王 楠,燕绍九,彭思侃,陈 翔,戴圣龙
(中国航发北京航空材料研究院 石墨烯及应用研究中心,北京 100095)
王 楠,燕绍九,彭思侃,陈 翔,戴圣龙
(中国航发北京航空材料研究院 石墨烯及应用研究中心,北京 100095)
表1 三维石墨烯材料主要制备方法Table 1 Main methods to synthesize three dimensional graphene materials
3D打印技术,又称增材制造(additive manufacturing)技术。根据美国材料与试验协会(ASTM)公布的定义,增材制造是一种与传统的材料加工方法截然相反的、基于三维CAD 模型数据、通过增加材料逐层制造的方式[30]。现有3D打印技术种类众多,主要包括熔融沉积成型(Fused Deposition Modeling,FDM)、直接喷墨打印技术(Direct Ink Writing,DIW)、立体平板印刷(Stereolithography,SLA)和选择性激光熔化技术(Selective Laser Melting,SLM)等。同时,3D打印材料是3D打印技术发展的重要“物质基础”,决定3D打印技术能否有更广泛的应用。不同3D打印材料的特点不同,但打印材料的力学性能、加工性能、耐热性、耐腐蚀性、化学稳定性通常是制约3D打印技术发展的因素。目前,3D打印材料主要包括热塑性塑料、光硬化树脂、陶瓷材料、橡胶材料、金属材料以及石墨烯等。3D打印技术及打印材料归纳于表2。
表2 3D打印技术及打印材料Table 2 3D printing technologies and materials
Jakus等[39]采用基于喷出原理的直接喷墨打印技术,制备出高石墨烯含量的石墨烯/PLG(polyester polylactide-co-glycolide)复合材料。将不同比例石墨烯与PLG在二氯甲烷(DCM)中混合,同时溶液中还加入表面活性剂2-丁氧基乙醇以及塑化剂酞酸二丁酯。均匀搅拌溶液,直到静态剪切速率黏度达到30Pa·s左右。打印过程中石墨烯/聚合物墨水从直径100μm喷嘴,以大于40mm/s的速率喷出,层层堆叠出网格结构。力学性能测试结果表明,石墨烯含量超过20%(体积分数,下同)后,复合材料抗拉强度与石墨烯含量成反比。含20%石墨烯的复合材料抗拉强度较纯PLG材料有所提高,应变达210%。然而含60%石墨烯的复合材料抗拉强度出现显著下降,应变为81%。这一结果被解释为,拉伸载荷最初由PLG弹性体承担,石墨烯含量增加并超过40%后,PLG弹性体无法包覆并紧固周围的石墨烯片,从而导致复合材料的强度和弹性模量都大幅降低。研究表明,挤压过程中剪切力使得石墨烯片沿着流动方向重新定位和排列,导致打印出的复合材料具有各向异性结构与性能。电导率测试结果表明,复合材料沿挤出方向的电导率与喷嘴直径成反比。这一规律很可能与挤出细丝的微观结构有关,小口径喷嘴在墨水挤出过程中能提供更大的切变速率,使得石墨烯片排列更加整齐。另外,经测量复合材料电导率大于800S·m-1,且随石墨烯含量的增加而增加。该研究工作利用聚合物作为黏结剂,成功实现石墨烯/聚合物复合材料3D打印。同时,对挤出过程中剪切应力对复合材料力学性能和电学性能的探讨为后续研究提供可借鉴的依据。然而,该研究工作仍未能实现纯石墨烯的3D打印。
图1 3D打印与冷冻铸造法制备三维石墨烯示意图[42](a)3D打印装置;(b)3D打印冰支撑;(c)3D打印氧化石墨烯;(d)3D打印石墨烯冰结构液氮处理;(e)冷冻干燥;(f)热还原成超轻3D气凝胶Fig.1 Schematic diagrams of three dimensional graphene prepared by integrating process of 3D printing and freeze casting[42](a)3D printing setup;(b)3D printing of ice support;(c)3D printing of GO suspension;(d)immersing printed ice structure into liquid nitrogen;(e)freeze drying;(f)thermally reduced to 3D ultralight graphene aerogels
图2 添加与未添加二氧化硅时氧化石墨烯墨水的流变性能[29](a)剪切速率与表观黏度的关系;(b)剪切应力与储能模量和损耗模量的关系Fig.2 Rheological properties of GO ink with and without silica fillers[29](a)apparent viscosity as a function of shear rate;(b)storage modulus and loss modulus as a function of shear stress
图3 高浓度氧化石墨烯3D打印示意图[43]Fig.3 Schematic diagrams of high concentration GO 3D printing[43]
表3 不同配方3D打印石墨烯凝胶的物理性能[29]Table 3 Physical properties of different 3D printed graphene aerogel formulations[29]
图4 3D打印锂离子电池石墨烯电极示意图[44](a)以LTO/GO为墨水3D打印电池负极;(b)以LFP/GO为墨水3D打印电池正极;(c)3D打印固态电解质Fig.4 Schematic diagrams of 3D printing graphene based electrodes for lithium ion batteries[44](a)LTO/GO ink used to print the anode via 3D printing;(b)LFP/GO ink used to print the cathode via 3D printing;(c)3D printing of solid-state electrolyte
