杨涛/YANG Tao
杨涛/YANG Tao
Qiandao Lake Waterfront Tea House, Zhejiang, China, 2016
1.2 草图/Sketches
1 概念草图,绘于设计初期概念草案阶段,旨在表达设计的几个主要的概念亮点:湖景茶室,漂浮的混凝土体量和二层的镜面水池。
2 细节草图,绘于方案深化设计阶段,着重表达的是二层室外走道以及包厢跟景观水池的构成关系。这类草图对于概念的落地、建筑材料的运用、建筑的构造做法以及最终完成的效果和完成度都具有指导意义。
The architect designs the main building into a water-flled rectangular concrete volume supported in the air, leaving the ground foor as transparent as possible fot the sake of excellent view of the lake. Above the pool on the frst foor, there are three glass boxes. When people taste tea in the glass box, they could see the refection of the distant sky and landscape from the water pool. At that time, the line between the building and the pool of water blurs. □(Translated by QI Yiyi)
1 Conceptual sketches: they are sketched in the concept design stage to express several major highlighted concepts, such as the lake-view-tea room, the foating concrete volume and the mirror pool on the frst foor.
2 Detail sketches: they are sketched during the design development stage, focusing on the outdoor walkway on the frst foor and the composition relationship of the balcony with the landscape pool. This type of sketch has a guiding signifcance for the implementation of the original concept, the use of building materials, the construction method and the level of fnish.
3-5 外景/Exterior views