
2018-03-09 05:13:30
风景园林 2018年1期

1 场地平面图,主要设计概念是在开发地块的中心创造一个“森林生态系统”Site plan. The main concept is to create a "Forest Ecosystem" right at the center of the development

丰树商业城二期位于新加坡西部,是一个以港口和仓库为主的工业区域。尽管场地毗邻肯特岗公园自然保护区(Kent Ridge Park Nature Reserves),但过去这一区域的开发对自然环境的考虑并不充分。

该项目占地35 000m2,曾经完全被具有混凝土表面的多层仓库建筑覆盖。随着新加坡对办公空间需求的不断增加,委托人决定拆除仓库,将其转变为现代的工作场所,并与前方现存的一期办公楼相连接。综合考虑总体规划,设计师将全新的二期建筑设置在场地北端,使位于一期和二期中心的大型开放空间成为共享式户外活动场所,并以绿色植物取代原来的硬质建筑表面。

2 灌木及地被种植平面图Shrub & Groundcover Plan

3 乔木种植平面图Tree Plan

4 剖面图Section

5 雨洪管理策略和生态湿地分布Stromwater management strategy and bioswale plan

6 交通动线分析。综合考虑总体规划,设计师将全新的二期建筑设置在场地北端,使位于一期和二期中心的大型开放空间成为共享式户外活动场所,并以绿色植物取代原来的硬质建筑表面Circulation. Considering master plan as a whole, stepping tower of phase 2 is planned on the northern end of the site to allow large open space in the center of phase 1 and 2 to become a major green open space for outdoor activities shared by both phases, replacing previously hard surface with greenery

7 风向流动Wind flow





8 “城市原野”不仅在热带气候条件下为多种办公场所和娱乐设施提供了舒适、理想的环境,同时也使生态环境得到了整体提升"Urban Wilderness" will provide an ideal comfortable environment for various co-working spaces and recreational facilities amidst tropical climate and also enhance the ecology at large

9 圆形的绿色露天剧场位于场地一角,承担举办活动、表演等特殊集会功能,平时则作为安静的休息空间Green amphitheater is proposed at one corner to cater for large group gathering during special event or performance and also as quiet sitting space during normal days

10 小丘顶部较为隐蔽的空间为促进人与人之间的互动交流提供了场所,同时更加强了人与自然环境的联系More secluded setting on top of the mound are created to promote interaction amongst not only each other but also with nature as well

11 道路的方向与一期和二期之间人流方向一致The direction of the path way also corresponds to the flow of people connecting between Phase 1 and Phase 2

12 设计不仅鼓励着人们白天走出办公室享受户外空间,同时也引领人们在夜晚追求创新、健康的生活方式The design not only encourages office workers to come out and do activities in day time but also bring them to do creativities and a healthy lifestyle in the evening
















场地面积:43 800m2

景观面积:30 000m2





Mapletree Business City II, located in the western territory of Singapore Island designated to be industrial zone with to port and warehouses.Despite close proximity to the Kent Ridge Park,a nature reserved, past development in this area doesn’t concern so much about nature aspect.

The site of 35,000 square meters that this project stood on was once occupied with multistorey warehouse covering the entire site with concrete surface. As demand for office spaces in Singapore is on the rise, client decided to demolish the warehouse and turn it into a modern workplace connecting to the existing phase 1 office tower in the front. Considering master plan as a whole,stepping tower of phase 2 is planned on the northern end of the site to allow large open space in the center of phase 1 and 2 to become a major green open space for outdoor activities shared by both phases, replacing previously hard surface with greenery.

In an attempt to connect the ecological corridor from the nearby Kent Ridge Park Nature Reserves, a “Forest Ecosystem” is created largely on top of car park podium acting as a welcoming space and a point of interchange between phase 1&2 and on most of the sky roofs of the stacking tower with average soil depth at 1.8 meter to ensure forest future growth. In this new development,70% of the site area is covering with greenery.

