
2018-05-09 03:22宋云华
健康必读·下旬刊 2018年1期


【摘 要】目的:探究對慢性肾脏病5期患者应用一体化治疗方式展开诊治处理的临床疗效。方法:选取2016年9月至2017年8月我院接收并采取相应诊治处理及门诊随访的慢性肾脏病5期患者110例作为研究样本,全部患者均为我院及上级医院依据相关标准确诊的慢性肾脏病5期患者。将其随机分为两组,即对照组和观察组,每组55例。对照组采取cuff导管血液透析,透析治疗前未开展过一体化治疗措施;观察组透析前已采取一体化治疗措施及适时创建动静脉內瘘,现采取內瘘透析并继续采取一体化治疗。观察并比较两组患者临床诊治结果,治疗前后血钙、血磷、血红蛋白水平的变化情况。结果:给予对应诊治处理后,观察组患者临床诊治有效率相较于对照组对应数值,提升趋势显著(P<0.05);两组患者的血钙、血磷、血红蛋白水平相较于治疗前,均呈现显著改善趋势,且观察组患者在血钙、血磷、血红蛋白水平等方面的变化情况显著优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:对慢性肾脏病5期患者应用一体化治疗方式展开诊治处理,临床诊治结果显著,对患者临床诊治有效率的提升具有积极作用及重要意义,能够实现对患者体内血磷含量的有效清除,改善患者机体钙磷代谢异常状况,同时对患者生命质量的改善具有积极的促进作用。


Abstract Objective: To explore the clinical efficacy of integrated treatment for patients with chronic renal disease. Methods: to choose between September 2016 and August 2016 our hospital receives and adopt corresponding diagnosis and treatment and outpatient follow-up of 110 cases of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) 5) as the research sample, all patients were diagnosed and superior in our hospital according to relevant standards of CKD stage 5 patients. They were randomly divided into two groups, the control group and the observation group, each with 55 cases. The control group was treated with cuff catheter hemodialysis, and no integrated treatment was carried out before dialysis. The integrated treatment and the timely creation of arteriovenous fistula had been taken before hemodialysis, and the internal fistula dialysis was carried out and the integrative treatment was continued. The results of clinical diagnosis and treatment of the two groups were observed and compared with the changes of blood calcium, phosphorus and hemoglobin levels before and after treatment. Results: after treatment and treatment, the clinical diagnosis and treatment efficiency of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P< 0.05). Two groups of patients with the blood of the blood calcium, phosphorus, hemoglobin levels compared with before treatment, tend to significantly improve, and the observation group of patients in blood calcium and blood phosphorus, the change of the respect such as hemoglobin level was significantly better than that of control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) 5) application integration treatment on diagnosis and treatment, clinical diagnosis and treatment results significantly, has a positive effect to the promotion of clinical treatment of efficient and significance, can achieve the patient's body effectively remove blood phosphorus content, improving the body calcium phosphate metabolic abnormalities in patients with, at the same time on the improvement of the quality of life in patients with a positive role in promoting.
