开场节目“鼓振粮山 龙腾花海”,10台大鼓同时敲响,5条布龙腾跃田间,40余人的腰鼓队在梯田舞动,营造出“旗开、鼓振、龙腾”的喜庆场面。
此外,“山货集会 吃货部落”农特产展销与线上预售、“相约粮山”摄影大赛等活动,也吸引众多的游客参与其中,让他们在领略田园风光的同时,近距离体验民俗文化和乡土风情。几十位摄影工作者们像蜜蜂一般穿梭在和煦的阳光中、金色的花海里,“咔嚓、咔嚓”的快门声与游客们的欢声笑语飘向远处,绿水青山之间飞扬着快乐和幸福。
这次以“梦幻梯田村 大美李山头”为主题的乡村文旅活动,是今年龙泉市春季“乡村漫游节”的重头戏。据了解,类似这样的乡土文旅活动,龙泉已经连续举办18次。龙泉市文旅委对全市数十个乡村的自然生态、乡风民俗、交通地理等资源要素逐一摸排,统筹规划,优化组合,精心设计出以12个特色乡村为主题的文旅节庆活动,每月一节,节节有主题,轮流主办乡村漫游节,搞得有声有色,既盘活了沉睡在古村落里的乡土文化,激发了农民参与新农村建设的积极性,又开辟了村民增收致富的新渠道,激活了农村文旅发展的新引擎。
Longquan is experiencing a cultural renaissance and coming back to its traditional prosperity. In its good old days, Longquan, in the southwest of Zhejiang Province, was a key regional center in the trade network that traversed Zhejiang and reached into Fujian and Jiangxi provinces in the south and the west. Longquan used to be famed for producing and exporting celadon to the outside world.
It suffered a serious setback when China experienced ravaging wars and political repercussions in the 20th century. For decades, rural Longquan was considered a less developed region. In recent years, it has been staging a strong comeback as it implements the countryside revitalization project. In 2017, the citys total tourism revenue topped 7.7 billion yuan, a 100% increase year on year. Nowadays, Longquan holds rural tourism events every month and tourist buses are a common sight throughout the city.
The monthly village events are planned and jointly staged by the citys tourism authorities on the basis of thorough studies of local geography, history, culture, resources, and transport. The village events are evened out on the calendar. This arrangement not only brings cash to villages and inspires local residents to take part in rural reconstruction and revitalization. Rural tourism is now a new engine that drives rural economy and general development.
The competition took place in late April this year, long after the Chinese lunar New Year, which usually falls on a day in January or February. Villages across Longquan celebrate the Spring Festival by holding their own shows. Then the best programs out of the numerous grassroots shows come together to decide the real champion and entertain communities. The competition lasts for months. It goes first at the township level and then the finalists compete at the city level. The finalists this year will also hold special performances for the citys teachers, doctors and retired government officials respectively.
The village shows are a new rural phenomenon in Longquan. In 2018, 89 administrative villages and township communities in Longquan held performances, featuring 80 plus directors and 4,000 performers.
In January 2018, a national gathering held in Xitou Village in Longquan. A show was staged to feature selected programs from all over the country in celebration of the lunar New Year. The show attracted 30 plus mainstream news media and received over 10 million hits on the live broadcast.
The Spring Festival celebration shows have injected energy into the revitalization of traditional entertainment at the grassroots level in Longquan. Flower Drum Opera in Jinan Village is a good example. The tradition started in the village in the early years of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and faded out in the 1960s. The opera was revived when villagers decided to stage their own performance in celebration of the lunar New Year. Now, a village troupe is in place to perform as a tourism attraction.
A large group of grassroots entertainment stars, directors and troupes have sprung out of the popular Spring Festival shows. What they do is more than entertainment. Villagers spend more time either participating in shows or watching shows. Some residents with deep pockets are willing to provide funds for village events.
Longquan is famed all over the world for the celadon it makes. The porcelain tradition started about eighteen centuries ago. A national archaeological park in Longquan covers an area of about 10 square kilometers and preserves the remains of ancient kilns. In 2009, the traditional firing technique of Longquan celadon was inscribed on the UNESCOs Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, the only one of its kind in the world on the list.
The city now offers tourists an opportunity to see the celadon glory at China Celadon Town, located in Shangyang Town and rebuilt on the site of the now-dysfunctional State-Run Longquan Porcelain Factory. Events in the town open tourists eyes to the fascinating yesterday and flourishing today of celadon in Longquan. The shopping street of the town displays and sells a full range of celadon products with its prices ranging from less than 10 yuan to 100,000 a piece. Collectors items are available at master studios.
The rural Longquan presents particularly rural scenic beauties that are attractive to urbanites. These resources are packed in different ways. Bee Ridge, a village in Lanju Town, presents Golden Guanyin Resort where urban visitors can unwind themselves and view how a tea plantation works to produce Golden Guanyin, an emerging black tea brand. The resort itself is the tea plantation, where tea production, science research and sales can be seen by tourists. The resort also offers hospitable amenities so that tourists can stay there and do sightseeing.
The town, where Golden Guanyin Resort is located, also boasts Lanju Modern Agricultural Sightseeing Resort. On weekends, tourists flock to the resort, which serves as a giant amusement park. Visitors can have hands-on experience in agricultural and recreational activities. One of the resorts star attractions is an electronic shooting range where people pay to shoot electronic guns.
Xitou Village has something unique to offer to tourists. An architect met a township government official by accident and they brainstormed and had an idea. An International Bamboo Architecture Biennial resulted and the bamboo structures were designed and built. The fifteen “new concept” bamboo structures designed and built by eleven architects from USA, Columbia, Germany, Italy, Japan, ROK, Vietnam and China are more than a brand new tourism attraction. The new concept bamboo structures have caught the attention of architects all over the world. Now Xitou is a hot spot on the tourism map of Longquan.