图5 分层结构微型超级电容器电极电化学性能测试结果[85](a)平直和弯曲状态下电容器的CV曲线;(b)电容器体积比容量与充放电循环次数的关系Fig.5 Electrochemical performance of planar micro-supercapacitors electrodes[85](a)CVs at flat or bent states;(b)dependence of volumetric capacitance on charge-discharge cycling numbers
表4 超级电容器三维石墨烯电极电容性能Table 4 Capacitive performance of three dimensional graphene electrodes for supercapacitors
表5 3D打印石墨烯与功能化3D打印石墨烯电极电化学性能[100]Table 5 Electrochemical performance of 3DG and 3DG-N-Ox[100]
Note:rate capability was from 0.5A·g-1to 10A·g-1.
图6 3D打印石墨烯电极电化学性能[44](a)LFP/rGO半电池充放电曲线;(b)不同电流密度下LFP/rGO半电池的倍率性能曲线;(c)10mA·g-1电流密度下LTO/rGO半电池充放电曲线;(d)不同电流密度下LTO/rGO半电池的倍率性能曲线;(e)3D打印全电池循环稳定性;(f)3D打印全电池充放电曲线Fig.6 Electrochemical performance of 3D-printed graphene electrodes[44](a)charge and discharge curves of the LFP/rGO half-cell;(b)rate curves of the LFP/rGO half-cell at various currents;(c)charge and discharge curves of the LTO/rGO half-cell at a current of 10mA·g-1;(d)rate curves of the LTO/rGO half-cell at various currents;(e)cycling stability of the 3D-printed full cell;(f)charge and discharge curves of the 3D-printed full cell
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Research Progress on 3D Printed Graphene Materials Synthesis Technology and Its Application in Energy Storage Field
WANG Nan,YAN Shao-jiu,PENG Si-kan,CHEN Xiang,DAI Sheng-long
(Research Center of Graphene Applications,AECC Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials,Beijing 100095,China)
Graphene is an ideal material for energy storage application as its excellent mechanical and physical properties. 3D printed graphene materials will be widely applied in energy storage field for its precisely controllable structure and it is easy to realize large-scale preparation. In this paper, the progress of 3D printed graphene materials synthesis technology and its application in energy storage field were reviewed. The viscosity and printability of graphene ink are key factors for realizing graphene 3D printing. Scalable preparation of graphene ink with facile process, controllable concentration and additive free will be the research focus of graphene 3D printing technologies in the future. The integrated printing of graphene energy storage devices such as graphene supercapacitor, lithium-sulfur battery and lithium ion battery is the development direction in this area.
3D printing;graphene;energy storage;supercapacitor;lithium ion battery
(本文责编:王 晶)