carry on the wisdom of the past centuries and signify stories of yesteryears and carry on local history and culture.

Wang Jing Memorial Hall, one of the nine cases on display at the exhibition, is a perfect embodiment of this concept. The descendents of the scholar of the Ming Dynasty gathered at the memorial hall on the first day of Chinese Lunar New Year in 2018 to review the family commandments and instructions. The ritual is designed to carry on the family tradition. Moreover, this memorial hall of the Wang clan has inspired other clans in the village to work out their family pedigree books and restore their ancestral temples.

The Songyang Story emphasizes thoughtful “architectural acupunctures” that generate a kind of new “rural self-confidence” and promote the community cohesion.

“The acupunctures strive for minimal interference for maximum effects. Each village has its unique history and culture and unique way of making a living. The revitalization projects aim to suit specific conditions of a village. If revitalization projects can inject economic value and bring about economic revival, villagers will reevaluate their home villages from a new perspective. Such rural self-confidence will not only add a sense of happiness and confidence to local population but also help the growth of green farming and revitalize economic and social growth of rural areas,” said Wang Jun, the chief of the CPC Songyang Committee. Wang considered the buildings designed and built by Xu Tiantian as needles for the architecture acupunctures.

Wang has played a crucial role in the rural revitalization project in Songyang. Due to a tight work schedule, he wasnt able to fly to Berlin to attend the opening ceremony of the Songyang Story. At the opening ceremony, a series of slides, created by Kristine Feireiss, was screened in honor of Wang Jun. “Rural issues are common in Europe, but practices are not so many. In China, the government leads the rural revitalization project. Wang Jun is a chief decision maker and leader of the rural development in Songyang. He is effectively engaged in the project and plays a chief role in the whole process. I am deeply impressed,“ remarked Kristine Feireiss.

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