⊙ By Tia Ghose ⊙ 翻译:丁一
It’s the end of the year: time to start fresh, make resolutions and get ready for 2018.
But as the world counts down to midnight, let’s take a moment to question why people around the planet are celebrating the New Year at that very moment.
It turns out that the New Year wasn’t always on Jan. 1, and still isn’t in some cultures.
The ancient Mesopotamians[美索不达米亚人]celebrated their 12-day-long New Year’s festival of Akitu on the vernal equinox[春分],while the Greeks partied around the winter solstice[冬至], on Dec. 20. A Roman historian,meanwhile, reported that the Egyptians celebrated another lap around the sun on July 20, according to a 1940 article in the journal the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.
During the Roman era, March marked the beginning of the calendar. Then, in 46 B.C., Julius Caesar created the Julian calendar, which set the New Year when it is celebrated today. Because the Julian calendar had a few extra leap years[闰年]than was necessary, by the 1500s, the first day of spring came 10 days earlier.
But even Julius Caesar couldn’t standardize[使标准化]the day. New Year’s celebrations continued to drift[移动]back and forth in the calendar, even landing on Christmas Day at some points, until Pope Gregory XIII implemented[实施]the Gregorian calendar in 1582. The Gregorian calendar was an attempt to make the calendar stop wandering with respect to the seasons.
Though the selection of the New Year is essentially arbitrary from a planetary[行星的]perspective, there is one noteworthy astronomical event that occurs around this time: The Earth is closest to the sun in early January, a point known as the perihelion[近日点].
Nowadays, Jan. 1 is almost universally recognized as the beginning of the New Year, though there are a few holdouts[不让步]:Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iran, Nepal and Saudi Arabia rely on their own calendrical[历法的]conventions[传统].
Different religions also celebrate their New Year’s at different times. For instance,the Jewish calendar is lunar, and its New Year’s festival, Rosh Hashanah, is typically celebrated between September and October.The Islamic calendar is also lunar, and the timing of the New Year can drift significantly.For instance, in 2008, the Islamic New Year was celebrated on Dec. 29, while it was on Sept. 22 in 2017. The Chinese calendar,meanwhile, is also lunar, but the Chinese New Year usually falls between Jan. 21 and Feb. 20.
◆ Gregorian calendar 格列高利历:公历的标准名称,是一种源于西方社会的历法。它先由意大利医生、天文学家、哲学家、年代学家阿洛伊修斯·里利乌斯(Aloysius Lilius)等学者在使用了十几个世纪的儒略历基础上加以改革。到了16世纪,罗马教皇格列高利十三世设立了改革历法的专门委员会,在比较了各种方案后,决定采用里利乌斯的方案,在400年中去掉儒略历多出的三个闰年。教皇格列高利十三世于1582年3月1日颁布改历命令。由于格列高利历的内容比较简洁,便于记忆,而且精度较高,与天时符合较好,因此它逐步为各国政府所采用。人们将这一历法称为“格列高利历”,也就是今天世界上所通用的纪年标准,简称格里历或公历。