
2018-03-05 05:26建筑设计伊索于翁德尔
世界建筑 2018年2期


Architect: Iso Huonder

1 外景/Exterior views


于翁德尔创造了一个相遇的空间,在这里人们可以会面和交流。他使建筑对自然做出回应,并定义了空间。于翁德尔设计的特伦营地项目包含林地里的两个体量:一个包含接待处与餐厅的主要建筑,还有一个公共浴室“Prau Lung”。这个主建筑坐落在最高点“Prau America”。它用其鲜明的剪影创造出了视觉焦点和平衡点。就像传统的当地木建筑,餐厅优先位于一片林间空地。餐厅位于地段北侧,后面还有一个池塘。屋顶作为居室和住宿的象征,形成了中心。建筑朝向西南方向——也就是傍晚太阳的方向开放,主入口和餐厅就在这里。

公共浴室“Prau Lung”包含4个单体和1个用于洗澡、淋浴、清洁的屋顶层。4个单体呈风车状排布,人可以从各个方向进入庭院。主入口位于建筑西侧。内部是一个亲切的庭院空间。人们可以在中心碰面,在咖啡机旁碰面。冬天,这部分空间会关闭。

极重要的设计目标之一,是帮助当地经济发展。所以所有的材料和劳动力都来自于当地,生产于当地,甚至连建筑的功能都是为了让营地为特伦村庄当地的经济做出贡献。(陈雨潇 译)

The poetic architecture of Iso Huonder is very much based on a clear vision of the potential of a specific site. He refers as much to the history of a place as to the atmosphere and possible references:a careful analysis. Very important is that the architecture is not just a designed form but also that it is the constructed material. The materials he uses are authentic and have something to do with the construction of the building. But how he assembles the building materials goes with imagination of a possible vision for a place.

Huonder creates spaces of encounter where people can meet and interact. He reacts with his buildings to the landscape and defines the space.Huonder's project for the camping in Trun consists of two volumes in wood: a main building with reception and restaurant and a bathhouse "Prau Lung". The main building is situated at the highest point "Prau America". It creates with its strong silhouette the visual focus and the balance point. Like the traditional local wooden buildings the restaurant is situated at the first forest glade. The restaurant building is situated on the northern side of the spot with the pond in its back. A roof as a symbol of shelter and accommodation forms the centre, The building opens itself to southwest where the evening sun is. Here the main entrance with the restaurant is situated.

The bathhouse "Prau Lung" contains an ensemble of four volumes with a roof for washing,showers and cleaning. A courtyard typology of four volumes organised as a windmill where people can enter from all sides. A main entrance is on the west and formulates at the western side. The inner space is an intimate courtyard space. People can meet in the centre and meet at the coffee machine. In the winter the volumes are closed.

An important design ambition was to help the local economy to grow. So all material and work force are local and locally produced. Even in the use of the building it is the aim that the camping contributes to and strengthens the local economy of the village of Trun.

3 接待与餐厅/Reception and restaurant

4 浴室/Bathing area

5 构造细部/Structural details

6 夜景/Night view

7 总平面/Site plan



8 室外休息区/Outside lounge area


GUO Liaohui: The special arrangement and orientation of the two buildings in the landscape are all related to the use, each leading an area surrounded by trees. The two types present different roles of site. As a towering restaurant with a height of 8 meters and the roof slopelike middle age churches, it obtained a meaning at city level in a "building group" consisting of tents and ravages. We can obviously link the asymmetry with the openning direction of the restaurant. From that,the indoor structures and the sizes of windows also became asymmetrical, trying to dispel the religious sense of the towering space under the spires. The inhomogeneous sizes of the ceilings and the positions of the chandeliers have not yet formed a relationship of mutual defination. Other than that, it is also difficult to understand the persuasiveness of the diamond shaped windows. The block of the bathroom is a low courtyard,with homogeneous plan and clear structure. Same as the restaurant, the emphasis on the difference between the wood inside and outside is too obvious and looks a little deliberate. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

ZOU Huan: Wooden cabins are the most common expectation for tourist stations. There's nothing more suitable than wooden structure to achieve this building with. Warm, easy, simple and natural, visitors come here to rest, to experience the symbiotic fusion of wild natural space and architectural space. The direct expression of construction details of the wooden structure itself is therefore logical. Architecture should be expressed in the language of architecture. The material colours of the facades are heavy and steady,echoing with the background of rolling mountains. The bright colours of the drainage pipes and the shading curtains add a playful sense of fashion to the building.Inside, the original colour of pine wood is completely exposed, as if you can smell the scent of rosin. This expresses the architectural experience of the cabin perfectly. If you pay attention to the treatment of the ceiling, you'll find that the deliberately kept material jointings for rhythmic dark lines in the horizontal direction. They strengthened the sense of perspective,highlighted the high space, and can be taken as the essence of the design. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

9 柱子细部/A detail of pillar

10 洗手间/Restroom

11 内景/Interior view

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Campadi

结构工程/Structural Engineer: Walter Bieler

景观设计/Landscape Architect: Lorenz Eugster建造周期/Building Year: 2015-2016

摄影/Photos: Ralph Feiner

Eight O’Clock/by Sara Teasdale八点钟
特伦的飞行汽车, X改变未来