13 沿道路设置的户外生态休憩空间鼓励着人们走出办公室,将工作中常见的活动带入自然环境,以开发人们的创造力,同时开启健康的生活方式Outdoor sitting niche spaces along the path way are encourages office workers to come out and do typical office activities out into the natural surroundings to promote creativities and a healthy lifestyle

14 带有过滤功能的“生态水池”使丰树商业城二期成为一个独特的集生活、工作与娱乐为一体的功能场所Sand filter "Eco Pond" make Mapletree Business City II a unique live, work and play environment

Choice of planting material is the result from exploration to identify species at the Kent Ridges Park to ensure survival rate. Varying tree’s size from young sapling to grown up tree is randomly placed to form a true forest composition. On the under layer of the forest, mix of local shrubs and dotted of high shrubs is planted to give a sense of deep forest lushness. Variety offlowering and fruit baring trees and shrubs species help enhancing the created forest as habitat for butterflies, dragonflies,bird and other wild animal to maintain biodiversity at large.

15、16 设计师挑选了一些森林中常见的耐阴植物进行种植,以确保森林的长期生长Shade tolerant species typically found on forest ground are selected for this area to ensure a long term growth of the forest

To manage large surface of greenery, series of mounds is created not only to deal with storm water management but also to craft the seeminglyflat surface into a dynamic spaces to house various activities. The direction of the mounds also corresponds to theflow of the local wind direction and flow of people connecting between Phase 1 and Phase 2.

On the storm water management, bioswale is created at the foot of each mound to effectively regulate drainage pattern while allow the run-off to slowly filter through the sandy layers. Eventually, the pre- filtered rain water is the collected at the lowest point and leads into the rain water harvesting tank, treated and recycles for irrigation. The tank size is calculated to hold 7 days of irrigation water. Incorporated with rain censor system, which will save irrigation water during rainy days, the amount of irrigation water saved in the tank will be suf ficient for the relatively wet island of Singapore.

On the space creation, the mounds are shaped to define the circulation and pocket spaces for activities. Both outdoor sitting spaces along the path way or more secluded setting on top of the mound are created to promote interaction amongst not only each other, but also with nature as well.Green amphitheater is proposed at one corner to cater for large group gathering during special event or performance and also as quiet sitting space during normal days. The design encourages of fice workers to come out and do typical of fice activities out into the natural surroundings, whether to have lunch, co-working, organize meetings or workshops to promote creativities and a healthy lifestyle.

The green area does not stop at the edge of the building. Instead, the greenery continues under the building footprint where 45 degrees of sun light could reach. Shade tolerant species typically found on forest ground are selected for this area to ensure a long term growth of the forest.

Additionally, recreational programs such as full functional sport facilities ranging from Footsal Court, Basketball Court, Outdoor Fitness Station and Jogging Route–which connects out to the Kent Ridge Park–along with sand filter “Eco Pond” which provide a healthy ecology for the various aquatic plants and fish, will make Mapletree Business City II a unique live, work and play environment.

To conclude, the landscape design concept which draws inspiration from the adjacent nature reserve to create an “urban wilderness” will not only provide an ideal comfortable environment for various co-working spaces and recreational facilities amidst tropical climate but also enhance the ecology at large.

Location: Singapore

Design Director: Prapan Napawongdee

Landscape Architect: Kwanchanok Kongchoksamai,Jitsupa Thunhomjit, Supika Sukjamsai

Horticulturist: Tanee Sawasdee

Client & Developer: Mapletree Investments Pte Ltd.

Architect: DCA Architects Pte Ltd.

Main Contractor: Shimizu Corporation

Softscape Contractor: Tropical Environment Pte Ltd.

Lighting Designer: The Lightbox Pte Ltd.

Project Type: Institution

Site Area: 43 800m2

Landscape Area: 30 000m2

Completion Year: 2016

Photograph Credit: Mr. Wison Thngthunya

Translator: TI Yu-xin

Proofreader: ZHANG Xi

17 照明设计激活“生态水池”空间,为各种水生植物和鱼类提供健康的生态环境Design of lighting bring the life to "Eco Pond" which provide a healthy ecology for the various aquatic plants and fishes

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