All Things Bright and Beautifull万物有灵且美

2018-01-24 09:00ByJamesHerriot翻译种衍伦校译思苇
疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年1期

⊙ By James Herriot ⊙ 翻译:种衍伦 ⊙ 校译:思苇

如果你喜欢小动物,热爱大自然,不妨找点时间,静下心来,读一读吉米·哈利(James Herriot,1916-1995)的“万物”系列:《万物既伟大又渺小》(All Creatures Great and Small)、《万物有灵且美》(All Things Bright and Beautiful)、《万物既聪慧又奇妙》(All Things Wise and Wonderful)、《万物刹那又永恒》(The Lord Made Them All),以及《万物生光辉》(Every Living Thing)。





This was my third spring in the Dales but it was like the two before—and all the springs after.The kind of spring, that is, that a country vet knows; the din[喧闹]of the lambing pens[产羔栏], the bass[低音的]rumble[咕咕声]of the ewes[母羊]and the high, insistent[持续的]bawling[大叫]of the lambs.This, for me, has always heralded[宣布]the end of winter and the beginning of something new. This and the piercing Yorkshire wind and the hard, bright sunshine flooding the bare hillsides.

At the top of the grassy slope[斜坡]the pens, built of straw bales[捆], formed a long row of square cubicles[小间]each holding a ewe with her lambs, and I could see Rob Benson coming round the far end carrying two feeding buckets. Rob was hard at it; at this time of the year he didn’t go to bed for about six weeks; he would maybe take off his boots and doze[打盹]by the kitchen fire at night, but he was his own shepherd[牧羊人]and never very far from the scene of action.

“I’ve got a couple of cases for you today, Jim.” His face, cracked and purpled by the weather, broke into a grin[咧嘴笑].

For the next week I hardly seemed to have my coat on. The flood of sheep work was at its peak and I spent hours of every day with my arms in and out of buckets of hot water in all corners of the district—in the pens, in dark nooks[角落]in farm buildings or very often in the open fields, because the farmers of those days didn’t find anything disturbing in the sight of a vet kneeling[跪]in his shirt sleeves for an hour in the rain.

I had one more visit to Rob Benson’s place.

“Look!” Rob cried. “There’s that our ewe with Herbert.Over there on t’right—in the middle of that bunch.” Oh,they all looked the same to me but to Rob, like all shepherds,they were as different as people and he picked out those two effortlessly[毫不费劲地].

I looked away, over the noisy pens, over the hundreds of sheep moving across the fields. I turned to the farmer. “I’m afraid you’ve seen a lot of me lately, Rob. I

hope this is the last visit.”

“Aye[是], well it could be.We’re getting well through now…but it’s a hell of a time, lambin’, isn’t it?”

“It is that. Well, I must be off—I’ll leave you to it.” I turned and made my way down the hillside, my arms raw[刺痛的]and chafing[擦痛的]in my sleeves, my cheeks whipped[抽打]by the eternal[不停的]wind gusting[劲吹]over the grass. At the gate I stopped and gazed[注视]back at the wide landscape, ribbed[织罗纹]and streaked[加条纹]by the last of the winter’s snow, and at the dark grey banks of cloud riding across on the wind followed by lakes of brightest blue; and in seconds the fields and walls and woods burst into vivid life and I had to close my eyes against the sun’s glare. As I stood there the distant uproar[喧嚣]came faintly[模糊地]down to me, the tumultuous[吵闹的]harmony[和声]from deepest bass to highest treble[高音部];demanding, anxious, angry, loving.

The sound of the sheep, the sound of spring.













