Step 1.Imagination sprouts(想象萌芽)
1.Mutual greeting(师生问好)
教师:Morning,boysand girls.My name’s Lily.I’m happy to see you.Today,I have a big present for you.Look!What is it?
2.Magic box(盒子魔术变)
(1)Play the magic box(盒子变).
教师:It’s not a box.It’s a fridge.(盒子变冰箱)...Wow,so many delicious food.
(2)Introduce themBunny(盒子变车Bunny出场).
教师:What is it then?Guess,please.(Maybe it’s...)
教师:It’s a...van.Eh,nobodyisdriving!Who’sgoing to drive?“Hello,I’m Bunny.I’m going to drive.”(贴 Bunny)
设计意图:盒子魔术变能在第一时间吸引学生的注意力,刺激想象的萌芽,同时在这个过程中初步接触语言It’s not a box.It’s a...
Step2.Imagination grows(想象生长)
1.Watch the video看视频
Question:This isBunny.He’s looking at this now,Is it a box in Bunny’s eyes?
A or B,Watch the video,please.
3.Read the book绘本学习
Section 1:A moving racecar(运动的跑车)
(1)Pairwork教 师 : It’s not a box.It’s a...Is it a bag?Discuss in pairs.
(3)Learn“It’s a racecar.I’m driving.”
教师:What is it?Look!(动态画出racecar)
It’s a car.It’s a racecar.race+car racecar
(4)Practise“I’m driving my car.”(学生表演说 I’m driving.)
Section2:Awalking robot(行走的机器人)
(1)Discuss in pair(猜图)
教师:Bunny is not driving now.What is he doing?Bunny,why are you wearing a box?(点击出现图片)
(2)Learn“Thisisnota box!”(贴句子,引导学生齐读一次)
(3)Show them the answer(现场将一个普通的盒子挖洞,并将其穿在身上扮机器人走路,引出robot walking)
(4)Learn“Look,I’m a robot!”“I’m walking.”(听录音跟读)
(5)Act “I’m a robot.I’m walking.”(做“我是机器人”游戏)
教师:Who wants to be a robot?Have a try!
(6)Expansion(pair work:I say,you do.)
First:Leading-in(The robot is...walking dancing幻灯片)
Second:Makean example for them.(找一学生示范)
(7)Check(学生自由发挥表演 I’m a robot.I can running,walking,swimming,reading a book,drawing,dancing,playing football...)
Step 3.Imagination blooms(想象绽放)
Section3:Aflying rocket(飞行的火箭)
(1)Discuss in groups.(小组讨论)
教师:Now,Bunny is thinking and thinking,whatis it?Whatis it?Suppose you are Bunny,whatcan theboxbe?Let’s have a match of GroupA andGroupB.First discuss in groups.
(2)“Collision ofImagination”(思维大碰撞)
教师:OK,time for PK.
(3)Learn“I’m a rocket.I’m flying.”
教师:What is it in Bunny’s eyes?Look at Page 11,read and find out.
(4)Read the picture(读图)
教师:Where is Bunny going?(moon)
Wow,Bunny’sthinkingis flying.He is flying to the moon,to the outer and outer space.
(5)Learn“It’s not not not not a box!”
教师:It’s not a box.It’s a racecar.it’s a robot.It’s a rocket.Itcan be more things.So...(板书句子)
Can you read it?(学生自由朗读该句,注意四个not的强烈感情)
(1)Listen and read the book.(听音跟读绘本)
教师:Howinteresting!Let’s enjoy the story again.Listen and read.
教师:This is Bunny!What doyou think ofBunny?Ido like Bunny,I think Buny is...(引出中心单词imaginative creative)A big medal for Bunny!Big hands.
Step4.Imagination flies(放飞想象)
1.Imagine,draw and write(展开想象力完成创作)
教师:Bunnyisimaginative and creative.You too.The box can be so many things.How abouta circle?How abouta stick?
(2)Group work(放飞想象,合作创作)
教师:It’s not a circle.It’s a...Think,please...I’m hungry,it’sapizza.I’m eating.Now,time for group work.(学生以盒子、棍子、圆圈展开想象力)
2.Let’s share(分享绘本)
教师:OK,children,have you finished?...Let’s share.
教师:I do appreciate your work.Let’s see the medals.Wow,you’ve got so many medals.Group A and Group B are all good.(画一棵大树)What are they now?...They are not only medals,they are fruits in the tree.They are fruits of your thinking.And life is so colorful,just because of thinking,imagination and creation.That’sall for today.Thank you!
(1)Share the books with your friends,please.
(2)Collect the creative designs.